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Name : Silvia Indah Yulianti (1221713033) and Amelyana Putri (1221713007)

Class : Ilmu Komunikasi 1X

1.4 Letter Formating

About Christmas Eve B2 No 10

D5 No 3 Harapan Indah

Puri Harapan Bekasi Utara

Bekasi Utara Telp: 0821443366

Telp: 0821345678

25 December 2022

Dear My Friend Amelyana Putri

Hello Jay, Merry Christmas... I'm sorry and sorry for being late to the party tonight, because I bought the
newest Sulfa Diamonds Swiss Watch first.

Unfortunately, found I bought a new one that was 10 minutes later than it should have been..

Therefore that, I have to finish so that it won't be too late, I'm sorry, but I hope this incident doesn't
reduce your happiness.. love you and merry christmas..

Silvia Indah

1.4a Letter Formating

Recipient’s address (4)

Sender’s address (5)

Recipient’s telephone number (4)

Sender’s telephone number (6)

Recipient’s name (3)

Sender’s name (1)

Sender’s signature (1)

Recipient’s letter was written (2)

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