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Crystel Mae Barquin G-11 Mt.


Activity 2: What’s In

1.1What makes a good manager?

 A good manager is of course, the one whose good in managing the company. Good manager
attract exceptional staff, they make the organisation, a preferred employeer, the help to
increase market share. A person who can keep the peace and good relationship between the
employees and employer.

1.2Do you think manager could be a good leader? Why?

 I think, but manager and leader are not automatically one and the same, but I could say that
manager have the ability to become a good leaders. Communicating well and celebrating team
differences are among the ways to embrace your natural leadership skill. Leader have several
positive traits, such as resilience, integrity and self-control.

1.3 In your own opinion, what is the difference between a manager and a leader?

 In my own opinion a manager is someone who manages their employees such as, when an
costumer is having a trouble coordinating with the employees. The costumer will have to ask the
manager instead.
 And the leader in the other hand, is big influence to the followers, a leader takes orders, but a
good leader takes care.

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