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seem like a 3 wees (O $ workers quitting : any p Bes °, though, is employers’ es’. BEM’s Jonathan Sidor examines these corporate ghosts. Don’t gets, ki imployers know all about the » of Gen Yand Gen Z workers. The newest ®: youn employees “\ °° their bosses and simply not o when they want t0 resign, What lies» to exorcise th tu; egzoreyzmowat cof, odprawiae segroreyzmy nad cays * resignation notice ypowiedzenia, wyménienie | ‘common courtesy ‘elementarna | wezcwoké, zwykta prayzwoltose “troubling ‘vi apokojacy * ae in X ue 9 warostX, werot w X “without prior warning ber uprecézenia to send shivers down sh's spine rayprawie kogos o dreszexe * spooked sk wystraszony (pot) * peril oso grb, zagrozenie “dilemma spor anlkag, rozpraszaé slg "= eo twaak th fw siren dastosowae cof, (troche) zmieni ‘140 work wonders {9 Wok man uda samba sdalalae 32 of tools at their cisposal™ to discourage candidates or employees from cissipat ing™ into the night. Tweaking™ your on: boarding process, for example, can work wonders, Starting onboarding earlier and extencing™ it beyond the first cou- ple months of employment can forge an ‘emotional boc that keeps an employee in place. One study determined” that 77 percent ofr hires are willing to accept a lower starting salary if the employer made an 0 ‘to extend sth si lend Sundin prondayé 08, mytutyé to forge abond 2 fc: relace,stworayé wie to determine i yznaczyé new hie 98 soba, "stating salary poczatiowa, ‘outstanding 2o'tndn wyatkowy ‘orto make 8 first impression (2 isk» est of arab peruse wrad ‘to reach out tosh 9 i act ‘sunbed ‘nawiazaéz king kontakt, skontaktowae se king © subordinate sonst podwladny to alter sth (sini alana cos ta accommodate sth ts 2lomadet sandy dopasowat sie do czegos, dostosowae ' nowadays "20247 obenle, teraz one-on-one wn o> wn soba twarea wiware nc mawiazaé oko, nowo zatrudniona toy So pensja ‘Managers ought to reach out to™ workers before their first day on the job. After an ‘employee's first year, superiors should still, initiate conversations with a suborsinate™ to show the company is stil invested in the team member's success In addition, certain companies have 2 tered their recruitment processes to 2c commodate* the ghosting phenomenon. Group job interviews are a popular option nowadays. Booking one-on-one job in- terviews and getting ghosted could vireak havoc™ on an organization, If one candi- date ghosts a group interview, however, much fewer resources are wasted and the interview can more or Tess procees™ as planned. Beginning with a larger pool of candidates and progressively whittling the number down" ean minimize costly One final tactic a number of firms have eployed* against ghosting was borrowed directly from the airline industy. Knowing that a handful™ of passengers are bound “miss any given flight, airlines routine 1 oversook flights and sell more tick- ts than there are seats on a plane. jn seme veins, companies can “overbook specific positions to ensure% ghosts don’t devastate an organization. For instance, to wroak havoc (ik sak sla chaos, ‘dokonaé ziszczeh “to proceed 9 90 9 prael do2roblenia, (creges) "progressively rors coraz bardale} ‘to wht sth down 9a san {oer powalistopniowo cos wykruseyé, redukowaé "disruption csr aamet, wstrzas "to deploy sth flor 'sn wrobye cos, uiyé cxegos handful he! gar, Ka bound todo sth scr 2 pewnosci cos zrobt routinely ts amyerajowo, stale to overbook sth 57k 8 spreedae ieee lletéw (nz jst mise} na cos ‘nthe same vein 59 sein ven tego sameg stylutypulpokraju, w ten sam spossh "to ensue sth nc sy zapewnié cos "to devastate sth: ovo dewastowaé cos, zujnowaé 1 (etry) company needing 15 new engineers ‘would be vise to hie 20 reemaits instead. Even if five people from thls group enc ‘ups leaving the company, c="emonious ly or not, the company shoul be able to absorb any negative consequences and sill out on top, Employers ean eextain- Iy offer an assortment of perk=™ to Keep ‘workers loyal, but they ean also operate behind the scenes™ to laok Gu for™ their own best interests Eerie Employees Some view ghosting as aminar ==, “while others think itis done out o* mal cev@, Whether or not you ean fthom™ the idiosyncrasies™ of today's young "to be wise to do sth = b wee inte Aobrze by byo oS zrobié (0 Kms) "to end up ding sth <8 6 ay =n skofczyé na roblen czego8 © coremoniously so ror ceramoniainie "to come out ontop km oot en ee _wycletyé,zdobyé praewage ‘assortment of th » >in =) sim debe czogos, asortyment "perk si dodatkowy bonusizalets exegos "behind the scenes sna =a alisomd “40 look out for sth (2 ok sat 1) Sinsin wypatrywat czoges "erie 1° nlesamowity, uplorny vw gate st gata "to do sth out of x 06 ze wagledu na X “malice = alotiwases ty zamiar to fathom sth “idosynerasy osobliwosé (czyas) Xs hereto stay. porostan to get bogged down in sth ‘omdn pograty se w czymé, ugrzeznaé to boost sth (9 59 ‘ umoenié retention ‘to morph sth 1 "40 creep somewhere raesacryé sie gies, mpetznatizakrasé sig dies to get left behind too et w tle, byé pozostawionyr soy tov arable rs pozostaé professionals, ghosting is hereto stay for ‘now: Managers shouldn't 2 bogged down "the ethics of ghosting. On the contrary, Doosting® worker retention and system- tically oiplino™ the recruitment process. D Phenomenal Phrasal Verbs ‘Match the following phrasal verbs from the text with the correct definition. Show up Blow something off Reach out to someone Whittle down ‘Look out for something, Get eft behind oM™ something. to inite sth rest Sem reapoezaé to arrive 89/90 pray, praybye 05, nawlazae * permanently 02°20 na state to dlemiss sth 12 esis singin © abandoned © 2'2n# poraueony 2lokcowayé cos, odreuelé to take care of ath 2s 691 9 som * arrangement 9 ry020t uk, _alatwié cot porozumienie, umowa © relationship ec reac, awiazek | “obligation 0 abowiazek: ‘to decline sth 9 i sis ode | zobowiazanio «zegos,nleprayiag czeu08 *to.end up 1 =r skoeyE(gtleiako) to take advantage of sth (== gradually 09) stopniowe ‘dvarntds avs skorastad 2 exeged, "to fll todo sth i222 du sin nie ykornystag cof oblé egos Disrss# or ignore an arrangement or obligationt Decline an offer, fail to take advantage Een ‘ould be the best way to bust these ghosts. Nevertheless, the fact that a trend from so- | ial media can cr225% into the workplace should serve as a warning to managers — | adapt or get lef behind, BEM TEST

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