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Final Term Assessment 2021 - 2022

Grade 5

Name: ______________________ Date: ________________________

Total Marks: 30 Marks obtained: _______________

Q1: Fill in the blanks with suitable words. (2.5)

a) Tropical forests are found in the _______________.

b) Primary forests grow ___________.

c) A ___________ mountain forms from magma that has collected between

layers of rock in the Earth’s crust.

d) ___________ is the outer most layer of the Earth.

e) A _____________ is a source of river.

Q2: Match with the correct option. (2.5)
tributries are humid

Spur collection of latex

rubber tapping capital city of Gilgit Baltistan

Skardu rivers joining at different places

tropical areas river stream changing direction

Q3: Write short answers of any five of the following questions. (10)

a) What is an estuary give an example with reference to Indus River?

b) Give important features of Potohar and Balochistan Plateau?

c) How does River Indus make the plains fertile?

d) Give a names of two beautiful valleys of Pakistan and describe them?

e) What is the difference between primary and urban forests?

f) Give definitions: Meander, Oxbow lake, Erosion, Magma

Q4: Write detailed answers of the following. (10)

a) Why should we develop the Gawadar port and how can we benefit from it in
comparison to the Karachi port?
b) Give three landforms formed due to movement of tectonic plates. Explain them
and support your answer with examples.

General Knowledge (5)

What is artificial intelligence? Give an example of a machine at home which is artificially


Give meanings of any 5 of the following:

emerge, embrace, probe, serendipitous, isolated, prediction, mimic


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