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Анастасія Каленик

студентка ІІІ курсу факультету іноземної філології

Кам’янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка

Науковий керівник:

Оксана Литвинюк

кандидат філологічних наук

старший викладач кафедри англійської мови

Кам’янець Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка



Abstract: the technology «Crossens» and its place in the system of development of
foreign language communicative competence. The definition of foreign language
communication competence and brief description of the Crossens technology are
given. The ways of using the «Crossens» technology in a foreign language lesson
are presented.

Key words: foreign language communicative competence, crossence.

The state standard of primary education and approximate programs are focused on
the development of not only foreign language communicative competence, but also
the general communicative competence of students, which contributes to the
achievement of higher personal and interdisciplinary learning outcomes. The
purpose of teaching a foreign language in primary school is the formation of
elementary communicative competence of primary school students at an accessible
level in the main types of speech activity: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Despite the intensive development of issues related to foreign language

communicative competence, there is still no single interpretation of this complex
concept. Some scholars-educators consider communicative competence as the
realization of language behavior; the ability to classify the situation depending on
the topic, tasks, communicative attitudes that arise in students before the
conversation, as well as during the conversation in the learning process. In turn, IL
Bim defines foreign language communicative competence as "the ability and real
willingness to communicate with native speakers, as well as involving students in
the culture of the country being studied, as well as better understanding of students'
culture of their own country, the ability to represent it in communication." [3, c.

Analysis of the above point of view allowed us to conclude that foreign language
communicative competence is the ability to use language to learn to carry out
language activities in accordance with the goals and situation of communication
within a particular area of activity.

State standards dictate new requirements for the learning process of students. The
standard is based on a system-activity approach, which provides "active learning
activities of students" aimed at the formation of such personal results as the
formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with
peers, adults in the process of educational, research, creative and other activities".
[1, c. 98]

Thus, the main task of the teacher is to choose techniques and methods that
stimulate the cognitive activity of students and realize their creative potential. One
of such methodical receptions is a crossens.

Methodical reception "crossens" refers to interactive teaching methods. It is based

on direct interaction of students with their experience and the experience of their
friends and it promotes active and logical thinking.

The crossens was invented by the artist and philosopher Volodymyr Buslenko and
by the writer, pedagogue and mathematician Serhiy Fedin.

The main meaning of creating a crossens is a riddle, a puzzle, a task that is

designed for a specific audience. Unlike a crossword puzzle, where all the cells are
empty, in the crossens they are already filled with pictures. The educational task is
to explain or solve the crossens, to compose a story, an associative chain, with the
help of the relationship of images.

There are many options for the use of crossens by a teacher in an English lesson:

- homework check (with the help of a crossens to tell about the material of the
last lesson);
- formulation of the lesson topic, setting the goal of the lesson (find the
connection between the images and determine the theme of the lesson;
determine what we will do);
- generalization of the material, consolidation (crossens consists of images
that appeared during the lesson at different stages, students use them to
summarize the material and make a conclusion);
- organization of group work (composing a crossens on a given topic from the
proposed images);
- creative homework (composing a crossens in printed or electronic form on a
given topic, on any topic);

Organizing group or pair work with crossens helps students develop their
communication. Working together, students speak English to each other and it
helps them remember words they have already known or learn new ones. In an
effort to reflect their vision, children find additional material, show creative
thinking and increase their erudition. Like any creative task, crossens promote
initiative, develop imagination and also knowledge of the language, which is the
most important thing in an English lesson.

For example, the teacher uses a crossens at the beginning of an English lesson. The
theme is "England", where the teacher needs the students to guess the theme of the
lesson, based on the fact that they need to read clockwise and find a connection
with other pictures. Before giving them the task, the teacher writes the unknown
words on the board.
Thus, this technique allows teachers not just to teach, but to create conditions for
independent creative search of the student.

The benefits of building a crossword are unquestionable. The introduction of this

interactive technology allows you to solve problems of developmental,
differentiated and personality-oriented learning and education. Children learn to
think, create, express their point of view and defend it. All the above allows us to
conclude that the technology of "crossens" promotes the development of foreign
language communicative competence.


1. Гусевська Н.Ю. Еволюція методів навчання іноземної мови. Вчені

записки.- К., - 2013. - № 6. - с. 171.
2. Державні стандарти [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу:
3. Красильникова Є.В. Іншомовна комунікативна компетенція в
дослідженнях вітчизняних і зарубіжних вчених. Педагогічний вісник.
Філологія. - 2009. - № 1. - с.184.
4. Кроссенс - гра для ерудитів [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу:

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