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Imagine, you are sitting in your classroom and the teacher is teaching on the

whiteboard. You are trying your best to focus and yet, your mind is always
drifting off to someplace. It happens to the best of us!

It’s common to lose focus during a lecture and imagine yourself sitting on a
beach or daydreaming about playing Fornite with your friends. However, if
you really want to be productive and pay attention to your classes, simply
“trying” to focus just doesn’t cut it. 

A great way to focus on the lecture is by taking notes. Note-taking has always
been the staple activity of academic life. And with the rapid technological
advancements, note-taking has been revolutionized with the introduction of
digital notes as well as note-taking software services.

According to research, taking class notes is extremely beneficial to students

and helps them not only focus on what is being taught but also improves
their power of recollection.

Taking class notes is fundamental to better learning and should be

encouraged by all teachers. This is why we have an amazing class notes
template for you at the end of this blog post.

But we jump to it, let us first take a quick look at what class notes actually are
and why should every student take notes in the classroom.

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