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All below questions can be asked for 2 Marks.

Q.1 List the Layouts in Android UI design.

Q.2 List the different attributes of Linear Layout.

Q.3 Write the different attributes of Absolute Layout.

Q.4 Write the different attributes of Frame Layout.

Q.5 List different attributes of Table Layout.

Q.6 List out the important files and folders in Android Directory Structure.

Q.7 Write the components of an Android Application.

Q.8 Define AAPT and its use in Android.

Q.9 Define view and viewgroups with example.

All below questions can be asked for 4 to 6 Marks.

Q.1 Explain the control flow of an Android Application.

Q.2 Describe essential four states of an Android Activity.

Q.3 Write the use of Androidmanifest.xml file.

Q.4 Develop a simple calculator using Relative layout.

Q.5 Explain any four components of a UI screen.

Q.6 Explain the Directory structure of Android.

Q.7 Write the significance of file.

Q.8 Explain the contents of /res folder in Directory.

Q.9 Explain step by step procedure for creating a .apk file in android.

Q. 10 Write the role of DVM and AAPT in compilation of android program.

Q. 11 Explain the use of Scroll view and List view.

Q. 12 Explain any five types of Layout in Android.

Q. 13 Describe the different units of measurement in Android.

Q. 14 Write android program to display information of 5 trains using Table Layout.

Q. 15 Differentiate between Linear Layout and Absolute Layout (Any 4 Points).

Q. 16 Write android program to display student information using Frame Layout.

Q. 17 Explain the use of onCreate( ) method in Android.

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