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Real World Percent’s Notes

Percent Proportion VS. Percent as a Decimal

Real World Percent Vocabulary: Vocabulary Help

• Tip:

• Discount:

• Commission:

• Income Tax:

• Sales Tax:

• Net Income
Real Word Percent Application Practice:
Sales Tax Example: A soccer team is having dinner at a restaurant to celebrate their
winning season. The frazzled waiter gives them an incomplete bill. Help the team fill in
the missing amounts.

Tip example: Tips are calculated similarly to taxes. The team wants to tip the waiter
18% of the subtotal. What would be the waiters tip? What is the total bill?
Discount Example: Casey goes to target to shop for back to school clothes. She
spends $150 on new clothes. She has a 20% discount off her entire purchase. How
much did she get off her purchase? What was her total cost?

Net Income Example:

Example 1) Mrs. Michelle received her paycheck. 9% income tax still needs to be
paid. What amount is her income tax? What is her net income?

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