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OGRE KINGDOMS oa 9K 02 6/2/12 08:18 Page 2 INTRODUCTION Groblass BAG AND BRUSH Groblar Scraplaunchers res ‘The Great Maw ean ‘The Big Migration Stonchorns ‘The Ogre Kingdoms Thundertusks Ogre Tribes I asus Goldtooth “Tes of Legend Golgfag Maneater. Big Times A Timeline of the Opes Bragg the Gutman (Great Bales ofthe Ogres Skrag the Slaughterer ‘THE LUMBERING HORDES. ‘Army Special Rules ‘rants Brusers Slaughtermasters & Butchers Birebellis Hunters Sabretusk Packs Ogres Ironguts Leadbelchers Maneaers ‘Mournfang Cavalry Gorgers Yhetees Giants ‘Ehren sign ine esc eS rene Pe as hae ef ne Stak “Acie Spend Rasa bs Cry her bf Mera ar eg ‘retina ine ra, ei ya enn Ws i, Cn yn Thi tg a eto sant ; Senn Sangam Stack edn Norse Novae anni sien aa C0 a/2/11 09:19 Page a =~ INTRODUCTION With a heavy tread, they stomp into battle with but one thought ~ to smash, pulverise and club anything that dares to stand up to them. Welcome to the Ogre Kingdoms. This book provides all the information you need to play an Ogre Kingdoms army in a game of Warhammer. WHY COLLECT OGRES? ‘Ogres are great hulking monstrosities with 2 real appetite for destruction, They are utterly ruthless and enjoy using their ‘massive brawn to dominate athers, The way Ogres igure it ‘heir enemies have to choices surrender ther treasures, cor get fatened and then surrender their ueasures~ and ‘Ogres areal bothered about which option their foes pic, ‘Ogres combine a mercenary outlook and a bullying nature vwith an insatiable gluttony ~ a voracious hung swealth and power [An Ogre army it fearsome sight ~ 4 seaty mast of colossal warriors backed up by primeval monsters and shagey tasked beasts from an iceridden age that prowl the world. On the batefild, Ogres don't ust defeat their emits they breather, grind them and then consume rat gory chunks Then they look for more HOW THIS BOOK WORKS Warhammer Armies books are spi which dele with a diffrent aspect of (Ogre Kingdoms contains to sections each of army. Hlarhaner + Big and Brotish, This section describes the backgrosnd of the Ogres: their lody histor, most famous bates and legendary leaders. Also included are deals on Ogre tibes tnd an exploration oftheir realm ~ the monsters ‘Mountains of Mourn also known as the Ogre Kingdoms + The Lumbering Hordes, Each and every unit ype inthe amy is examined here, wath fall description of each ‘entry, alongside is complete rules, This section also inches the Ogres’ Tools af Destruction (magic items) and the Lore ofthe Great Maw (the Ogre spell lore) thering of Might. Here you wil se photographs of the range of Citadel miniatures avilable fr the Ogre Kingdoms army, gloriosly painted by Games Workshop's sworld-renowned ‘Eavy Met ean, Ore Kingdoms Army List. This stakes he troops, a machines, and infimoss indie from previo eections zac arranges them so you can choose an any for your ‘games, Unite are cased as Characters (Lord or Hlero Cor, Special or Rare, and can be taken in dierent qu depending onthe size of the ame you ae playing FIND OUT MORE While Warhammer: Ore Kinglomscontains evrything yo need to play game with your army there ae always more tactics to use, diferent batles to fight and painting ideas to try out. The monthly magazine White Darl contains aces about all arpects of the Warhammer game and hobby, and you can find aticles speci tothe Ores and their Violent ways om our website ‘wow games ‘across the world, heedless of borders, barging through even hostile territory given. They war constantly, not alice, but for profit and for such are the C06 2/2/11 16:14 Page & rel OGRES ‘Ogres ae large, lol creatures that go ost of their wy to make a formidable impresion. Even in a violent world sed to constant warfare, tis hard not te in awe ofa creature ‘that ean smash a mart riby and send him Dying through the sir ith a single swipe ofan iton-bound club. Though if raw strength alone ist enough to cause a sti, he sight ofan ‘Ogre reaching out 4 meaty hand to lift up and consume his recently broken victim in great, greedy bites ix sure to register horror inal but the boldest of hears “The first ching anyone notices about Ogres is how big they are Afullgrown Ogre stanls realy twice a tall as man Sand several times as wide, Thore who deal with Ogres find they chiefly exhibit wo distinct expressions ~ cat of glum intimidation and a sinister grin, which is far woree. Aside Irom rancid mestcbreath that can state s Dwat saber, (Ogres have fat, overlapping teth that ae unusually strong = they can bite through the bark of a sturdy Dralewald Oak as easly as if it was the skin ofa roast chicken. When a, ‘Ogre grin, thas lise to do wih mirth and everything to doth showing the victim what ir going to happen next, GUTS AND GLORY There it ite that Ogres cannot estan their arg guts attest to this. To Ogres, a gut is of utmost importance to its fowner ~ socially, physical and even spiritually. Not only are tan Ogre’ vital organs situated deep within hs belly, bur he gut is also a status symbol that declares wealth and power ‘The largest and most impressive guts belong tothe Tyrants the leaders and tribal kings that re large groupe of Ogres. All Ogres protect their innards witha large, crear ‘gut. plate! worn over the protrusion. These ae usually made of ‘metal beaten into shape, but poor Ogres are known 0 use Fide-skins, cast of cartwheels, of even ones made of bone. While Ogre are undeniably ft, underneath all hat bibloer resides massive slabs of pure muscle. Their thick arms end in great hamfsted bande tht wield large clubs with lethal case, An Ogre's legs are stout and treles, all the beter to tarry such slumpen Irame. With thick skin a resent as cured leather, Ogres can survive cold environments and are cexvemely tough, able to shrug of minor wounds. For chis treason, only the richest and most elite Ogres bother with armour beyond their gutplates and insead stride to bate bare-chesed. Ibis common amongst many tribes to tattoo themaclves o daub themeclves with warpaint, although, as ‘Ogres are not hygiene in the least, ss hard to distinguish what i tibal masking and what ie pstainner rite MIGHT MAKES RIGHT A lone Ogre is capable of besting a dozen men ina fight and a dozen Ogres can overthelm a vllage of men snd ea he beter half oft defenders. A whole army of Ogres, however, is something else altogether. Each Ore regiment isa sweaty, bellowing mase that bude up fearsome momentum that slams home ike ton of bricks. An stmy is made up of many ‘sch regiments and i it ike an avalanche ~ a great, “sveeping wave of crushing destruction. But Ogres do not stomp t war by themselves, they bring with ther lumbering ‘eave creatures, hairy and long-tusked monsters from the wi ‘mountains, an all manner of ferocious beasts ‘The reason Ogres find warfare so much to ther liking is that a they crush and conquer their way across the land, they can seize everything they need to survive and more t0 spate. Where does an army fall of ten=fot tll, mscle= bound monsters go? The answer, naturally is wherever it want. So Ogre aries, led by the largest and most ferocious oftheir kind, trudge the world, secking riches and énaless supplies of fresh meat And no matter how much food or loot they seize, i never satisfies them for long. ‘CRUDE INGENUITY (Ogres are not great builders — learned scholars deserbe them as ‘thik as two short planks’ although they do also note that Ogres can beat neuly anything to death with 70 such planks, Rumour has it tha by putting an ear close to an (gre's heal ts posse to hear the ocean. Thi, however seems likely «pecltion, a= noone in ther ight mind ‘would dare to put his ear tht clase to such a avenoue {eatures mouth Its ue that moet Ogres are somewhat dim and asa race do not invent things or create anything of beauty or lasting worth. However, they do have success cobbling things together out of scrap material (Ogre club are an example ofthe race’ crude ingenuity far although they are blunt instruments that ae simple in design and function, they ae all improved! by their beaters, Some dre topped with rocks or curved Blades or strengthened with ‘hains. Other clube have their sweet spot — the part hat hits wath the greatest force ~ enhanced sith bound iron, Iksobby metal protrusions or even the teth of one ofthe many enormos monsters that Ogres ike to hunt. To se 1 mere unadorned tee ough in bathe would be abit embarassing. These simple spgrades are indicative ofall (Ogre-buil em, rom their machines of war to the skin huts they set up at their camps. The Ogres quick and ready ability oe natural resources, mixed with whatever scrap oF ‘war detritus eon hand, hae come fom their roving ways ind the inhospitable terrain in which they periodically stl WANDERERS FAR AND WIDE ges are resess creatures, and their tibes are nomadic — ready to mave camp at the drop of a well-gnawed bone. (gees often wander fr from their homelands, and when their armies are onthe move, they'leave behind them 3 tail af wreckage an litle else. The great crump-