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=. from Paper 1: ationaland Interpretative Studi aa i 4 What is important for this Observational question? Ability to represent the structure and form of egg shells. Ability to render the tonal changes on the object(s) to show 3-D form. Ability to show spatial relationship among objects if there are more than 1 object. Ability to show textural interest/ contrast. In this case, it could be a contrast of textures between (a) solid (egg shell) and liquid (egg white & yolk); or (b) matt surface and showing sheen of the egg white and yolk; or (c) transparency (white) and opacity (yolk and shell) (d) textures of the egg shells and that of the surrounding. (see slides 9-18) Ability to select viewpoints which reveal the most characteristic features of object(s) under study. Ability to compose a balanced, rhythmic layout. Good selection and mastery of materials, media and techniques to effectively render the objects. Ability to interpret the question creatively although this may be a straight- forward question of realistic representation. Research and Experimentation with various styles of other artists eg. impressionistic, cubist, renaissance (chiaroscuro), super-realism etc. A simple and straight forward question for natural object study that requires minimal objects can be approached simply by just rendering the object(s) alone or made more challenging and meaningful by including other objects or placing them in a familiar setting. | Bantam Eggs Il, Sally Hingley Arranging the set-up for Observational Studies (E) Boiled (Hard) Egg broken Apart Eg Century, Salted & Hard-boiled egg (F) Eggs that have just hatched with the hatchlings D) Raw Egg broken with of egg fluids The egg shells set-up (G) Egg shells recycled eg. as flower pots, ornaments, jelly-molds (C) Raw Egg fully cracked with yolk intact A) Solely eggshells w/o contents bu may have background objects eg. Feathers, twigs, carton etc (B) Raw Egg slightly crac! + Arrangement of the objects for study is equally important as arrangement for still life. + We arrange items so that they form a balanced and rhythmic composition; there is an emphasis somewhere; there is contrast and helps with the representation of spatial relationships. + Sometimes placement of items over a background helps to bring contrast to the textures, add interest to an otherwise boring object (eg.placing eggshells over a reflective surface adds interest) By placement and its special blue tint on the interior of the shell, the crack-opened egg shell has become the focus of the lot. * The following slides will feature various ways of arranging the set-up as well as corresponding ways of depicting the set- ups using different media and styles. Saleen (A) Solely Eggshells w/o contents and setting a x Repetitions and the play of light and shadows adds interest Reflective surface adds interest egg shells only 7 Stacking up adds challenge Jeffrey Freedner, Egg Shells Shelley grund oil on gessoed Oil on panel, 2008, 5" x 8" watercolor paper Broken Egg Shell, WW Frances Poole, Oil on paper pencil sketch Joyce Geleynse, Oil Egg shells only in various media 8 Egg shells with setting: of feathers, twigs, egg-holder, bowl, basket, cloth, egg cartons or even the hand. The setting provides contrast to the material, texture, shape, colour and Details to the egg shells. Egg shells with setting *Egg shells in carton = & ws se we Placing the eggshells in a familiar setting such as papier mache cartons or translucent plastic carton creates contrast to the texture and colour being studied. Including whole eggs also adds variation to the shapes. It is also a challenge to try to render the translucence of the carton. Egg shells with setting 10 Examples of recording in different media Pamela Kharlip, Eggs on Carton, White Charcoal ey Michael Naples, Oil Egg shells with setting rendered in "1 France Belleville various media Susan Jenkins, Carton of Eggs, Oil * Egg shells with feathers add textural interest to the smooth and hard shells. Don’t just use chicken eggs, quail’s eggs can be more interesting because of the speckles. . shells over cloth with folds, a play with light & dark and textures. — egg shells with setting Jean Cannon, watercolour egg shells with setting - cloth, different media aly i" oh Nancy Tracy, watercolour Alexia Abegg, pencil Pink Lady with Egg Shells, Oil, Aaron Lifferth Emcrorie, watercolour Michael Edwards, Still Life Egg shells with setting in various with Basket and Broken'&ggs, media Oil on canvas Suzy Schultz Eggshells | have been painting eggshells for the last two years. | am not sure why | am drawn to paint them. Perhaps because they symbolize such powerful themes and yet are themselves ‘so ordinary. They are so fragile, and yet so strong. They suggest wholeness, brokenness. | am comforted in a way by the fact that only the broken shells have produced life. Egg shells with setting can also be arranged according to theme eg. A cake baking theme with baking materials, 4 complete with flour etc. y egg shells with setting Michael Naples, Triple eggs Oil on Gessoboard using bold brushstrokes, Jelaine Faunce, The Egg, Oil on canvas From Breakfast to Dessert: Oil still life by Vic Vicini Modern approach to painting. egg shells with setting painted in 7 various styles Michael Naples watercolour painting Joy Argento Computer generated egg shells with setting in various 18 media (B) Raw Egg slightly cracked with leaks Students can focus on depicting the opacity of egg shells and the gloss of the fluids in the. Also note the transparency of egg white. egg shells cracked with leak 19 Broken egg White charcoal on artagain 9 x12 Drawing in pencil Craig Stephens, oil on canvas egg shells cracked with leak endered in different media 20 (C) Raw Egg fully cracked with yolk intact. Different angles and arrangements Egg shells cracked open 2 Michael Naples, Oil Ria Hills, Pastel Hall Groat Il Cracked Egg Mystery of Being egg shells cracked open in various style & media Kristine Kainer, Duane Keiser, Realistic rendering of egg cracked open. Jelaine Faunce, The Egg Il, Oil on canvas in Super-realism style Jan Stommes Raw egg broken apart fully in 23 different styles m™ (D) Raw Egg broken with 4 mixed yolk and whites. - Raw egg broken and mixed 24 (E) Boiled egg broken apart eg. Century, Salted & Hard- boiled egg WNT TS CTL) High gloss sheen on dark jelly-like egg whites of century Boiled egg broken apart eggs 25 Ria Hills, Hard boiled, Pastel Mick Mcginty, Oil Boiled egg broken apart in various 26 media that have just hatched | the new-born young New-bom hatchlings with egg shells Anna Kitenet, hatched, watercolour Black pen on paper, King’s hatchlings Jo Taylor, Air-brush New-born hatchlings in various media (G) Egg shells recycled eg. As flower pots, ornaments, tea-lights, jelly-molds. eggshells recycled 29 Observational Approach ends here... Observational Study by my student in watercolour of a century egg broken apart Interpretative Approach or Further Development to observational studies of Several egg shells. Comical interpretation: Nursery rhymes Humpty Dumpty er Goose that laid golden eggs ete Installation & sculpture Further development or Interpretative approach Photography or Digital manipulation / Surrealistic approach brainstroming for Interpretative 31 approach ‘ultural/ Symbolic interpretation: Birth, Fertility and Hope etc Comical Interpretation: Nursery rhymes eg.Humpty Dumpty or Goose that laid golden eggs etc f GORO FUJITA, HAMBURG GERMANY © Egg shells may be interpretedina light-hearted way, using illugtrative means. ne 2 theme of egg shells Installation & Sculpture a + Plan an installation using eggs or eggs as a theme. + May develop on the idea that eggs are fragile (yet prtotect the embryos) or symbolise hope, birth, fertility etc Depicting the fragility of land, by Georgie Sharp Installation or Sculpture related to 33 egg shells Researching about other artists’ intention and their use of materials stimulates you to brainstorm on how you could present your own ideas more meaningfully. Jeff Koons, Cracked Egg, Stainless Steel The ‘Celebration’ series comprises twenty different sculptures and sixteen paintings inspired by Koons’ ongoing preoccupation with childhood experiences and child-like consciousness. These paintings and sculptures isolate moments and objects associated with life's celebratory events such as birthdays and holidays. “Cracked Egg is the only work in the Celebration series in which fracture or assault of the shiny, happy surface has taken place... But with the egg there's a sense of loss. There was an abduction. My son was abducted. By my wife. I'm supposed to be able to see him, but I'm not able to...” Gordon Burn, The Guardian, Sat 11 Nov 2006 Article history Installation or Sculpture on egg 4 shells These are suspended from the ceiling and strewn on the ground. Inside each porcelain eggshells there are hand painted Chinese erotic drawings (traditionally produced by native craftsmen). It is as if each broken egg reveals some dark truth about its procreation; a reflection on notions of sexuality (and of their liberalization) in China. ‘New Breed’ WOKmedia sept 2006 Commissioned by Contrasts Gallery and Pearl Lam (Shanghai) Margaret Higginson,Cane & paper egg sculpture for Laban Dance Centre, June 2004 = “nals Angele Lautier’s work relates to her heritage, the fragility of life and reproduction. Andy Goldsworthy, Stone egg front of Museum of Contemporary Art in La Jolla. Installation or Sculpture related to egg shells Nicole Mollett, Stratocumulus Eggshell, sequins, wood The Strange solidity of nothing but energy and water is the main subject of her work. Using eggshell Sarah Saunders, Nest Eggs, and paint to describe the immense Earthenware, Copper scale and ethereal light of clouds, the work evokes a sense of wonder at these atmospheric phantomsinstallation or sculpture related to egg shells “The ceramic vessels in this group share their form with that of eggs and/or nests. Viewed in this light, the clay bow! becomes a container of potential. | see this grouping in the same way that I see a family group, ‘community, or grove of trees; their similarity reinforcing each other and at the same time revealing their uniqueness. Grasped by their supports yet not fixed to them, these pieces elicit a quality of precariousness, invitin er concern and care.”- Safah Saunders Cultural/ Symbolic interpretation: Birth, Fertility and Hope etc Eggs contain the promise of new life aN just like Easter ’ reminds us of . ff N y, = the resurrection of prophecy fulfilled, the Lord Jesus @ Christ. For the ye Chinese, red eggs are distributed on baby’s first month. mivietnamesefolktalesser : The eggs which represented fertility of the Vietnamese land rea > can also indicate the possibilities of life in America. Cracking of the Antisocial shell, Jennifer Skalecke ‘Symbolic meanings of eggs in 37 paintings The Egg Dance, Pieter Aertsen, Oil on panel Cee CUM RCO UU COCR CLE Rie nr aR Co aoe Recon ea ACCC Rn Ceo RUC Sue uae Oe aC iN Ce ee hee eC aearen) (eM ed Cee Rec nen eet eck ke uP Te ieerieku eka ee Run ue kom neds symbolic meaning of eggs in paintings Vladimir Feoktistov, Eggs, Ink on paper ZENA ZIPPORAH| My Autobiography on Eggs, 2001 Eggshells, ink, wire and found frame| Onto each eggshell, Zipporah wrote about an event from her childhood. She notes that the fragility of the shells echoes the tenuousness of her memories. By writing round the entire shell and mounting the eggs in a sealed box, she has preserved what she can remember but also hidden parts of the stories from the viewer. ‘Symbolic meaning of eggs in paintings Surrealistic approach Art by Vladimir Kush in the Style a of Salvador Dali Rene Magritte, Elective Affinities 1933 ‘surrealistic approach to egg shells 40 OT) Hieronymus Bosch was a 15th century artist whose work is characterized as _ Late Gothic. He is also known as a medieval ‘surrealist. . Triptych of Garden of Earthly The Concert in the Egg Delights (detail 1) c. 1500 Surrealistic approach to egg shells a The Metamorphosis of Narcissus from 1937, is one of very few Dali works that feature flowers. The handsome young man from Ovid's tale fixates on his own reflection. Soon he'll drown in it, and be transformed into the flower that takes his name, The Spanish surrealist has painted a chalky hand patterned on the hero’s stance. It holds an egg (one of Dali’s favourite symbols) that’s cracked for the opening blossom. Geopoliticus Child by Salvador Dali The new man has to free himself from the past. This is depicted by the image of a birth from an egg. With curiosity, the child watches, being protected by his mother, the birth of a man from a plastic egg. On this globe, which has been turned into an egg, the continents recede. Here comes into being the symbol of the new order, a new beginning of a perfect surrealistic appréventd.egg shells 42 Photography or Digital manipulation + Normal pictures digitally doctored for enhanced effects. Matt Benson, silver gelatin print holography or digital 43 manipulation to egg shells, Digital manipulation for humour and wit -Photoshop effects to appropriate an existing picture fora sense of humour; satire or a particular Very rare and seldom seen, an American message. Bald Eagle's, puns opal seni recently hatched, egg shell remains. The fe Egg Contest @ Worth Eggstatic: Just proves they are spoon feeding us our entertainment. Photography or digital manipulation to egg shells Eggoscape, Bruce Brouwn. (Surrealistic landscape) Photography of Digital manipulation to egg shells n with Famous works using Photosho Egg-Art Fake on Salvador Dali's “Christ de Saint Jean de la Croix". 3D egg rendered with Animfor, Lower glow created in Photoshop. “0 VaUaOne One 2 aes Oa @ 0,08 0 ng © Egg-Art Fake on Andy ty Warhol's ope Pas s+ i i Marilyn Monroe i Variations. Egg-Art fake on René Magritte's "Golconde“ All by Brtsergio Appropriation with digital software 46 Other creative means ~ is Hi I How do you like your eggs in the morning? SUS&" Comelis, acrylic and collage on canvas Devine Daydreams Other creative interpretations to a7 egg shells, Moth emerging from silk cocoons _ _ Eggs at Sea, watercolour, Sandra Lindstrom Other Creative Interpretations . . 5) Eggpression: walking on eggs; juggling 1) Metamorphosis as the egg is with eggs; pelting someone with eggs. 2) Cracked os in the patter of 6) Interpretation of eggs in dreams? ) Cracked as in the pattem of a 7) Egg Shells ground to deliver calcium. broken eggshell 3) Protection as the eggshell 8) Egg asa source of sustenance and protects the embryo. nutrients. 9 2 4) E tf The Architecture of the egg shape has ) ba vting ine as “i fetes te both a formidable strength and an inding ingredients together. alternative vulnerability. Other creative interpretations to 48 egg shells, Chang HT ACS International School

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