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• Are you a multipotentialite or a specialist?

I didn’t realize that I was multipotentialite because when I was just a kid my parents
already told me that I can do a lot of things, starting with using computer doing parkour at the
age of 3 years old and as I got older, I discovered different things just like Emile Wapnick
mentioned about the “Idea synthesis” it’s not how many you can do things, it is on how you can
be successful in one of those things.

• What are the benefits if the specialists and

multipotentialites will work together?
If the specialists and multipotentialites worked together there will be a debate when it comes
to ideas because for the specialists they’re specialized to their work while the
multipontentialites have the limited idea on the certain topic that they want to discuss about,
but still if they worked together it’s going to be successful because multipotentialites can
absorb specialists’ knowledge, awareness and discipline so that he/she can apply it to different

• Do you agree with the statement below? "It is rarely a waste of time to
pursue something you're drawn to, even if you end up quitting." Why?
At first, you’ll agree about the statement based on what you’ve experienced but, in the end,
you can still try different things until you become successful, because in life there’s no 100%
sure that you’re going to be successful in what you’re doing today all you need to do is to have
faith in God and yourself, don’t let other people distract you from doing your things and just
follow your heart.

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