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 WebAccess/SCADA V9 Advan... (SRP_0000555) (https://academy.advantech.


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1. Which database we can not design a customized table to write data into?

Oracle DB


Microsoft SQL



Which property is not required when you configure a Modbus RTU server?  

Baud Rate


COM port number

 IP Address


What is the default port that Super SCADA use?

 502





Consider a user has two WebAccess/SCADA: One is primary node and usually online, the other is back up
node and only will be online when primary node shutdown.

We call this system as _____

 Redundant Node System


Indirect System

Customized HTTP (MQTT) Server System


What will happen when the lower SCADA node is dynamic IP address in a super SCADA architecture?

The lower node can not find the upper SCADA node

 The lower node needs to configure "Send Where I Am" properties

The upper node needs to configure "Send Where I Am" properties

The upper node needs to enable the dynamic search property


In SaaS Composer, if we want to make a planet move around the other planet, we need to

Bundle the planet and the orbit by global variable.

Program the moving algorithm on the model.

 Bundle the planet and the orbit by navigation path.

Bundle the planet and the orbit in animate paths.

If we want to write SCADA data log into an MS SQL database through ODBC, what is a feasible way?

Use a third party tool such as Fiddle or Postman to retrieve data from WebAccess/SCADA and write it into your

Use Web Service to read data from WebAccess/SCADA and write it into your database

 Use TCL script to read data from WebAccess/SCADA and write it into your database

Write a JSON file called by WebAccess/SCADA to read data from SCADA and write it into the database


How can WISE-PaaS/Dashboard display data from MS SQL database?

Use JavaScript to read data from the database and display it through a widget

Use JavaScript to read data from database and display it through a symbol

 Add a new data source and display it through a panel

Add a new SRP frame and display it through a panel


Which is the typical application of BwDB driver? 

 WebAccess/SCADA log data to database through ODBC, and read the data through BwDB driver.

PLC devices log data into database, and WebAccess/SCADA read the data through BwDB driver.

PLC or edge devices write data into a temporary memory space, and WebAccess/SCADA read the data through
BwDB driver.

PLC or edge devices publish data into the broker in WebAccess/SCADA, and SCADA retrieve the data through
BwDB driver.


Which of the following can not provide real-time monitoring function?

 DrawDAQ


SaaS Composer


Which of the followings is true?

 WebAccess Super SCADA use Modbus TCP as the communication protocl

The Modbus port number in upper SCADA node and Send Where I Am to Port in lower SCADA node must be
different to avoid port conflict

Port 504 in SuperSCADA is fixed, user can not change the port number arbitrarily

WebAccess/SCADA provides three different communication protocols when super SCADA is used


To monitor the SCADA node status in redundant SCADA system, which system tag we need to create?




 NodeSTS


What is the usage of Postman?

 To test the WebService connection

To test the MQTT connection

To test the OPC UA connection

To test if the SCADA redundant system works


We create many panels on a dashboard in WISE-PaaS/Dashboard just like we create many ______ on a

________ in SaaS Composer

Components ; Asset

Components ; Scene

 Models ; Display
Symbols ; Display


Why we need Super SCADA system?

To make other SCADA act as redundant SCAADA node when primary node shutdown unexpectedly.

To reduce the amount of license in the whole system.

To communicate all the edge devices under modbus protocol.

 To make one SCADA node can monitor and control other SCADA node.

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