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} PART 1/2 @ arms (2 pcs) Start crocheting with the main color, arnd- 3 ch, start with the 2nd st from the hook, inc, 4 sc in 1 st, on the other side crochet, ine (8) 2end- (sc, ine)*4 (2) 34nd- (2 sc, inc)*4 (16) 4-6rnds- 16 se (mds) Tend- sc, 4 dee, 7se (e) Cut the wire 15 m long, make a loop on one side. Wrap one of the wire ends with an adhesive tape. Insert it into arm, start stuf Change the color to milk, 8-9 rnds- 12 sc (ends) Changing the color to the main 10-26 mnds~ 12 sc (a7 nds) Atthe end, don't stuff the arm tightly. Fasten and trim the thread. ‘The second arm is crocheted similarly. legs (2 pes) Start crocheting with the main color. arnd- 6 ch, start with the 2nd st from the hook, 4 sc, 4 sc in 1 st, on the other side crochet 3 sc, inc (3) 2rnd- inc, 3 sc, 4 ine, 3 se, 2 ine (20) 3 rnd- sc, inc, 3 sc, (sc, inc)* 4, 3 sc, (sc, inc)*2 © : 34nd- sc, inc, 5 se, (Se, ine)* 4. 3 8¢, (se, ine)*2 (27) Cut the insole out of plastic according to the size of the sole. 4end- BLO 2 5-6 ends- 27 sc (rds) 7End-9 se, (se, dec)* 3, 9 se (24) Insert an insole. Brnd- 6 sc, 6 dec, 6 sc (18) ornd- 4 sc, (se, dec)*3, 5 se (a5) Start stuffing. ro-t1 ends- 15 se (ends) Change the color to milk azend- (4 se, ine)*s (8) rymnd- 18 se Changing the color to the main q sgmdd- (8, inc)*5 cn) a5 rnd- 21 sc z rnd (6 se, ne)*s ey) 7-18 rnds-24 sc (emis) The next round is not complete, for the frst leg, crochet: rornd-9 se Fasten and trim the thread, for the second leg, crochet: sg rnd- 38 se Not cut the thi © : one @ Connect the legs and crochet the body 20 rnd- 3 ch, connect the leg, 24 sc on the leg, 3 sc along the chain, se on the leg, 3 se along the chain a) sc, now the beginning of the round will arend-12 sc, 24 8¢, 3 ime, 12 se 22-31 ends- 60 se 32 end- (18 sc, dee)*s 33-34 Ends- 57 sc 35.end- (17 36-37 rnds- 38 rnd- 5 39-40 ends- 48 sc Start stuffin (60) (10 rnds) ) rds) Ga) nds) (48) (ends) @ i 4urnd- (6 se, dee)*6 (42) 42-43 rnds- 42 sc (2 rnds) 44 mnd- (5 sc, dec)*6 (60) 45-46 rnds- 36 se (2 ends) 47 mnd- (4 sc, dec)*6 Go) 48 rnd- 2 sc, 6 se together with the arm, ‘9 sc, 6 se together with the arm, 7 se (30) Make sure that the arms are exactly on the sides. 49 md- 2 sc, 6 se on the remaining stiteh of the arm, 9 se, 6 se on the remaining stitch of the arm, 7 se Go) 50 rnd- 30 sc Connect the wire together, wrap the wire ends with an adhesive tape ) : sarnd- (3 sc, dec)*6 (24) 52 rnd- 24 se Crochet is approximately 12 se, so that the end of the round it the back. Fasten and trim the thread, leaving the end for sewing. head First, let's prepare the eyes. 2 circles out of white felt. Make small holes and insert the eyes. ‘The head is crocheted with yarn of the main color. arnd- 6 sc in MR 2 rnd- 6 ine (2) 3 rnd- (sc, ine)*6 48) (24) (0) G6) (42) (48) G4) 10 rnd- (8 sc, inc)*6 (60) ar end- (9 se, ine)*6 (66) 12 nd- (10 sc, ine)*6 @) 13-26 rnds- 72 se (a4 rnds) Insert the eyes between 19 and 20 rounds at a distance of 10 st. 27 rnd- (10 sc, dec)*6 (66) 28 rnd- (9 sc, dec)*6 (60) 29 rnd- (8 sc, dec)*6 Ga) 30 rnd- (7 sc, dec)*6 (48) Start stuffing. grrnd-(6 sc, dec)*6 (42) 32 mnd- (5 sc, dec)*6 66) 33 rnd- (4 sc, dec)*6 Go) 34 mnd- (3 se, dee)*6 (24) Fasten and trim the thread, hide the end inside the part. Use pins to mark the points between 22 and 23 round, ata distance of 3 st. Embroider the nose with a thread of the main color. Make tightening, as shown in the photo. Embroider a smile with a thin black thread. frosting Crochet in milk color (tweed). arnd- 6 se in MR 2 rnd- 6 ine (a2) 3 rnd- (sc, inc)*6 (a8) 4rnd- (2 se, inc)*6 ea) 3. rnd - (5 sc, inc)*6 Go) 6 rnd- (4 sc, inc)*6 G0) 7 rnd- (5 se, ine)*6 (42) 8 rnd- (6 se, inc)*6 (48) ornd- (7 sc, inc)*6 G4) 10 rnd- (8 sc, ine)*6 (60) as rnd- (9 se, inc)*6 (66) 12 rnd- (10 sc, inc)*6 (72) agrnd- 72 sc In the next round, crochet drops 1g rnd- sc, hde, 3 de, hdc, sc, 2 slst, ~5 ch, return along the chain, start with the 2nd st, se, hde, 2 se, sl st in the next st along the foundation, 28c, 4hde, se, sl st - och, return along the chain, start with the and st, se, 2hde, 5 se, sI st in the next st along the foundation, 3 8c, 2hde, 4 de, 2 hde, 9 se, 3 hde, 3 de, 3 hde, 9 se, 4hde, - ch, return along the chain, start with the 2nd st, se, 4 hdc, 5 se, sl st in the next st along the foundation, sl st, 3 se, hde, 2 de, se Fasten and trim the thread, leave the end for sewing. Put the frosting on the head, secure with pins and sew. Sew the head to the body. Sew buttons. Grate dry pastels into powder and use a brush to tone the cheeks and nose. bow Crochet in milk color. 24 ch, start with the 2nd st from the hook, se, 2 hdc, 5 de, 2 hde, 3 sc. 2 hde, 5 de, 2 hde, 2 sc in the last st, on the other side crochet: 2hde, 5 de, 2 hde, 3 se, 2 hde, 5 de, 2 hde, se, sl st. Fasten and trim the thread, leave the end for stitching. Fold the item as shown in the photo, sew. 10 For the and part, dial 9 ch, start with the and st from the hook, 8 Fasten and trim the thread, leave the end for stitehing.. Detail sew in the middle of the bow. Sew a bow to the body. ek rt

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