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Complete the sentences using the coordinating conjunctions "and, but, or,

for, nor, so"

1. I forgot to take my umbrella with me, I got soaked under the heavy
rain yesterday morning.
2. Natan could get the job easily, he was the only applicant for that
position in the company.
3. Nanik vacuumed the floor, I dusted the furniture last weekend.
4. Ridho really wanted to go to the pop concert, he had to study for the
French exam.
5. The students decided not to go out in the break, it was snowing
6. People should stop cutting down the trees, we will suffer a lot from
air pollution.
7. Nurul did not take a shower, did she brush her teeth this morning
since she was very tired.
8. Can you finish the English project on time, the teacher will give you a
bad mark?
9. I didn't have enough money to buy the laptop I liked, I borrowed
some money from my friend.
10.Cantika had enough money to buy a new car, she couldn't decide
which one to choose.

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