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1. A star is loocated at a distance 0f 5,1 parsec. If the light speed is 300.000 km/second, what is the
distance of the star ?

a. 1,3 x 1017 km d. 1,5 x 1012 km

b. 1,1 x 1015 km e. 1,7 x 1011 km
c. 1,6 x 1014 km

2. Number of leap year between 1 January 10.000 BC until 31 Desember 2300 AD is ...

a. 3075 d. 2860
b. 3068 e. 2500
c. 2868

3. Venus achieves its full phase at :

a. Superior conjunction d. Retrogade

b. Inferior conjunction e. Toward superior conjunction
c. Maximum west elongation

4. At the moment of mid penumbral lunar eclipse, phase of Moon is about :

a. 0 degree d. 180 degree

b. 90 degree e. Any value between 0 to 360 degree
c. 270 degree

5. Which part of electromagnetic spectrum radiated by stars that can reach telescopes on the surface of the
earth ?

a. Gamma ray d. X-ray

b. Ultraviolet e. Radio wave
c. Micro wave
6. The apparent annual path of the Sun are called

a. Celestial equator d. Ecliptic

b. Solar equator e. Hour circle
c. Meridian
7. The second brightest star in the sky after the Sun is

a. Vega d. Betelgeuse
b. Canopus e. Sirius
c. Mars
8. If Mars pass the meridian at midnight, we call Mars is in

a. West quadrature d. West elongation

b. Conjunction e. Oposition
c. East quadrature
9. Choose the planet which can pass in the front of the Sun`s disc !
a. Mars d. Uranus
b. Mercury e. Jupiter
c. Saturn
10. During full moon, the difference between the right ascension ot the Moon an the Sun is
a. 00 h d. 15 h
b. 09 h e. 24 h
c. 12 h

11. These stages below can be considered as the late stage of stellar evolution, EXCEPT:
a. Black hole d. Supernova
b. Brown dwarf e. Neutron star
c. White dwarf

12. The fact that the spectra of most stars consist of dark lines on a bright background means that these stars
a. have cool interiors surrounded by hotter atmospheres.
b. have hot interiors surrounded by cooler atmospheres.
c. have hot interiors surrounded by hotter atmospheres.
d. have cool interior surrounded by cooler atmospheres.
e. none of above

13. A ......... year is the length of time that the Earth takes to make one revolution around the Sun between
successive vernal (spring) equinoxes. It is equal to 365,2422 mean solar days.
a. tropical d. Eclipse
b. sidereal e. Full
c. anomalistic

14. Choose the WRONG statement

a. After the Sun, the nearest star to us is Alpha Centauri in the Southern Hemisphere
b. We see same stars all over the year due to the Earth’s revolution
c. Supernova is a stellar outburst or explosion in which a star suddenly increases its luminosity from
hundreds of thousands to hundreds of million times
d. A circumpolar star is a star which is always above the horizon
e. Andromeda is the nearest extra galaxy to us

15. Which statement is CORRECT?

a. Four seasons in the Earth is caused by the Earth’s rotation on its axis
b. Albedo is the fraction of incident sunlight that a planet reflects
c. The lunar craters were due to volcanic activities
d. If a star rises at 10 pm tonight, tomorrow it will rise at the same time
e. We always see the same side of the Moon as it revolves around the Earth. We conclude that the
Moon does not rotate

16. Which statement is INCORRECT?

a. Asteroid is one of the many thousands of small, rocky bodies that revolve around the Sun, most of
which lie between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
b. Astronomical Unit is the average distance between the Sun and the Earth
c. Constellation is grouping of stars occupying a particular region on the celestial sphere
d. Aphelion is a point in its orbit where a planet is closest from the Sun
e. Galaxy is a large aggregation of stars, star clusters, gas and dust

17. If our Sun were twice as massive as it is now, but the solar system were otherwise identically populated
and arranged, how much time would it take for Earth to orbit the Sun ?
a. 423 days d. 258 days
b. 365 days e. 147 days
c. 321 days

18. Two stars have the same luminosity. Star A is 5 times futher away than star B. Which is the true
statement ?
a. Star A and star B appear equally bright in the night sky
b. Star A appears 5 times brighter than star B in the night sky
c. Star A appears 5 times dimmer than star B in the night sky
d. Star A appear 25 times brighter than star B in the night sky
e. Star A appears 25 times dimmer than star B in the night sky

19. The farthest South that an observer on the Earth can see Polaris is ...
a. Arctic Circle
b. Antartic Circle
c. Equator
d. The Tropic of Cancer
e. The Tropic of Capricorn

20. The general theory of stellar evolution indicates that

a. The Sun will change to a pulsating star within about one million years
b. The Sun will have its present size and brightness for about 4,5 billion years
c. The Sun’s brightness will decrease at the rate of about one percent per year during the next 100 years
d. The Sun’s brightness will increase by about one percent per year during the next 100 years
e. The Sun will explode as a Supernova on it’s death

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