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Indian Independence in Perspective. By Sasadhar

Sinha. London: Asia Publishing House, 1964.
Distributed in the USA by Taplinger Publishing House,
New York, xi, 311, Index. \$9.50.

The Journal of Asian Studies / Volume 25 / Issue 02 / February 1966, pp 376 - 376
DOI: 10.1017/S0021911800099782, Published online: 23 March 2011

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(1966). The Journal of Asian Studies, 25, pp 376-376 doi:10.1017/S0021911800099782

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Indian Independence in Perspective. By SASADHAR SINHA. OTHER BOOKS RECEIVED
London: Asia Publishing House, 1964. Distributed The Counterfeiter and Other Stories. By YASUSHI INOUE.
in the USA by Taplinger Publishing House, New Translated with an introduction by LEON PICON.
York, xi, 311, Index. $9.50. Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1965.
124. $3.50.
A provocative and insightful, although in some re- Jordan: A Political Study, 1948—1957. By AQIL HYDER
spects uneven, survey of the complex developments of HASAN ABIDI. New York: Asia Publishing House,
the last half-century of British rule in India. Included 1965. x, 251, Appendices, Bibliography, Index.
is a stimulating, hody controversial evaluation of $10.75.
Gandhi's role in Indian nationalism. The author seeks The Magical Carpenter of Japan. Translated from die
to construct a powerful indictment of certain regional Japanese by FREDERICK VICTOR DICKINS. Rutland,
cliques for domination of the Congress. The volume is Vermont & Tokyo, Japan: Charles E. Tuttle Co.,
quite well written and its arguments merit close atten- 1965. 260, 70 full-page woodcuts by Hokusai.
tion. $5.95.
A History of Religion. The Destiny-Determining Fac-
tor in the World's Cultures. By FRED L. PARRISH.
Modern Indian Thought, A Philosophical Survey. By
V. S. NARAVANE. New York: Asia Publishing New York: Pageant Press, Inc., 1965. 279. $5.00.
House, 1964. xiv, 310, Index, Select Glossary. The Honorable Conquerors. The Occupation of Japan
7945-7952. By WALT SHELDON. New York: The
Macmillan Company, 1965. xiv, 336, Illustrations,
Index. $6.95.
This is an effort, in survey form, to present the ideas Selected Writings of a Decade. By CHUN-TU HSUEH.
of prominent Indians such as Ramakrishna, Tagore, Hong Kong: Hong Kong East Asia Institute,
Aurobindo, Coomaraswamy and Iqbal. It is well writ- 1964. 3, 200. US $0.80.
ten and interesting. It runs, however, into some for- Teaching English as a Second Language: A Classified
midable difficulties. Selection of the major pattern of Bibliography. By YAO SHEN and RUTH H. CRYMES.
ideas from the total work of relatively complex men is Honolulu: East-West Center Press, 1965. xiv, n o ,
fraught with pitfalls. Whether Mr. Naravane has done Index. $3.50 (paperback).
justice to the men in his book must remain debatable.
English Monosyllables. A Minimal Pair Locator List
At the survey level, however, the book is useful. Its
for Teaching English as a Second Language. By
price is, of course, way out of line.
TED PLAISTER. Honolulu: East-West Center Press,
1965. viii, 78. $1.25 (paperback).
A Handbook of Chinese Art. Bronzes/ Buddhism/
The Filipino Manufacturing Entrepreneur: Agent and Ceramics/ Decoration/ Jade/ Hardstone/ Paint-
Product of Change. By JOHN J. CARROLL, S. J. ings/ with 24 pages of illustrations. By MARGARET
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1965. xix, 230, MEDLEY. New York: Horizon Press Publishers,
Tables, Appendices, Index. $5.75. 1965. 142, Maps, Index. $5.00.
The National Faith of Japan. A Study in Modern
In seven chapters John J. Carroll, S.J. (Associate Shinto. By D. C. HOLTOM. New York: Paragon
Professor of Sociology and Andiropology, Ateneo de Book Reprint Corp., 1965. xiii, 329, illustrations,
Manila, Philippines) examines the origins and effects Index. $10.00.
of Filipino entrepreneurship within die social, political The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea. By
and economic setting of the modern Philippines. Based YUKIO MISHIMA. Translated from die Japanese by
on 92 structured interviews with the founders (or close JOHN NATHAN. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1965.
associates in some cases) of medium sized manufactur- 181, Notes. $3.95.
ing concerns, the author presents and analyzes statistical Diary of a Mad Old Man. By JUNICHIRO TANIZAKI.
data on their general characteristics (chapter III), socio- Translated from the Japanese by HOWARD HIBBETT.
economic origins (chapter IV), induction into die New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1965. 177, Notes.
entrepreneurial class (chapter V), and performance $3-95-
(chapter VI). A final chapter summarizes the findings The Kimono Mind. By BERNARD RUDOFSKY. New
of die study, suggests certain theoretical implications, York: Doubleday & Company, 1965. 283. $5.95.
and concludes with some cautiously optimistic observa- Nihon Kirisuto Kyo Bunken Mokfirok.. A Bibliography
tions about the future of Filipino entrepreneurship. of Christianity in Japan. Meiji Era. Part II 1859-
The author sees his work as only one of a series of de- 1912. Edited by T H E COMMITTEE ON ASIAN CUL-
tailed monographs on entreprenueurship in underde- TURAL STUDIES. Tokyo: International Christian
veloped countries, which he regards as die necessary University, 1965. ¥3500. $10.00.
spade work that must be done before meaningful broad A Pocket Dictionary. Chinese-English and Pekingese
theory can be generated. This reviewer is in agree- Syllabary. By CHAUNCEY GOODRICH. Hong Kong:
ment, and, while The Filipino Manufacturing Entre- Hong Kong University Press, 1965. xvi, 251, 70,
preneur is not likely to enjoy wide readership in view Simplified Characters, Tables. $4.00.
of its limited goals, it is very valuable for the purposes Japanese Archery. By WILLIAM R. B. ACKER. Rudand,
for which it was intended. This is one important piece Vermont & Tokyo, Japan: Charles E. Tutde Com-
of a much larger and very complex puzzle. pany, 1965. 84, Glossary-Index, Plates. $2.95.

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