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Nature Cam Video Review

ENGL 212 – Spring 2023

Important Details
Due date: Sunday, June 18 on Canvas by 11:59 p.m.
Length: Video should be 3-4 minutes
Percentage of final grade: 9%
Number of sources: n/a

Assignment Description
For this assignment, you are going to spend some time reviewing two different nature cams. Nature
cams are live feeds which allow viewers to watch animals, habitats, or other natural landscapes from the
comfort of their own homes.

Please select the two cams you review from the following sources: on YouTube:
Explore: “Livecams”:
Best Nature Cams:
EarthCam: Animal Cams:
25 Best Animal Cams:

Spend at least 10 minutes watching each cam you select. If you peek in and there’s not a lot of action,
feel free to switch cams. You should aim to watch something in action—it’ll make your review much

After you’ve finished watching your selected cams, think about what you’ve seen. What were you
expecting? Did it match your expectations? Why or why not?

Structure your video review in the following way:

0:00-1:00: Share a description of two cams you viewed. Why did you select the two cams you did? What
were you expecting? What did you actually see?
1:00-2:00: How did you feel watching these cams? Did you feel intrusive? Why or why not? Were you in
2:00-3:00 (up to 4:00): Connect some of your thoughts to the reading we’ve completed. You should
return to the reflection questions from module 5: "Do we really want a world in which everything is
mapped, monitored, and accessible from any digital device? Do we really want a world in which the wild
is forced to shed its secrets? Why does this transformation of the wild feel like a fait accompli rather
than something for the public to debate" (Lewis 126)? 

You can film your video in a number of ways: on your phone, from your computer camera, or whatever
other means you’d like. You can upload the video as a file or a link to YouTube, Vimeo, or other video
hosting service. I will not be grading you on video editing, so you shouldn’t spend extra time trying to
make your video “perfect.” You should, however, practice. This might mean writing down your
responses and reading from notes or a script.

I will be looking for a video which follows the structure noted above. I will also be looking for a response
to the questions in the structure (these are the same questions from module 5). I will also be looking for
a practiced video.

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