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Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Read the short story. Then answer each question.

Sennin the Hermit

In the far- away l and of Japan, there was a l ittl e vil l age that l ay at the foot of a high m ountain.

Every day the children went to pl ay on the grassy bank near a pond at
one end of the vill age. They threw stones into the water. They f ished, and they sail ed their toy boats.
They picked the wil d fl owers that grew in the
fiel ds nearby. They carried with them rice to eat , and, from morning until evening, they pl ayed
near the pond.

One day, whil e they were pl aying, the children were surprised to see an
old m an with a l ong, white beard wal king toward them . He came from the direction of the m ountain.

The chil dren stopped their gam es to watch the ol d m an. He cam e into their m idst
and, patting them upon their heads easil y, m ade them his

The chil dren continued their pl ay because they knew that the ol d man was kind.

The m an watched the chil dren, and when it was tim e for them to go
hom e, he said, “ Com e to the fl at rock on the side of the m ountain tom orrow and I will
show you some wonderful gam es.”

Then he cl im bed up the m ountain once m ore and disappeared.

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Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet

The foll owing m orning, the chil dren went to the fl at rock. They found the old m an waiting for them .

“Now, my dear children,” he said, “ I am going to am use you. Look here!”

He picked up som e dry sticks. He blew at the ends of the sticks, and at
once they becam e sprays of beautiful cherry, pl um , and peach bl ossom s. He passed a branch of
each of the fl owers to the girl s.

Then he took a stone and threw i t into the air. The stone turned
into a dove!

Another stone becam e an eagl e, another a

nightingal e, or any bird a boy chose to nam e.

“Now,” said the ol d m an, “ I will show you som e anim al s that I
am sure will m ake you laugh.”

The chil dren cl apped their hands.

He recited som e verses, and a com pany of

monkeys came l eaping upon the rock. The m onkeys jum ped
about, grinning at the sam e time and
perform ing funny tricks.

The chil dren cl apped their hands again.

Then the old m an bowed to them and said, “ Chil dren, I can pl ay no m ore gam es today. I t is tim e for
you to go back to the vill age. Farewell. ”

The ol d man turned to go. He went up the m ountain in the direction of a cave. The chil dren tried to foll
ow him , but in spite of his age, he was m ore nim ble than they. They ran far enough, however, to see
him enter the

When they reached the entrance, the old m an had disappeared.

The cave was surrounded by fragrant f l owers, but the chil dren did not dare to go into i ts depths.

Reading and Math for ©

Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Suddenly one of the girl s pointed upwards and cried , “ There is the ol d grandfather!”

The others l ooked up, and there, standing on a cl oud over the top of the mountain, was the ol d man.

“Let us go hom e now,” said one of the boys.

On the way, they m et two m en of the vil l age whom their parents had sent to search for
them . When the chil dren had tol d their st ory, one of the m en excl aim ed, “ Ah, happy chil
dren! The kind ol d m an is surely Sennin, the
wonderful Herm it of the Mountain!”

Reading and Math for ©

Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet


1. Why do you think the chil dren were surprised to see the ol d m an at first?

2. How do you think the ol d m an was able to do all the things to am use the

3. What does the word nimble m ean in the sentence, “In spite of his
age he was m ore nimble than they”?

4. Why do you think the ol d m an tells the children it is tim e for them to go hom e at
the end of the story?

Reading and Math for ©

Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet


1. Why do you think the chil dren were surprised to see the ol d m an at first?

The chil dren were surprised to see the old m an as they had not m et him before.

2. How do you think the ol d m an was able to do all the things to am use the

(Answer will vary) for exam pl e: The old m an was abl e to do all those
things as he’s a m agician.

3. What does the word nimble m ean in the sentence, “In spite of his age he was m
ore nimble than they”?

The word nim bl e means quick and l ight in m ovement.

4. Why do you think the ol d m an tells the children it is tim e for them to go hom e at
the end of the story?

The ol d man tel ls the chil dren to go home at the end of the story, because he did not want
their parents to worry about them being gone.

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