Product Process of Filipino Rice Ball

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Product Process of Filipino Rice Ball


Prepare and gather all the necessary ingredients.


Cook the rice with the water in which the pork or chicken was boiled.


After the rice is cooked, prepare all the ingredients and spices that will be mixed with it. Transfer the
cooked rice to a container and mix it with the dry ingredients and oil.


After making and mixing the ingredients in the rice, set it aside and prepare all the ingredients that will
be used for the Filipino dish that will serve as the inside filling of the rice ball.


Pork or chicken is first cooked in a pot of water until it gets tender, followed by being grilled or fried for a
short time to brown and generate a good texture. After cooking, slice the pork or chicken into tiny


Start cooking the sisig by sautéing the onion. Cook it well. Add the chopped meat, these are pork or
chicken. Be sure to thoroughly combine all the ingredients needed. This will complement the dish's
flavor. After that, add the liquid and solid spices and condiments.


After the pork/chicken sisig is cooked, set it aside and start preparing the rice ball. Get at least one cup of
the cooked rice and flatten it, then add a one table spoon of the pork/chicken sisig. Roll it into a round
shape and then sprinkle it with crushed seaweed. Slowly transfer it to the container.


Serve it to the customers.

Service Process

The customer's experience will be determined by the service delivery process throughout the business
operations, which will be beneficial for the business. The objective of the business’s staff-customer
connection will be met if there is satisfactory service to the customers. Consumers who are pleased are
more likely to come back, provide great reviews, and recommend the business or its goods to their
relatives and friends, in which will have a major effect on the business operations.

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