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Read the following report and answer the questions below.
To: The College Principal
Re: The College Science Exhibition

The purpose of this report is to consider the attendance
and interaction with the exhibits at our first College
Science Exhibition and to make some recommendations
for the future.
First and foremost, given the fact that this was the first science exhibition held by the
College, it is fair to say that the event exceeded all expectations in terms of visitor numbers.
The visitors
Over the course of five days, more than three hundred visitors passed through the doors.
For the most part, these were adults who are relatives of the College students. However,
there were also some small children present. Unfortunately, there was a shortage of
hands-on activities for this age group, so they soon became bored and restless.
The stands and exhibits
As previously mentioned, the exhibition had not been adequately prepared to cater
for small children. Unfortunately, the workshop in the college laboratory was not
appropriate for them, so the only attraction they could participate in was the mini hot
air balloon experiment. Nevertheless, it was obvious that everyone, including older
children, had a passion for science.
Recommendations for improvements
So as to attract a wider audience, I would suggest that the best course of action would be
to publicise the event in the local press and on relevant websites. With a view to catering
for all, I recommend that there should be more interactive exhibitions and experiments in
order to ensure that there is something suited to everyone. If we address these two areas,
I am sure that future science exhibitions will build on the success of this first edition.

What was good about the exhibition?

What could be improved?

Read the question the above report answered, then answer the questions on the next page.
You are on the student committee at the College where you study. The College recently held a
science exhibition. The College Principal has asked you to write a report on the exhibition, explaining
its strengths and weaknesses. You should also make recommendations for improvements for future

68 ADVANCED WRITING | PART 2 | 2 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018

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