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Bastidas Paul

One day, when the sun was shining over all that you can see, one witch was hanging

around the forest with her cat, both was searching some things for cooking a mysterious

potion, but when the witch try mix the ingredients, the potion failed. The cat turned his head

to right and left, with a lot of deception, but he, immediately, went to catch the broom for left

that forest with his witch. Then when they were flying in the sky, her hat left her head and it

was dragged by the wind, and lost in the forest. The witch did not think twice and went to

search her hat. Some minutes later, from inside of some shrubberies showed up one little and

tender dog biting the hat with enormous energy. The dog, once discovery with his mischief,

let the hat and said he wanted join to the witch and cat team. The cat was not happy with that

but the witch said yes and the three went up in the magic broom and again they were in the

sky. Some minutes later, the wind dragged her bow and it lost in the hay. Now, the witch, the

dog and the cat started to searching that bow, but, in his try, the dog only found a bone.

suddenly, from a hole in one tree showed up a bird, a beautiful green bird that said to witch he

was exclude of his flock, and he wanted to join to her team. The cat said no, the dog said no,

but the witch said yes. Some minutes later, her wand fell to swamp, and here they met a frog,

a very clean frog that hated the dirt. The frog said he was tired of other frogs that loved the

dirt, and requested join to their team. As it was expected, the witch said yes. Now, were one

witch, one frog, one bird, one dog, and one cat over the broom. The broom did not resist all

weight and it broke, letting fall all body. Suddenly, one dragon showed up from clouds and

tried to eat the witch. Nevertheless, the witch´s friends worked in team and achieved scare

away the dragon. Finally, the witch tried again to prepare her mysterious potion. Each of they

grabbed one thing that they appreciated, and gave that to the witch, who put all in their potion.

Then, the potion gave a beautiful broom, and each of they had their place for be happy.

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