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Things Fall Apart Ch.

1-10 Vocabulary

1. Benevolent- doing good; good natured

2. Brusqueness- abrupt or curt manner; blunt

3. Capricious- impulsive or unpredictable; whimsical

4. Compensation- reimbursement; payment

5. Elude- to avoid or evade

6. Emissary- an agent or representative sent on a mission

7. Esoteric- intended for a chosen few

8. Feign- to pretend or represent falsely

9. Haggard- appearing worn or exhausted

10.Harbinger- someone or something that signals what is to come

11. Incipient- beginning to exist or appear

12. Imperious- arrogantly domineering; overbearing

13.Improvident- not providing for the future

14. Listless- lacking spirit or energy

15. Malevolent- doing harm; evil natured

16. Pandemonium- wild uproar or uncontrollable noise

17. Perpetual- continual or enduring indefinitely

18. Rebuke- to criticize for a wrong-doing or reprimand

19. Resignation- lack of resistance; patient submission

20. Valor- courage or bravery in battle

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