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verified footage of the brutal murder as "a dog's death for a dog".

After members
of the European Parliament called for Wagner to be designated as a terrorist
group, he claimed he had sent the politicians a blood-stained sledgehammer.

For years, Prigozhin denied having any links to Wagner and even sued people
who suggested that he did. But then, in September 2022, he said he had set up
the group in 2014.

The US, EU and UK have all imposed sanctions on Wagner, but it is allowed to
operate in Russia, even though the law bans mercenary activities.

Bots and trolls

Another way in which Yevgeny Prigozhin got involved in world politics relied on
people with keyboards, rather than men with guns.

For years, he has been accused of being behind so-called "troll farms" or "bot
factories", which used accounts on social media and websites to spread pro-
Kremlin views. Such efforts were led by the St Petersburg-based Internet
Research Agency (IRA), best known for meddling in the 2016 US presidential

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