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1. Identify the type of text.

A newspaper article.
2. What is the text about?
Global racism
3. Outline the content of the text.
It writes about George Floyd. US police force. COVID-19 pandemic. Using transmission
terminology. Nazis and dead people. Industrial Racism. Solutions to stop racism:
individual collective work, on individual level, on organizational level, and business.
4. Find five examples of opinion as expressed in the text.
“His tragic death”
“the unintended and unforeseen side effects of industrial and exploitative modernity.”
“It is thus a painful irony that the US…”
“The fact that we rarely hear about the killing of millions of other victimised groups may
reflect the structural racism of our world.”
“blur the concept of self and others and simply treat everyone, whatever their skin
colour, equally.”
5. How does the composer effectively make use of comparison in the text?

6. Identify two references to historical situation in the text. What is the composer’s
purpose in using these examples?
She references to the COVID-19 pandemic, in using it’s ideas and terminology in relation
to Racism.
Also Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in WW2, as a reference point to the “worst racism act
7. What is the composer’s purpose in writing this text?
To give more insight to Racism today and contribute to the stopping of Racism.
8. How are the use of pronouns used effectively in the text?
She uses “we” and “us” when looking at a global situation for BOTH the COVID-19 and
Racism. Only using “they” to groups frowned upon.
9. Describe the organisation of the text.
She introduces us with recent events strongly relating to Racism with George Floyd. She
then progresses to how Racism started and “spread.” And finally ends with how to make
an end to Racism and “curbing the pandemic of racism.”
10. Find the meaning of the following terms:
 Structural racism
 Exploitable modernity
 Eugenicist
 Irony
 heg

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