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c Steven & Felix, NUS

• Max Weighted Independent Set in Bipartite Graph

1. UVa 11159 - Factors and Multiples (similar solution with Bipartite Matching above)
2. LA 3487 - Duopoly (also in Zhejiang Online Judge problem 2129)
• Max Vertex Cover in Bipartite Graph
1. UVa 11419 - SAM I AM (Min Vertex Cover)
2. LA 2523 - Machine Schedule (also in PKU 1325 - Machine Schedule)
3. PKU 2226 - Muddy Fields

4.10 Chapter Notes

Take note that recent ICPCs and IOIs usually do not just ask contestants to solve problems involving
the pure form of these graph algorithms. New problems usually require contestants to combine two
or more algorithms or to combine an algorithm with some advanced data structures, e.g. using
BFS and Dijkstra’s together in the same problem to compute shortest path on both weighted and
unweighted version of the same graph, to combine longest path in DAG with Segment Tree data
structure, etc.
This chapter, albeit already quite long, still omits many known graph algorithms and graph
problems that are sometimes tested in ICPCs or IOIs, namely: Kosaraju’s algorithm for find-
ing Strongly Connected Component, Prim’s and Boruvka’s algorithms for Minimum Spanning
Tree, k-th shortest paths, Euler’s Path/Tour, Fleury’s algorithm, Chinese Postman Problem,
Hamiltonian Path/Tour, Bitonic Traveling Salesman Problem, Arborescence, Tarjan’s Offline
Lowest Common Ancestor, Dinic’s or Push Relabel algorithms for Max Flow, Circulation
Problem, Kuhn Munkres’s (Hungarian) matching algorithm, Edmonds’s Blossom Shrink-
ing, etc.
If you want to increase your winning chance in ACM ICPC, please spend some time to study
them beyond this book. These harder ones rarely appears in regional contests and if they are, they
usually become the decider problem. Harder graph problems like these are more likely to appear
in ACM ICPC World Finals level.
However, for IOI contestants, most graph materials in IOI syllabus are already covered in this

There are approximately 173 programming exercises discussed in this chapter.


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