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Social Relevance:

In this literature review, I came across an article about the very interesting Ik tribe of Uganda.
Reading about this so called 'selfish' community has helped me greatly understand the social
relevance of Altruism in groups and societies. Selflessness plays a huge role in helping people
come together, unite, co-ordinate and stay tight knit during adversities. It is generosity and
selfless behaviour during the time of adversities that has helped many communities survive and
thrive since ages and this altruistic attitude is the what we should carry forward into the future.

Personal Relevance:
Selflessness has played a major role in my life. It has grounded, balanced and healed me
during hard times. When nothing feels right, the only option I have found open is to give back
and be grateful. Generosity, selflessness and kindness are some attributes that I carry close to
me as they've had a huge personal impact on my life.

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