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Vito Perše:

Word vježba

Zagreb, 2023
1 UVOD............................................................................................................................................3
2 ERWIN ROMMEL........................................................................................................................4
2.1 OPERATION BARBAROSSA..............................................................................................4
2.2 BATTLES IN RUSSIA..........................................................................................................4
3 INFORMATION............................................................................................................................5
4 ALLIED INVASION.....................................................................................................................6
5 THE END OF THE GHOST DIVISION........................................................................................7
1. Zadatak
2. Zadatak
3. Zadatak
 Primjer

The 7th Panzer Division was an armored formation of the German Army in World War II. It
participated in the Battle of France, the invasion of the Soviet Union, the occupation of Vichy France,
and on the Eastern Front until the end of the war. The 7th Panzer Division is also known by its
nickname, Ghost Division.[1]

Slika 1 Tiger E

The division met with great success in France in 1940 and then again in the Soviet Union in 1941.[2]
In May 1942, the division was withdrawn from the Soviet Union and sent back to France to replace
losses and refit. It returned to Southern Russia following the defeat at Stalingrad, and helped to check
a general collapse of the front in a series of defensive battles as part of Army Group Don, and
participated in General Erich von Manstein's counterattack at Kharkov.[3] The division fought in the
unsuccessful offensive at Kursk in the summer of 1943, suffering heavy losses in men and equipment
and was further degraded in the subsequent Soviet counteroffensive.[N 1]

Newly promoted General Erwin Rommel, who had served on Hitler's staff during the Invasion of
Poland, was able to, with an intervention from Hitler, obtain the command of the division.[6] Upon
taking command on 10 February 1940, Rommel quickly set his unit to practicing the maneuvers they
would need in the upcoming campaign.


Operation Barbarossa began at 03:05 on 22 June 1941. Resistance at the border was weaker than
expected and brushed aside, the tanks of the division raced forward, covering the 60 km to reach
the Neman River at Olita (Alytus) by midday.[N 2] The Soviet 5th Tank Division stationed on the east
bank of river at Alytus was completely taken by surprise, and the Germans were able to capture two
bridges and establish bridgeheads across the river. Shortly thereafter, the Soviets initiated a series of
fierce counter-attacks, bringing the German advance to an abrupt halt. [26]

The 5th Tank Division was well equipped with 300 tanks, of which 55 were of the new T-34 and KV-
1 types.[27] Firing from hull down positions on the reverse slopes of hillsides, they caused the panzer
forces their first combat losses. Reinforced in the afternoon by tanks from 20th Panzer Division's 21st
panzer regiment, von Funck could fend off probing attacks from the Red Army tanks and pressure the
east bank, but decided to delay further advance until his supplies caught up with him. [28]


Having lost 80 of its tanks in its probing attacks against the bridgeheads, the 5th Tank Division
withdrew in the night to the north-east. [29] The path now clear, the division advanced another 100 km
to the outskirts of Vilnius. Its motorcycle battalion captured the city the following day.
 Consolidating its position in and around Vilnius, the division then handed responsibility for the city
over to the 20th Motorized Division and resumed its advance east. Unlike previous campaigns, when
the Red Army positions were outflanked and cut off, the Soviet defenders frequently continued to fight
rather than surrender, even though their situation was hopeless. The stubbornness of the Soviet
defenders cost more time and casualties, frustrating the German command. Though creating pockets of
resistance, the Soviet command was unable to mount a linear defense, and the vital road and rail
communications north east of Minsk were cut on 26 June, only four days into Operation Barbarossa.
The following day, the division linked up with 18th Panzer Division from Panzer Group 2, trapping
the bulk of three Soviet Armies, the 3rd, 10th and 13th, in a vast pocket west of Minsk.[30]

In a three-day dash, the division reached the town of Yartsevo, outflanking Soviet positions
around Smolensk and threatening the Soviet 20th Army with encirclement. Meanwhile, the 29th
Motorized Division had captured the city of Smolensk from the south, but with substantial
elements tied down at Yelnya, 2nd Panzer Group lacked the strength to link up again with 7th
Panzer positions.[31] The gap between the two groups remained open, and the Soviet command was
able to move forces both ways through the corridor. On 26 July, together with 20th Motorized
Division, the division lunged southwards another 20 kilometers, [31] but still could not entirely close
the encirclement. In another week, however, pressure from all sides had squeezed the pocket out
of existence and the division was finally relieved by infantry units, and taken out of line for
refitting and rest.[31]

 The division started the campaign with 400 officers and 14,000 men. [32] 
 By January 1942, six months from the start of the offensive, the division had suffered 2,055
killed, 5,737 wounded, with 313 missing and another 1,089 sick with frostbite and louse-borne
 Total casualties were 9,203. In late winter, the division took up positions along a defensive
line running Yukhnov-Gzhatsk-Zubtsov.
 On 15 March, it took part in fighting against a series of Soviet offensives as part of the Battles
of Rzhev.
 By 4 April, the division was moved to Vyazma.

By May 1942, the division was at a strength of 8,589 men and officers, most of whom had not been
with the unit at the start of the campaign. As a result, the division was withdrawn to rest and refit in
southern France.[32]
Slika 2 Operation Barbarossa

In mid-May, the division was transported by rail to southern France, where it was assigned to coastal
protection duties with the 1st Army under the command of von Funck. Even though the division was
to be ready for 1 September, the II/Panzer Regiment 25 was temporarily equipped with French tanks.
 However, new equipment was issued, including 35 Pz III(J)s, 14 Pz III(N)s and 30 Pz IV(G)s, and
the division's two Rifle Regiments were re-designated Panzer-grenadier regiments. [32]

The crew of a Panzer IV watch a burning French warship, probably the cruiser Colbert.

Hitler had been concerned about the possibility of an Allied invasion of the continent. Following the 8
November Allied landings in West and North Africa, his anxiety rose greatly. On 11 November, the
division, as part of Case Anton, was sent to previously Vichy France, to reach the Mediterranean coast
between Perpignan and Narbonne. Assembling in a staging area around Aix-en-Provence, the division
prepared for Operation Lila, the seizure of the Vichy French fleet at the naval port of  Toulon, to
prevent them falling into Allied hands. For the mission, the division was augmented with units from
other divisions, including two armoured groups and a motorcycle battalion from the SS Division Das
Reich and a marine detachment called Gumprich after its commander. Marine
Detachment Gumprich was assigned the mission of seizing the French ships before they could sail or
be scuttled.[34] The combat groups entered Toulon at 04:00 on 27 November 1942 and captured the
main arsenal and the coastal defences. However, they were unable to prevent the  scuttling of the
French fleet in Toulon, and the operation ended in failure.

Afterwards, the division was stationed in a region between Marseille and Avignon. It remained there

until January 1943, when the deterioration of the German front in southern Soviet Union necessitated
its return to the Eastern Front.[35]


Through 1944 and 1945, the division was markedly understrength and continuously engaged in a
series of defensive battles across the eastern front. It was twice evacuated by sea, leaving what
was left of its heavy equipment behind each time.
After fighting defensively across Prussia and Northern Germany, the surviving men escaped
into the forest and surrendered to the British Army northwest of Berlin in May 1945. Following the
completion of the invasion of Poland, the limited effectiveness of the light divisions caused the
Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH; German High Command) to order the reorganization of the four
light divisions into full panzer divisions. In October 1939, the 2nd Light Division became the 7th
Panzer Division, one of Germany's ten armoured divisions. It consisted of 218 tanks in three
battalions, with two rifle regiments, a motorcycle battalion, an engineer battalion, and an anti-
tank battalion.[5]
(Perše, Ghost Division, 2022.)

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