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Materi - 3
Psychotherapy is a form of treatment for emotional and psychological problems that
is based on talking and understanding .

The aim is to gain greater understanding of the problems and better ways of dealing
wtih them

Psychotherapy is not primarily a science, but more a skill-based profession, which

uses various theoretical concepts to understand human development and

The core feature of any psychotherapy, is the relationship between a practitioner

and a patient, a realtionship which inspires hope for healing or change. Both need
to share an understanding of the process and agree to work together within a
At present there are two basic approaches to personality
description and building its model: literary and psychological or
, in a wider sense, the method of arts and the one of science
(Allport 1968). Each of them has its own merits and drawbacks
. For instance, the first descriptive method captures an integral
, consistent picture of personality, even though it is subjective.
The second one often represents personality as a set of object
ive facts which, however, are sometimes hard to put together
to form an integral picture. In other words, we believe that
there is a certain contra-diction between the integrity of a
personality image in a theory and the degree of its scientific
verifiability: the more integral the object in a personality theory,
the less it is a "scientific" theory and visa versa.
Thus, the personality theories, mainly by S. Freud,
C. Jung and C. Rogers, in our opinion, present the
mselves as the most integral; at the same time the
Sains se very same theories are no well scientifically
verified (which does not prevent them from being
vs successfully employed in psychological practice).
The contrary position might be taken by theories
Armchair such as of B. Skinner, R. Cattell or J. Rotter.
Sejarah Terapi Psikoanalisis
Para tokoh

Franz Anton Mesmer Jean Martin Charcot Sigmund Freud

1734-1815 1825-1893 1856-1939
Mempergunakan teknik hypnosis ya Seorang neurologis di Paris d Belajar hipnotis dari JMC dan
ng ringan (mesmerism) dengan sug alam menangani gangguan hi menggunakan untuk pasien n
esti, kemudian setelah pasien meng sterycal dengan hipnotis: buta, eurotik di Vienna. Lalu menem
alami overwhelmed dengan emosiny lumpuh, mati rasa, gerakan an ukan bahwa teknik sugesti yan
a, ia gunakan hipnotis mendalam di eh, epilepsi tanpa indikasi seb g kuat dan pelepasan emosi ti
mana pasienmenemukan konflik em ab fisik dak selalu berhasil pada beber
osi yang tersembunyi ketika sedang apa pasien, dimana perlu me
mengalami fase trans mahami betul konflik ketidaksa
daran yang dialami pasien
Paul Charles Dubois 1848-1918
Merumuskan & menekankan peranan penting "pers
uasion therapy" teknik berbicara dg klien mengguna
kan pendekatan rasional. Paul Dubois tercatat seba
gai "the first significant modern proponent" of a ratio
nal therapy or cognitive therapy

tokoh Josef Breuer 1842-1925
Menggunakan teknik hypnosis & teknik berbicara d
alam upaya menyembuhkan pasien2 histeria. Breu
er  talking cure dilakukan terhadap pasien dalam
keadaan hypnosis
Konsep Psikoanalisis
(Hjelle & Ziegler, 1992)

a personality theory as a minimal requirement must be able to explain the

logic of personality development, its change with time and, further, the
issues of pathological and healthy personality and his/her psychotherapy

teori mengenai kepribadian & psikopatologi

Prinsip & Konsep Dasar

 Struktur kepribadian --- id, ego, super ego.

 Organisasi kepribadian --- 3 level kesadaran :

conscious, preconscious & unconscious

 Dasar motivasi -- dorongan instinktual --- tension


 Konflik, kecemasan, tipe kecemasan :

realitas, neurotik, moral.

 Mekanisme pertahanan ego : represi, proyeksi, dis

placement, rasionalisasi, denial dll.

 Perkembangan kepribadian ---- tahap perkemban

gan psikoseksual :
oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital.
Basic concept

Tipe Kecemasan

Reality Anxiety
Fear of a dog bite, fear arising from
the most basic form, rooted
an impending accident.� (Ego Base
in reality..
d Anxiety). Most Common Tension
Reduction Method : Removing ones
elf from the harmful situation
Neurotic Anxiety
Anxiety which arises from
an unconscious fear that This type of anxiety is driven by a
the libidinal impulses of the fear of punishment that will result
ID will take control at an in from expressing the ID's desires
opportune time.. without proper sublimation

Moral Anxiety In this conception of Anxiety, we

Anxiety which results can see why Freud concentrated
from fear of violating on strengthening the Ego through
moral or societal codes, psychoanalysis
moral anxiety appears
as guilt or shame

Tujuan Membentuk kembali struktur

kepribadian dengan cara:

to make unconscious meningkatkan kontrol mengetahui / menyadari

--- conscious ego (ego strength) masa kecil --- diketahui
. kapan awal gangguan

Efektif --- dalam hubungan interpersonal, dalam menangani kecemasan secara realistis, dalam memperoleh
kendali atas perilaku yang impulsif & rasional
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