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The Cryptocurrency appears to expand in daily marketability. Accompanied by the gargantuan

rise of cryptocurrencies like the Bitcoins(BTC) and Ethereum(ETH) et cetera, it shows signs of an
inundation of people into the market. Surprisingly, numerous Cryptocurrency exchanges can not purvey
to open a created account feature at all time. Such is the request for an immediate access into the market
that trading created account for new purchasers is periodically restrained. The median daily trading
proportion of the market is normally in trillions of dollars. The comprehensive gross amount of the whole
market is more than half a trillion dollars which is extremely impressive and contemplating the market is
less than a decade old.

Nevertheless, in spite of the substantial amounts, there are crucial problems that banes the market which
includes the activities of cybercriminals, price exploitation, the pump and dump ICO schemes. However,
a platform has been inaugurated to ensure the distribution of digital assets clearing ecosystem based on
the blockchain technology, also creating a high-tech encryption standard, enabling for a secured,
confided, and clear ecosystem which will be beneficial. Presenting the Digital Assets Exchange (DAEX).

The Digital Assets Exchange

Which is also known in abbreviation as the “DAEX”, was established by a Global DAEX
foundation. It is an open and dispensed cryptocurrency clearing ecosystem that focus on providing lucid
solutions for cryptocurrency exchanges. The clearing-as-a-service (CAAS) is formed on distributed
ledger technology and smart contacts. The ecosystem of the platform is a solution that assimilates the
interests and advantages of the CENTRALIZED and DISPENSED exchanges.
The following are the advantages that concocts an appealing environment to both the trader and
Exchanger :

 Security
 Liquidity
 Transparency
 Efficiency

Digital Assets Exchange contrives to bring a disjunction between trading and clearing, placing them into
entities. Notwithstanding the fact that the clearance and agreement will be performed by DAEX's clearing chain,
trading amenities will still be allocated by centralized exchanges. And the open source of the universal blockchain
will also make provisions for the complete ownership of their assets to traders by issuing them a multi-segment
private key to gain entry to a “MULTI ASSETS WALLET”, (the DAEX's wallet). This gives an allowance for
traders to centralize their exchanges with attached benefits that separate the problems existing today, (trust and


One of the biggest issue in the Cryptocurrency market is

he exploitation of Prices. Prices of Cryptocurrencies rise t
nd fall drastically on exchange platforms during a short a
eriod of time, at most cases when a sellable asset drops p
y an amount of 45% in less than 24hours a day, then it's b
een that the volatility of the market is high. There are so s
any reasons that promotes the large volatility of the m
ryptocurrency market, one of the few reasons are the C
.ndividuals who have gigantic Cryptocurrency holdings i

They have the capability of manipulating the Cryptocurrency prices in the

market, and they perform this by “trading walls”, a traded wall is when a “buy
position“, that costs a lot of money is opened on the Cryptocurrency ecosystem.
Persons that invest regularly and trades in little amounts will observe the buy
position that was opened and clarify it to be an impending price increase, now at
.this point, the price of the Cryptocurrency will inescapably arise

Asides this, there are other problems that affects the cryptocurrency market, including cybercriminal
activities like the online cryptocurrency hackers, Rapid increase of different cryptocurrencies, poor
productivity over distributive exchanges and so forth. The platform DAEX has given an assurance to
the solutions of these problems, carefully ensuring the provision of an adequate infrastructure that
would amend the trading activities done in the cryptocurrency market.


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