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Personal Development Plan Template

Your Defini4on of Leadership

The way you engage with leadership is influenced by how you define leadership. Before you con:nue your journey as a leader through this program,
we want you to take some :me to reflect on what leadership means to you.
Step 1: Respond to the following ques:ons (200-300 words) – How do you personally define leadership? How might your core values influence the way you
prac:ce leadership?

1.) How do you personally define leadership?

I personally define leadership in a few ways. One, I think it means you bring others around you
up. Great leaders have a way of supporting others and making them more productive and
effective. Two, I define leadership as someone who engages with others in order to accomplish
something, regardless of your expertise and background. Third, leadership means you trust
and respect those that you work with. If you don’t trust someone, there is no way they can be a
productive part of your team. And most importantly, I define leadership as having self-knowledge. When a leader
adopts leadership, they know their passions, motivations, strengths, limits, and personal values and are committed
to continually learn and reflect on themselves. Leadership requires knowing yourself so you can help and team up
with others.

2.) How might your core values influence the way you practice leadership?
My top core values are love, relationships, spirituality, authenticity, adventure, learning,
compassion, honesty, respect, and meaningful work. With that in mind, my core values will
create a unique way I approach leadership and taking the role as a leader. One of my core values is compassion,
so as a team leader, I will incorporate that by attentively listening to those I lead and understand the challenges
they face. I would like to take action by supporting and helping them. My values will also
guide my decisions. As a leader I will have many decisions to make and they can impact not
only me, but others as well. For example, one of my other values is honesty, which means I will need to be
transparent and open when it comes to decision-making. Having the willingness to communicate to my team will
allow us to discuss issues and think through alternatives. Values strengthen one’s ability to influence.
Your Leadership Coach
We aim to match every Leadership Cer:ficate par:cipant with a coach to guide you in your leadership development. In order to facilitate the matching process,
we need some personal informa:on from you.
Personal Development Plan Template
Step 2: Please share below any personal informa:on that might help us match you with a Leadership Coach (e.g., hobbies, personality traits, campus or
community involvement, academic or career interests). If someone you know has agreed to serve as your Leadership Coach, please share their full name and
email address so we can match you with them.

As far as my hobbies go, I like to study different languages (currently focusing on Korean), watch films and TV shows, read, journal, take long
walks, listen to music, watch documentaries, and draw. I consider myself to be observant, introspec:ve, adaptable, friendly, and crea:ve. On
campus, I am involved in the La:no Student Associa:on, Nuestra Verdad Publica:on (La:nx), We C U Community Engaged Scholars Program and I
am a James Scholar. My major is Global Studies and I am interested in working in government, tourism and interna:onal development.

Your Leadership Competencies

Step 3: Select one competency from the Personal/Self level of prac:ce and one competency from the Interpersonal/Team level of prac:ce. Next, select two
competencies from any of the four levels of prac:ce. Ul:mately, you should have selected a total of four leadership competencies.

• Personal/Self: Self-Knowledge, Self-Management, Reflec:on, Empathy, Openness, Integrity

• Interpersonal/Team: Common Purpose, Communica:on, Rela:onship Management, Group Dynamics, Followership, Cultural Competency

• Organiza5on: Change Management, Diversity Advocacy, Systems Thinking, Innova:on

• Community/Society: Human Dignity, Social Jus:ce, Global Competence, Service-Minded, Sustainability

Fill in the competencies you have selected in the spaces below and address the following three ques:ons for each competency. We strongly encourage
par:cipants to complete all four modules of the ILI before finalizing this step, as it will help with developing objec:ves.

Jus5fica5on: Why did you choose this competency?

Reflec5on: What do you already know about this competency?
Objec5ve: How do you plan to develop this competency? List at least three goals for each competency.
Personal Development Plan Template
1. 2. ________Group
_____Openness___________________________________________________ Dynamics_____________________________________________________
Jus+fica+on: I chose this competency because I feel like I have not had
sufficient experience in groups in which I have par+cipated fully. I also want to
Jus+fica+on: I chose this competency because I want to become an expert in
improve my skill in group communica+on and knowing to how interact with
being an open person. Because my tenta+ve career requires me to meet all
different kinds of people in a group seNng. Lastly, I would like to know how to
kinds of people around the world, I need to hone my openness skills in order to
confront conflict, compromise, and maintain good rela+onships within a
effec+vely interact and form posi+ve rela+onships. I also want to learn how to
address different communi+es and cultures to form close rela+onships with
Reflec+on: Group dynamics is knowing how to handle interpersonal conflicts
appropriately. It is also knowing how to recognize how rela+onships can
Reflec+on: One thing I already know about this competency is that it is all
change within groups and adap+ng to a leadership style. Lastly, it is knowing
about being responsive to new ways of thinking while holding on to your
yourself and learning how you can adapt and adopt to a variety of dynamics
personal values. It is also about being open to new experiences and mee+ng
within a group.
new people. Openness can also be reflec+ng and internalizing the new things
you have learned from others and incorpora+ng them into what you already
believe in order to become a beGer person.
Objec+ve: I would like to join Model United Na+ons at UIUC. I also want to
commit to speaking up in class as least once per session for one semester. I
would like to aGend the Global Learning & Leadership workshop. Lastly, I want
Objec+ve: I want to aGend the Innova+on i-Program as well read the book
to lead a group in my class if there is an upcoming project or presenta+on that
recommenda+ons from the Illinois Leadership Inventory. I also want to commit
requires teamwork.
to open myself up and meet all kinds of people. Lastly, I want to aGend the
Inclusive Conversa+ons workshop.
Personal Development Plan Template
3. _____Rela:onship 4. ________Self-
Management_____________________________________________________ Management_____________________________________________________
Jus+fica+on: I want to work on this competency because I am a beginner at it.
Jus+fica+on: Because I will come across all kinds of people in my life+me, it is Although I am much beGer at organizing my life than before, I know there are
important for me to further develop this skill. I also want to be beGer in my +mes were I do not follow through and I want learn other methods to
roles as a friend, partner, colleague, sibling, and daughter to others. I also improving myself. I also want to become more organized with my +me and
want to work on rela+onship management because I want to know how to efficient in my work ethic.
communicate beGer with others and solve problems effec+vely.

Reflec+on: I know that self-management is about iden+fying your goals and

working towards them. It is also about managing yourself and your ac+ons
Reflec+on: Rela+onship management is about building and maintaining your while having a good and healthy aNtude and maintaining your rela+onships.
rela+onships. It is also about adap+ng different styles of interac+on to build Most importantly, it is also about knowing yourself in the sense of your limits,
rela+onships. Most importantly, it is knowing how to manage conflicts standards, and what helps you succeed.
between others when they arise.

Objec+ve: One goal I have is to aGend the Goal SeNng & Produc+vity
workshop. Another goal I have is to plan out my whole month at the beginning
Objec+ve: I would like to take the spring 2021 workshops about Conflict of each month. I would like to also aGend the Personal Development: Self-
Management and Communica+on. I also would like to aGend an ally training Management workshop. Lastly, I want to aGend a Study Skills or Time
session. Lastly, I will invest more +me in the rela+onships I have as well as the Management Workshop offered by the Office of Mul+cultural Student Services
ones I will form in the future. One step I will take to invest more +me in my (OMSA).
rela+onships is doing weekly check-ins with my friends and family and talk
about our highs and lows.
Personal Development Plan Template

Your Timeline
Step 4: Use the chart below to map out your :meline for comple:ng the Leadership Cer:ficate Program. This plan is intended to serve as a guide to get started
and approach your journey through the program with inten:onality!

Requirements: Cohort and coach mee:ngs, one academic course (AGED/LEAD 260), two i-Programs, two team experiences, 10 hours of leadership trainings &
workshops, and an ePorholio

Semester 1 _Spring 2021_______________ Semester 2 ______________Fall Semester 3 _______________Spring

2021______________ 2022_____________
Personal Development Plan Template
• Meet w/ Cohort • Meet w/ Coach • Meet w/ Coach
• Meet w/Coach • Alend Second i-Program: Innova:on i-Program • Complete 2 Hours of Trainings & Workshops
• Complete 4 Hours of Trainings & Workshops (Completed first one Fall 2020) (Ally Training and Personal Development
(Goal Sekng & Produc:vity and Inclusive • Complete Second Team Experience Workshop)
Conversa:ons workshops) • Complete 4 Hours of Trainings & Workshops • Alend Comple:on Workshop
• Complete First Team Experience (Conflict Management, Global Learning & • Submit ePorholio
• Take LEAD 260 Leadership and Communica:on Workshops)

Step 5: Please include a copy of your current resume when you upload your PDP to the ILC website! It will help us match you with a Leadership Coach.

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