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The Bear Necessities Mepes Descriptor: year Type Descriptor Bea Tyne Rookie Grizzly Bear (Territy) Polar Bear (Swim) a a a Muscle 2 Wasned-Up 2 2 Brains 2 Retired 3 Panda (Oistractingly Adorable) 2 Driver 4 Unhinged 4 Black Bear (Climb) 4 Hacker 5 Slick 5 Sun Bear (Sense Honey) 5 6 . 6 Honey Badger (Carnage) Thiet competent Face Getting to Know Every-bear-dy nat is your relationship with the ether bears in your gang? {example suggestions: cousin, ex-lover, childhood bear buddies, sibling rivals ete.) Gecision, relationships are a 2 way street! " Relationship Relationship Relationship Relationship Mane: Relationship BEAR CRIMINAL Iihen you act, and the outcore is in doubt, roll a DB. If it's equal to or under the relevant stat, you succeed. If it's over the stat, you fail. If you're using your bear special-skil! or doing Something related to your role, roll 2 06 and pick the lowest FRUSTRATION: ‘hen the plan fails and you run into difficulty, move GREED: When the plan goes off without a hitch, move one pod

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