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Jerald V. Ricafort
2nd year - BSCE
Make a Biblical Reflection on this verse Gen 3:19
“for you are dust and to dust you shall return”

In Genesis 3:19, God reminds Adam that he was created

from dust and that he will return to the ground after
death. This verse serves as a reminder of our own
mortality and the frailty of human existence. We are all
made of the same dust, and we will all eventually return
to the earth. It serves as a sobering reminder that we are
not invincible and that our time on Earth is finite.

Put a picture that is related to your reflection.


It represents both our humble beginnings

and our ultimate destination. It also
symbolizes the brevity of our lives and the
importance of making the most of our time
on this planet.
Guide Questions

1. What do you understand about Ash Wednesday?

- Ash Wednesday is a Christian holy day that marks the start of
Lent, a 40-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance that
culminates on Easter Sunday. On this day, Catholics and many
other Christians receive ashes in the shape of a cross on their
forehead as a symbol of repentance and mortality. The ashes
are made from palm branches that were blessed the previous
year on Palm Sunday and are burned and mixed with holy water
or oil.

2. What is your observation of this Christian Lenten practice?

- As a participant in Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season, I see
it as a time for reflection, repentance, and renewal. It is time to
strengthen my relationship with God and devote more attention
to the spiritual aspects of my life. It is also a time to practice
self-control and sacrifice in order to become closer to God.
I observe various practices during Lent, such as fasting,
abstinence, and almsgiving. These practices assist me in
detaching from the material things of the world and focusing on
what truly matters. I also go to Mass more often, do the Stations
of the Cross, and devote more time to prayer and spiritual

3. As a Perpetualite how will you prepare spiritually on this Lenten

- As a Perpetualite, I will spiritually prepare for Lent by
establishing specific goals and intentions for my spiritual
development. I'll begin by reviewing my life and identifying
areas in which I need to grow spiritually. Working on specific
virtues, addressing areas of sin, or deepening my prayer life
could all be part of this.
- During Lent, I will also make an effort to attend daily Mass and
participate in the sacrament of reconciliation on a more regular
basis. On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, I will fast, and on
Fridays, I will abstain from meat. I will also give alms to the poor
Make a Short Prayer

1. A Prayer about Lent.

Dear God,

As we begin this Lenten season, we ask for your guidance

and strength. Help us to turn away from our distractions and
focus on you. May we use this time to grow closer to you and
deepen our faith. Give us the courage to make changes in our
lives that bring us closer to your will. We pray for those who
are struggling during this time, that they may find comfort
and hope in you. Help us to be mindful of those around us
and to practice compassion and charity. Amen.

It symbolizes the importance of taking time to connect with

God and seek His guidance during the Lenten season.

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