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1. Listen to a podcast about two new products. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1 Mindnosis is …
a an app which connects people with mental health services in their local area.
b a series of articles which clearly explain different mental health problems.
c a set of tools which aim to help people understand their mental health issues.

2 Phabit is …
a a device which reacts to data from an app on your phone regarding your activity levels.
b an online tool which helps people to plan more effective exercise routines.
c an app which represents your fitness goals as digital plants that you must care for.

2. Listen to a podcast about two new products. Which person expresses the following opinions?
Write A (Arianne) or N (Nick).

1 Sara López Ibáñez’s decision to focus on talking about mental health is a good one. _______
2 People struggling with mental health problems will find the Mindnosis kit useful. _______
3 The strongest feature of the Mindnosis product is its excellent design. _______
4 The most helpful tool in the Mindnosis kit is the “Try Out” exercise cards. _______
5 Phabit is an innovative idea, but I don’t know whether I would use it. _______
6 I like how Phabit shows you your level of activity using a real object. _______
7 The only negative thing about Phabit is the style of the smartphone app. _______
8 Phabit has an attractive design, so I’d be happy to have one at home or at work. _______

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For questions 1 to 18, choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D) for each question below. Write all your
answers on the answer sheet.
1. The Angkor complex in Siem Reap is the Khmer Empire flourished for 400 years.
a. where b. it where c. where is d. which is where
2. I have two brothers. One is an engineer, is a chemist.
a. the other b. another c. other d. any other
3. Chenda is so sorry that she did not go to the party because if she , she would have had a
great time.
a. went b. would go c. had gone d. has gone
4. that managers commit in problem solving is jumping to a conclusion about the cause of
a given problem.
a. Major errors c. Of the major error
b. Since the major error d. The major error
5. Although this is the first time Vutha badminton, he can play it quite well.
a. is playing b. to play c. has played d. plays
6. These workmen are very energetic.
a. broad-shoulders c. broad-shoulder
b. shoulder broad d. broad-shouldered
7. The boy , for he ran away quickly.
a. had to be frightened c. must have been frightened
b. must be frightened d. must have frightened
8. By noon I for 5 hours. I started at seven a.m. today.
a. shall work b. shall be working c. shall have worked d. have been working
9. ‘‘How do you like coming to class at 7 am?’’
‘‘No problem. I getting up early.’’
a. used to b. got used to c. have used to d. am used to
10. ‘Why didn’t he try that again?’
‘Well, I guess he wanted to avoid another mistake. He doesn’t like being scolded.’
a. making b. to make c. having made d. being made
11. Kunthea went to Kulen Mountain during the Pchum Ben festival, and Dara.
a. so did b. neither did c. so d. either did
12. I must get some parts of this report ; otherwise, I cannot finish it on time.
a. type b. to type c. typed d. typing

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13. Sok was so excited his exam result. He didn’t expect he would pass
a. with b. about c. on d. of
14. study hard now so that you can have a bright future?
a. why don’t b. why you don’t c. why not you d. why not
15. Vichea was so his wallet in his pocket.
a. surprised not to find c. surprised to not find
b. surprising not to find d. surprise to find none
16. Only rarely Harley’s comet.
a. people can see b. can people see c. will people see d. can’t people see
17. In bas-relief sculpture, a design projects very slightly from its background, some coins.
a. as on b. because c. the way that d. similarly
18. According to some educators, the goal of teaching is to help students learn what
to know to live a well-adjusted and successful life.
a. do they need b. they need c. they are needed d. as they may need


Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.
19. Companies that are in need of workers will usually in the newspaper
a. open b. advertise c. interview d. answer
20. The police are trying to the owner of the stolen car that was used in the robbery.
a. trace b. reserve c. operate d. schedule
21. Those who work with the public, such as policemen, should be good at .
a. handling b. adapting c. attaching d. confirming
22. The teacher has tried to give to the students to try their best.
a. approach b. regret c. relation d. encouragement
23. I want the truth! I fed up with answers.
a. compulsive b. constructive c. evasive d. permissive
24. This dessert is delicious! I’d love a second .
a. helping b. palate c. plate d. serving
25. We are not really in a to give you any definite information.
a. point b. position c. stage d. way
26. Why are you limping? I’ve my ankle.
a. bent b. folded c. sprained d. torn

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27. May I ask a question? Of course
a. Go ahead b. Go off c. Take off d. Take on
28. She is so that she believes everything she is told.
a. naïve b. sincere c. informed d. efficient
29. The glass when the bullet hit it.
a. scrambled b. stammered c. shattered d. split
30. An award was given to him in of his contribution to the nation.
a. understanding b. hope c. recognition d. viewing

SECTION IV (8 marks)
For each of the following statements, choose the word a, b, c, or d which is closest in meaning to it.
31. I passed my exams but it was long time before I told my friends about it.
a. I told my friends about my success in the exams a long time later.
b. It took a long time for me to tell my friend about my success in the exams.
c. I passed the exams a long time ago but I didn’t tell my friends.
d. I told my friends about the exams a long time before I passed it.
32. She is very pretty but that kind of face doesn’t appeal to me.
a. She is very pretty except her face.
b. She is very pretty because her face doesn’t appeal to me
c. She is very pretty but I don’t like her type of face.
d. She is very pretty but her face isn’t kind to me.
33. He couldn’t help crying when his father was dying.
a. He was crying because he couldn’t help his father when he was dying.
b. He couldn’t stop himself from crying when his father was dying.
c. He couldn’t help his dying father so he was crying.
d. When he was father was dying, what he could help was crying.
34. While they were on holiday, their house was broken into.
a. Someone destroyed their house when they were away on holiday
b. Their house was damaged so they went on a holiday
c. When they returned from holiday, they found their house broken
d. When they were having holiday, a thief came to steal things from their house.
35. Old Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will pull through.
a. Old Mr. Brown is seriously sick and other people fear that he won’t survive.

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b. Mr. Brown is old and serious though he can’t pull heavy things.
c. Old Mr. Brown is in a serious condition and he is doubtful if he will able to be happy again.
d. People are doubtful that Mr. Brown won’t be able to get rid of his serious condition

36. They are taking photographs of the events.

a. The events were taken photographs
b. The events are taken photographs
c. Photographs are taken of the events
d. Photographs of the events are being taken.
37. ‘Sokha is coming to the party,’ said Sophal.
a. Sophal said Sokha will come to the party.
b. Sophal said Sokha would come to the party.
c. Sophal said Sokha is going to come to the party.
d. Sophal said Sokha was coming to the party.
38. I wish I had attended the masquerade.
a. I hoped that masquerade would be good
b. I am so sorry that I didn’t go to the dance
c. The masquerade was wished to be good
d. Everyone attended the dance except me.

SECTION V (22 marks)

In this section there are three passages with separate instructions for each.
PASSAGE A: For questions 39 to 46
Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each question.

Cutting Down the Forests

There is nothing new about people cutting down trees. In ancient times, Greece, Italy, and Great
Britain were covered with forests. Over the centuries those forests were gradually cut back, until now
almost nothing is left.

Today, however, trees are being cut down far more rapidly. Each year, about 42 million acres of forest
are cut down. That is more than equal to the area of the whole Great Britain.

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While there are important reasons of cutting down trees, there are also dangerous consequences for
life on earth.

A major cause of the present destruction is the world-wide demand for wood. In industrialized
countries, people are using more and more wood for paper, furniture, and houses. There is not
enough wood in these countries to satisfy the demand. Wood companies, therefore, have begun
taking wood from the forest of Asia, Africa, South America, and even Siberia.
Wood is also in great demand as firewood in developing countries. In many areas, people depend on
wood to cook their food. As the population grows, the need for wood grows, too. But when too many
trees are cut at once, forests are destroyed. A future of source of wood is destroyed as well. When
some trees in the forest are left standing, the forest can grow back. But only if it is not cut again for at
least 100 years. In reality, it usually has no chance to grow back. Small farmers who are desperate for
land move in. They cut down the rest of the trees and burn them. In this way, many millions of acres
of forest are destroyed every year. Unfortunately, the forest soil is not good for growing food. Thus,
these poor farmers remain poor and desperate as before. The also lost the resources of the forest.

However, the desperate and poor people are not the only ones cut and burn forests. In Brazil and
Central America, large landowners want to raise lots of cattle for export. They put too many cattle on
too little land. When that land has been ruined, they burn parts of the forests. Then they move the
cattle into the forest land. This way both land and forest are destroyed.

The destruction of the forest affects first the people who used to live there. However, it also has other
effects far away. For example, on the mountainsides, trees help to absorb heavy rains. When the trees
are cut down, the rain pours all at once into the rivers and there are terrible floods downstream. This
has happened to the Ganges, the Mekong, and other major rivers in Asia.

But finally, the loss of forests may have an effect on the climate of our planet. Together with
increasing pollution, it could cause temperatures to rise and the climate to change around the world.
No one knows exactly what effects this would have on our lives. For many people, however, the effects
would probably be destructive.

39. This passage is about

a. the tropical forest
b. how landowners cut down trees in Brazil

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c. why are people cutting down so many trees
d. the destruction of forests
40.Greece, Italy, and Great Britain
a. are all covered by forests
b. used to be covered by forests
c. have growing population
d. never had any forest

41. These days, forests are being cut down in

a. Asia, South Africa, and America
b. Greece, Italy, and Great Britain
c. Asia, Africa, and South America
d. the industrialized countries

42. The demand for wood in industrialized countries

a. is one cause of the forests’ destruction
b. is helping to save the forests
c. is easily satisfied by the United States of America
d. has declined in recent years.

43. We can infer from this passage that poor people generally
a. do not benefit from cutting the forests
b. make a lot of money from the forests
c. do not like living in the forests
d. want the forest to grow back again

44. Large landowners in Brazil and Central America

a. use the forests for hunting
b. worry about cutting down the forests
c. destroy forests to raise beef cattle
d. use a lot of wood to build their houses

45. When trees are cut down on mountainsides,

a. the wood is usually in poor quality

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b. there are flood downrivers
c. they grow back quickly
d. cattle come in to eat the grass

46.The cutting down of the forests

a. could improve the climate
b. could cause heavy rains
c. could affect the climate
d. has no effect on people in cities.

PASSAGE B: For questions 47 to 53, seven sentences have been removed from the article plus one extra
sentence which you do not need to use. Read the passage carefully and choose from sentences in the box,
the one that completes the missing information.

a. who had been in clandestine communication with him, urged him to escape.
b. In Paris, he studies engineering for three years and architecture for another six.
c. Sophean is a famous architect.
d. Most of those were exiled in Europe or United States.
e. who seem keen to learn the art of their heritage.
f. Eventually, overseas assistance from international organizations and academics
helped re-establish the university.
g. in their native tongue.
h. despite the student enthusiasm

Reviving Artistic Tradition

Architect was another discipline where there were problems to surmount. There were only a handful
of fully-trained Cambodian architects in the world exiled or otherwise qualified to design the bridges
and buildings necessary to rebuild the nation. (47) . In fact, as one academic noted, only
two of the graduates from the University of Fine Arts classes held between 1965 and 1975 are known
to have survived the past 20 years.

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Nevertheless, resurgence in Khmer arts is occurring at Phnom Penh’s University of Fine Arts. After, a
10-year existence, the university was closed in 1975 and was not reopened again until 1989. Progress
was slow under the Vietnamese, as there was a lack of financial and human resources (48) .

Today, it offers courses in architecture, plastique arts (sculpture), music, dance and gymnastics. The
situation now boasts more than 1500 students, (49) ‘I want to keep the Khmer culture,’ says
one archaeology students. ‘I want to know more about the history of Cambodia,’ says another ‘It is
important for Cambodians arts. It is important for
us to learn it is so that we may rebuild our country in traditional Khmer style’.

Yet, (50) , the revival of Khmer arts is an uphill task, mainly due to infrastructural and
financial constraints. With so few experts in the traditional Khmer arts having survived the past 20
years, the university has had to look overseas for help.

A small team of foreign volunteers has railed to the cause and, ironically, one American professor is
teaching Cambodians, (51) , how to read and write the ancient Pali and Sanskrit

Other significant help has come from the repatriation of Cambodia exiles and one such example is
Mr. Sophean Pheuoeng who, like the most Cambodians, has an incredible tale to tell. Unlike most of
the ‘‘expat local’’, Sophean didn’t leave Cambodia before 1975 when the Khmer Rouge came to power.
Instead, he survived in a work camp until 1977 at which time his father, (52) .

Sophean seized his opportunity by running into the forest when no one was looking and then
traveling through the jungle for six days before reaching the Thai border and the help of the Red
Cross. Nothing his previous educational background, the organization helped Sophean to travel to
France, where he was able to continue his education. (53) .
He went on to practices architecture for several years before making his first trip back to Cambodia in
1988. From 1988 until 1994 he made repeated return trips, working on various aid projects such as
the restoration of old buildings, helping to rebuild infrastructure and teaching.

PASSAGE C: For questions 54 to 60, read the text (extracted from a travel guide book) about a foreign
visitor who is thinking of coming to Cambodia and wants to find out some information about the

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Read the information below and choose the most appropriate heading (title) from the box for each
paragraph. There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

a. Clothing
b. Business hours
c. Communication
d. Getting around
e. Best time to visit
f. Money
g. Health
h. Time

54. In windy season, from November to January, the temperature range is 25-32 degree
centigrade. A cool north-east wind makes it pleasant to stay. The dry season, from February to
May, is very hot. The temperature range is 30-40. In rainy season, from June to October, the
weather is hot, wet and humid. The temperature hovers around 35 C. Humidity is almost 95
per cent.
55. Virtually, everybody who comes to Cambodia on business has to rent phone. The phone system
in Cambodia has been improved with modern technology. Some handphone systems are usable
all over the country, even for international calls. Calls within the Phnom Penh area are almost
free. Long distance calls, for example, from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh, are still high in price
(about $20 for 6-8 minute conversation). Radio phones are in use too. Public phone with
modern phone card systems are now installed in Phnom Penh.
56. Women traditionally wear embroidered or patterned cotton sarongs, called sampots. Men also
wear sampots, but these days many prefer western-style outfits. The Krama, a checked cloth
worn as a turban or shawl, is used by most Khmers. Most Kramas are black and white, blue
and white or red and white.
Take cool, casual clothes, Cambodians are very modest, though this is slowly. It is preferable
for women to cover their arms and legs, particularly when visiting.
57. Arriving by air one has to hire a taxi to town. For tours around Phnom Penh any travel agent
will provide mini vans or cars. For downtown district, the easiest way and most effective to see
is by cyclo (maximum price US$1 per hour). It is possible to hire cars for a day with drivers
from $30, or motorcycles with drivers for $5-6 per day.

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58. Government offices open from 7:30 am to 11:30 am on week days. After a long siesta break,
work starts again from 2:00 to 5:00 pm. Offices are closed on Saturday afternoons and
Sundays. Banks open from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. Schools morning
shifts starts from 7:00 am to 11:00 am, and the afternoon shift from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
Markets open Monday to Sunday from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm. However, some shops open till
8:00 pm.
59. Cambodia currency is ‘riel’. However, take traveler’s cheques or cash in US dollars as almost
everything is paid in it. For excursion into villages/ country areas, it is advisable to take some
small US dollar notes or ‘riel’. The highest denomination bank note is 100, 000 riel. Thai baht
can be changed at any major money changer. Credit cards facilities are limited for the time
being although efforts are being made to introduce them on a bigger scale.
60. If you are newcomers to Cambodia, avoid unbottled water, ice, unwrapped food and raw
vegetables. Peel vegetables and fruits. Vaccinations are not required; however, it is
recommended that you get vaccinated for cholera, typhoid, malaria, hepatitis if you are going
to provinces. Medicines can be found in drug stores. Medical facilities are available in health
centers in Phnom Penh, but health insurance has yet been introduced.

SECTION VI (30 marks)

Choose one of the topics below for essay writing.
1. Why do you want to become a Teacher of English?
2. What makes a good teacher?
3. Describe one teaching approach that make students learn faster.


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