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1. Who was the first woman judge of the International Court of Justice?

Dame Rosalyn Higgins

2. Medha Kotwal Lele v. UOI 2012 SC case is related to which issue?

Implementation of Sexual Harassment at the workplace guidelines

3. Right to Privacy is part of which fundamental right?

Article 21 of the Indian Constitution

4. Which judgment of the Supreme Court in 1992 upheld OBC reservations while
separating the creamy layer?
Indira Sawhney v. Union of India AIR 1993 SC 477

5. Who was the first Attorney General of India?

M.C Setalvad

6. How many Fundamental Duties are listed in Article 51-A of the Constitution of
11 Fundamental Duties

7. Who was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Late Hon’ble Mr. Justice Harilal Jekisundas Kania

8. In ADM Jabalpur v. Shivkant Shulka which judge gave the dissenting judgment
that cost him the CJI position?
Late Hon’ble Mr. Justice Hans Raj Khanna

9. Who was the first female Judge of the Supreme Court of India?
Late Hon’ble Ms. Justice M. Fathima Beevi

10. Who is the first female Judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan?
Ayesha Malik

11. Who is the first election commissioner of India?

Mr. Sukumar Sen

12. Who was the first Law Minister of Independent India?

Dr. B.R Ambedkar

13. Which Chief Justice of India had the shortest tenure in office?
Late Hon’ble Mr. Justice K.N. Singh

14. Which Chief Justice of India had the longest tenure in office?
Late Hon’ble Mr. Justice Y.V Chandrachud
15. Which was the largest bench of the Supreme Court ever constituted?
A 13 judges Bench (Keshavananda Bharti v. the State of Kerala)

16. Number of minimum judges in a Constitutional Bench are


17. In the case of Swapnil Tripathi v Union of India Supreme Court allowed live
streaming of what kind of matters?
All public interest litigation

18. The Supreme Court is open to the general public on which day?

19. 104th Amendment in the Constitution is related to which article?

Article 334 (Reservation of seats and special representation to cease after a certain period

20. Sachar Committee constituted in 2005 was for which purpose?

Study the social, economic, and educational condition of Muslims in India

21. After Hon’ble Mr. Justice N.V Ramana, who will become CJI in 2022?
Hon’ble Mr. Justice U U Lalit

22. Audi Alterum Partem means

Listen to the other side or let the other side be heard as well

23. Which case is related to protection against handcuffing?

Prem Shanker vs Delhi Administration AIR 1980 SC 1535

24. Hicklin Test under article 19(1) is related to

Decency and morality

25. Within how many weeks a woman can get an abortion in India?
All pregnancies within 20 weeks. 24 weeks for special categories of pregnant women such as
rape or incest survivors

26. First Women Inspector Generals of CRPF

Seema Dhundiya and Annie Abraham for the first time became the first female officers to hold
the position of Inspector General in the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)

27. Punishment for murder (Section 302) —Whoever commits murder shall be punished
with death, or imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to a fine

28. Monirul Molla v. State of West Bengal' contains a remarkable decision of the Calcutta
High Court that issued a directive to trial courts in West Bengal stipulating that a
sentence of life imprisonment till death, without any scope of remission, can only be
passed in rape cases.

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