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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Course: Ethics(ἠθικός)
Topic: Ethics
Lesson 2: Summary

Ethics and Its Branches

The word ethics (ἠθικός) comes from the Greek word ethos, meaning character or custom.
The etymology of ethics suggests its basic concerns.
1. Individual character, including how to be a good person and;
2. The social rules that govern and limit our behavior, especially the ultimate rules concerning good
and evil, which we call morality.

Ethics & Morality

Morality refers to human conduct (application) and values while Ethics refers to the study
of those areas. (principles)

Definition and Purpose of Ethics

Ethics is defined as the study of moral behavior or conduct of man as viewed from ultimate
principles known by human reason.
Actus Humanus vs. Actus Hominis
The ideal vision of man provides for him sense of value. A value is what an individual deems
to be useful, desirable, or significant. It sets in man idea of good that is inclined towards that which
is objectively the fulfilment of the being of man A good action is that which imposes moral
obligation or duty.
Two main Division of Ethics
1. General Ethics presents truths about human acts, and from this truth deduces the general
principles of morality.
2. Special Ethics is applied ethics. It applies the principles of General Ethics in different
departments of human activity, individual and social, it is divided into:
a. Individual Ethics
- As regards God
- As regards Self
- As regards Fellowmen
b. Social Ethics
- In the family
- In the State
- In the World
Approaches to the Study of Ethics
1. Scientific and Descriptive approach is most often used in the social sciences, it uses
observation to conclude.
2. Philosophical approach has two parts: normative or prescriptive ethics, i.e. having to do with
norms and prescriptions, metaethics or sometimes, analytics ethics i.e. they analyze the
rational the rational foundations for ethical systems or the logic and reasoning of various
Ethics and Religion
Filipinos usually see ethics as an extension of religion, hence the common thinking that
anything against religion is automatically unethical. The tight union of Ethics and Religion appears
to be a universal feature present not only in Christian countries such as the Philippines but also in
other societies with rich and deeply rooted religious traditions.

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