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The term Spontaneous Combustion refers to the occurrence of fire without the application of heat
from an outside source, generally spontaneous combustion occurs in coal and in coal seam in
goaf. Spontaneous combustion can prouduce toxic gases (like CO, CO2 and others) and lead to
major accidents in which the major injuries can cause and can stop mining practice with in the
mine which tends to brings major challanges to the mine safety. Therefore, it is essential to
address this problem as soon as possible to reduce the possibility of spontaneous combustion in
the mine in the Goaf region. Sor-Range, a location in Balochistan's Quetta city that has various
coal seams, was chosen as the research site. On the basis of prior records of combustion inside
the mine, the site is chosen.In order to predict the probability of spontaneous combustion early
on, it is necessary to visit a coal mine and collect coal samples from the longwall's main face for
laboratory analyses such as Proximate and Ultimate analyses of the coal's constituent parts. A
few more steps will be made for the research's benefit in the future that will aid in the early
prediction of spontaneous combustion by comparing the data from the mine's temperature,
ventilation pressure, seam thickness, seam gradient, air flow, and mining technique. After
obtaining the values, the results will be obtained using the values.

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