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1B digital Marketing (srPU) 1 Table of Contents Chapter 1: Digital Marketing Planning and Structure 1-1 to 147 [sytiabus : Importance of Digtal Marketing, Digtal Marketing Ve. Traditional Marketing. Inbound ve Outbound Marketing, Understanding Demographics. WWW, Buying a Domain, Core Objective of Website and Flow, One Page Webate, Statege Desig of Products and Services Pago, Stategic Design of Landing Page, Segmentation and Targeting and Positioning lo Oxgtal Markating, Portokio, Galley ard contact Us Page, Google Analytics Tracking Code, Designing Wordpress Website, Mobile Friendly Website, Payrnent Gateway tke UPI Je-Commerce 1 12 13 14 1s 16 17 18 19 Importance of Digital Marketing, 1.1 A Changing Sales and Marketing Process on... 1.1.2 Does Digital Marketing Work For All Businesses?.... 1.1.3 B2B Digital Marketing... 1.14 B2C Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing... 1.2.1 Whatis Traditional Marketing? 1.2.2 Whatis Digital Marketing? Inbound vs Outbound Marketing. 1.3.1 Whatis Inbound Marketing ? 1.32 Whatis Outbound Marketing?.. 1.3.3 Difference between Inbound vs Outbound Marketing, Understanding Demographics.. . 14.1 Social Media Demographics of Major Social Media Networks.—_______________1-6 WWW ene Buying a Domain. 1.6.1 Domain Name. 1.62 Top-level domains. 1.63 Domain name Structure. 1.64 Domain Name Example. 1.65 Howto geta Domain Name. Core Objective of Website. 17.1 Objective 1: Let People Find You 172 Objective 2:Cr 173. Objective3 ean Online Presence ngage Vour Audience... 1.74 Objective 4: Cultivate Relationships 1.75 Objective : Generate Revenue... Flow... : One Page Website 19.1 Why Do Business Like One Page Websites? 19.2 How Dot Create a One Page Website?. St sale Design of Produets.e. Digital Marketing Planning and Structure Importance of Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing, Inbound vs Outbound Marketing, Understanding Demographics. WWW, Buying a Domain, Core Objective of Website and Flow, One Page Website, Strategic Design of Products and Services Page, Strategic Design of Landing Page, Segmentation and Targeting and Positioning to Digital Marketing, Portfolio, Gallery and Contact Us Page, Google Analytics Tracking Code, Designing Wordpress Website. Mobile Friendly Website, Payment Gateway like UPI, e-Commerce 1.1 _ Importance of Digital Marketing + Digital marketing helps brands reach their target audience and promote their products and services. While this is also the goal of traditional marketing campaigns, digital marketing allows brands to target more specific or niche audiences. Connecting with customers digitally helps build a broad audience that trusts your brand. This is especially useful for small businesses that can leverage their digital marketing strategy without the help of a marketing department or agency. * Digital marketing includes all marketing activities using electronic devices or the Internet. Businesses use digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and websites to connect with current and potential customers. Marketing is always about connecting ith your audience in the right place at the right time. Today, in addition to traditional marketing methods, you need to connect with members of your target market who are already spending time with them. on the internet. © Digital marketing can be defined as any form of marketing that e multitude of digi online. Digital marketing consists of using a al tactics and channels to connect with customers where they spend most of their time. From your website to your company’s online branding assets (digital advertising, email marketing, online brochures, etc), there are many different tactics that fall under the term digital marketing To understand how businesses, use digital marketing, let's look at Ryan's example. Ryan is a fictional middle- class salesperson for @ paper company. As a side business, he would like to open a small shop. He's creating an app called “Woot” It allows individuals or companies to send the same message in different media (text, email Facebook, ete) at the same time. Ryan's small marketing budget relies on systems and processes that maximize reach with minimal investment He directs his resources towards raising awareness, Valuable content is enough to move his business forward. He may not have an in-house marketing department, so he uses his media social through his digital marketing, pency or freelancers who specialize in these areas, He could handle the social media side of his marketing himself W Digital Marketing Digital Marketing Planning and Struc 1.1.1 A changing Sales and Marketing Process + Digital tools make information available to buyers and enable sellers to flood potential customers wi information. Because of this, buyers are increasingly relying on their own abilities to find solutions to the problems. While search engine optimization (SEO) and sales/marketing automation tools put information in th hands of rational buyers, other digital tools such as social media build trust with customers and creat, emotional, automated Leverage your purchasing decision process. ‘+ In fact, a McKinsey and Company study found that on average two-thirds of the touch points during th evaluation stage of a purchase decision involve web reviews, social media conversations, and recommendation from family, friends, and online experts. It turns out that This major shift in consumer behavior mean ‘companies need to rethink thetr approach to marketing, + Digital marketing tools have emerged to facilitate and automate the art of meaningfully connecting with customers. It's true that digital marketing is confusing and time consuming, Technology is constantly changing and measuring effectiveness can be complicated. However, digital marketing can also significantly increase business awareness, traffic, sales, and customer satisfaction at a reasonable price, 1.1.2 Does digital Marketing work for all Businesses? Digital marketing works for every business in every industry. Regardless of what your business sells, digital ‘marketing involves creating buyer personas to identify your audience's needs and delivering valuable online content. I'm not saying that all businesses should implement their digital marketing strategies in the same way, but all should take advantage of the availability of digital marketing. 113 B2B ital Marketing * _ Ifyour business is business-to-business (B2B), your digital marketing efforts are likely focused on finding leads online, with the ultimate goal of getting someone to talk to a sales rep. It is to get as such, the primary goal of your marketing strategy is to attract and convert the highest quality leads to your sellers through your website and supporting digital channels. Outside of your website, you may choose to focus your efforts on business: centric channels such as LinkedIn. © B2B marketing is the process by which a company sells its products or services to another company. Business-to business marketing is necessary when another business needs the performance of a business to maintain or Improve its operations. * B2B Marketing Example © Amanufacturer of industrial pumps wants to sell its products to oll and gas producers. y seeks to pitch and secure an office expansion deal for a law firm. © Acomm ti cial co compar © Aheavy equipment dealer wants to market and sell industrial equipment to a construction company. # Business-to-business marketing is important because most businesses rely on other companies’ products and services to function. It is very rare for an organization's entire production and distribution process to be 100% self-contained + For example, your favourite clothing brand probably sources raw materials from farms and fabric des from chemical companies. will pay the shipping company to distribute the How do these supplier relationships come about? It all starts with identifying 2B marketing opportunities, then tailoring your branding and marketing messages to the business that needs yor product/service ——= went BH digital Marketing, 13 Digital Marketing Planning and Structure h of BZH relationships and the potential for Another major reason B2B marketing is important ts the leng increased revenue. Selling to consumers ustally involves his one-time purchase of an inexpensive item. When 2 company sells to another company, the cost of goods or services is significant and may be required on a regular basis. For example, when a landscaping company sells services to a large office campus, the contract may span months and is worth tens of thousands of dollars. This is very different from consumers paying for a one-off landscaping job in their backyard, 1.14 _ B2C Digital Marketing If your company is business-to-consumer (B2C), depending on the price range of your product, the goal of your digital marketing efforts may be to drive people to your website and acquire them. Become a customer without having to talk to a sales rep. For this reason, perhaps the emphasis is on building something more accelerated than “lead” in the traditional sense, + A shopper's journey from the moment someone lands on your website until they make a purchase. This often means that your content features your product higher in she marketing funnel than his B2B company, prompting stronger actions like "Buy Now" or "Get a Quote”, s phrase (CTA). For B2C companies, channels like Instagram and Pinterest are © You may need to use a prompt often more valuable than business-focused platforms like LinkedIn. “B2C" stands for “Business to Consumer”. This is the type of business model that caters to individual buyers. This is a common sales model that applies to both brick-and-mortar and online retailers. The brand most people are familiar with is probably B2C. For example : © Amazon © Walmart © Google © Facebook “B2B" is an abbreviation of "Business-to-Business” and Is a type of business model that attracts potential customers of other companies and businesses as a buyer. An example of a B2B business is his content marketing agency that creates social media promotional content for other companies. Some of his B2C companies use BZB business models to pitch to both consumers and corporate stakeholders. Offering products to both consumers and business decision makers, Adobe is a prominent example of a company that leverages both business models. 1.2 Digital Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing _ Table 1.2.1 : Digital Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing Comparison ba Traditional marketing Digital marketing : Definition Ie is one type of marketing that utilizes | Is one type of marketing that uses the media, TV, or magazine to advertise any | internet and social media for advertising business sorvices and product. businesses, Engagement Low Relatively high Conversion Stow Extremely fast Nature Stati “| Dynamic Investment returns | Not easy to measure Simple ro measure —— _ Wiser = 1 Dig Marketing Planning and Suey ture Comparison basis ‘Traditional marketing Digital marketing Effectiveness More expensive Less expensive Less effective More effective Targeting Standardized Customized Tracking Not possible Possible | Reach Local Global | Tweaking. Not possible once the advertisement is | One can change or edit anytime placed | Results Slow results Quick and live results Communteation | tis mostly one-way communication Itisa two-way communication Interruptions Ie is not easy to skip the advertisements, | One can easily skip between advertisements as they are bound to the users. ifit does not interest them. 1.2.1 Whatis Traditional Marketing? * Traditional marketing includes marketing techniques that can be used without the internet. These methods have been around for decades and are not widely used today. But they are not without strengths. ‘Common traditional market methods include + Directly mailed postcards, coupons, and informational packets + Television or radio commercials ‘+ Newspaper or magazine ads + Billboards and fiers + Telephone calls and text notifications + We see and hear many of these ads every day just by listening to the radio on the way to work or even looking ‘out the window at the billboards as we go by. They've become a part of daily life. 1.2.2 Whatis Digital Marketing? = Digital marketing strategies are evolving rapidly with trends and new technologies. These strategies include those that require the use of the Internet and smart phones. Although it has not been used as long as the traditional method, it has powerful features. ‘+ Common digital marketing methods include: © Website content © Email campaigns © Content marketing © Social media posts © Clickable ads © Affiliate marketing © Search engine optimization (SEO) WP dipuar Marken ts Dig Marketng Planning and Structure Mable at tit eave arming aed STUSS, + These strategies are very popular today due to the frequent use of the internet and mobile devices by consumers. According to Data Reportal, worldwide he has 4.95 billion active internet users and he has 4.62 billion active social media users, With numbers like this, marketing online and via social media makes a lot of sense. 1.3__ Inbound vs Outbound Marketing 1.3.1 What is Inbound Marketing ? * Inbound marketing focuses on attracting customers to your product or service. The best prospects are searching for products online, and up to 63% of consumers have started shopping online. + They start by looking for products, services, or content that meet their needs and solve thelr problems. Therefore, ‘our content should explain how your product or service solves a problem, answers key questions in your niche industry, and meets a need. + Thoreare many ways to do this, ineuding: © Blogs © Video content © Guidebooks © Other online marketing content ‘+ Each of these pieces of content also help differentiate your product from its competitors. Include product comparisons, great testimonials, competitive pricing, and great reviews in your podcast, social media post, or report + Remember, you need to provide your prospects with thoughtful content that varies in content but is consistent in messaging at different points in their buying journey. 1.3.2 What is Outbound Marketing? © Outbound mark 1s involves sending, messages to large numbers of people in hopes of making 2 sale. This strateny is based on the idea that the bigger the group you send the message, the bigger the return. + Outbound marketing often associated with traditional marketing, like: © Direet mall © Events © Billboards © Cold calling © Newspapers © Radio ow + However, outbound marketing can also be applied to modern technologies such as pay-per-click advertising and spam emails + Inmany cases, consumers are unaware of, or even looking for, the products advertised. While your prospects are watching TV or browsing your website, they may be interrupted by ads explaining why they want to buy a particular product. 6 Digtal Marketing Planning 1.3.3 Difference between Inbound vs Outbound Marketing Table 13: : Inbound vs Outbound Marketing Outbound Marketing sr | Inbound Marketing. | informatwe eigtal content. targeted at specific | Nonedstal contents designed tq | soeces ant wren t help slve consume’ | onumer attention and writen ose ggg aatent comes in interactive forms, such as social | Content is displayed in direct mail magazine | balbcards. on TV ete and ts meant to he passieg | media posts, Bogs reports, webinars, ett 3. | Messaging i tailored to specific consumers. Messaging mst stand out among lions of | ads consumers see each day. 7 |mmmapacag Sng pase eae esse With ined ant [ace S| Measurable through digital marketing software, | Diffcult to measure attribution from phys | advertising. 14 Understanding Demographics Socal medis demographics, short are the varying audiences that regularly utilize specific social media Platforms Diptal marketers who have an understanding of these demographics can cultivate social media strategies that align with the needs and habits of varying demographics on each social media network, For example. its pot often that you'll find ¢ Millennial searching for the best seniors cruises in the Mediterranean on Facebook or a dad who barely uses a computer looking for helpful content marketing tips on Twitter, Soeial media demographics are of immense value to thase looking to invest in social media advertising, as well as those who want to setch out their marketing budget by using social media networks to their fullest potential Regsterng for these socal media networks is a free serv want i save money, learning how to use social media networks optimally to cultivate a community without spending money is key. Explore the following demographics of top social media networks to better understand which platforms your audience is most likely to use regulary. so for thase just growing their business or who 141 — Social Media Demographics of Major Social Media Networks ‘Tanks to Hoocsuite and Hubspot, we can share the following social media demographics for most of the ma) social media networks that are regularly used in today’s digital landscape. These indude: L Unkedin + Aes ponder of aiptal networking seve for profesional working both online and one Linke # the perfec socal media platform for executives and professionals to network and cultivate profession + Wiss ste stacy to post and seach for Jobs and share Informational content, Linkedin is popular wit People beeween the aers of 25 and 49. With 546 million registered members, his LinkedIn contributes feces sacerss of countless members, hecording to HoatSuite, men and women are treated equa on Linked! AF ipicat Marketing tal Marketing Planning and Structure + Hfyou're trying to reach professionals who are hased in the US only, you might run into trouble as he over 70% of LinkedIn users live outside the country and have registered users from over 200 countries Depending on your digital marketing strategy, it’s helpful to know that users of this platform are likely to live in urban areas, *Hyou're looking to maintain professional connections and grow your network for yourself or your clients, Linkedin fs the platform most likely to achieve these results Facebook ‘+ Inrecent months, Facebook has been accused of misusing user data. However, it Is still the largest social media platform by number of users, with over 2.13 billion active his users logging in each month. About (68% of adults in the US are on Facebook, with more women than men. © Ifyou are a digital he marketer targeting, a US audience, the majority of adults using this platform earn over $75,000 annually and have a college or graduate degree. be careful + Facebook is a great platform to target Millennials and Generation X age groups, the latter of whom spend about 7 hours each week on Facebook, Facebook has sich a wide reach that it is an integral part of any digital marketing, strategy. Whether you have an e-commerce site or a global business, Facebook allows you to reach a global audience. On the other hand, by increasing your Facebook posts, you can target very specific demographics and geographies to expand your digital reach and optimize your marketing reach. 3. Instagram * Instagram, now owned by Facebook, is a photo-based platform that houses curated collections of images. For digital marketers, using hashtags on their platform is a dream. In addition to increasing the reach of Your content, hashtags can foster relationships and align your brand with his entire community online. This was difficult to find before Instagram, ‘* Every day, his 500 million out of 800 million registered users log in to view friends’ photos, incduding photos, and share their own content. Instagram Stories are the platform's newest feature, allowing users to instantly share short snippets of their lives or post photos that are visible for a limited time. ‘+ With 9036 of tnstagram users under the age of 35, the platform is perfect for targeting content aimed at a millennial audience, While brand influencers can share sponsored content, It has quickly become a popular platform for brands as it allows them to easily share professional visual content to build brand loyalty and personality. 4, Pinterest * Pinterest is another visual platform that allows users to “pin” content related to their interests. These digital boards can be public or private, allowing users to create digital spaces around their unique personalities tastes and interests. ‘+ Another popular platform for brands and retailers because ‘Purchasable Pins’ has found the park If you are the digital him marketer for an e-commerce brand, if a elient is active on his Pinterest It is important to have a presence in Amazingly, 90% of his weekly pinned users make some sort of purchase decsion on the platform, browsing mostly on their mobile devices. Geographically, Pinterest is the only social media platform that primarily attracts users from the US suburbs, + Pins have a reported half-life of 151,200 minutes in terms of how lang a post remains relevant or visible to ‘your audience! 5. Twitter + Twitter has been around for some time, and in that time it has developed a dedicated user base of individuals, including from the political community. Twitter has approximately 317 milhon monthly users with a predominantly male gender demographic. As for users in the US. he satd about 1 in 4 uses Twitter - Yeo ™ Digital Marketing 18 Digital Marketing Manning and Structure In general Twitter s most popular with younger demographics, with 459% of Americans aged 18 t0 24 yg this platform. Aer 1B to 24 years old, he has a large age group of 25 to 29 years old. However, 53% a Twitter users dont post updates. Rather, they scroll through their feeds and interact with others through comments and likes, From 2 dighal marketing perspective, Twitter uses hashtags to help your content reach a wider audience and to give you the ability to promote your valuable posts for promotional purposes. 6 Snapchat + Snapchat the social media platform that popularized face filters, is primarily used by users aged 18.34, followed by those aged 25-29, * With 187 million daily users, Snapchat is a key part of brands and companies digital marketing strategies aimed at engaging young fans and audiences. 7. YouTube * From humble beginnings on Valentine's Day 2005, YouTube has grown to become his second largest social media platform in terms of reach, and is key to his forward-looking digital marketing strategy. * Over 75% of his Americans use the platform and worldwide he has aver 1.5 billion viewers. There are over 2 million video plays per minute. YouTube has a wider reach among 18-49 year olds than the US cable network, ; + When it comes to digital marketing YouTube is watched by people in over 88 countries around the world, making it a great platform for your global reach. is www ‘The World Wide Web (WWW), commonly known as the Web, is an information system that provides access to documents and other Web resources over the Internet. Documents and downloadable media are made available on the network through web servers and can be accessed by programs such as web browsers, Servers and resources on the World Wide Web are identified and located by strings called Uniform Resource Locators (URLS). ‘The original and still widely used document type is a Web page formatted in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). This markup language supports plain text, images, embedded video and audio content, and scripts (short programs) that implement complex user interactions. The HTML language also supports hyperlinks (embedded URLs) that provide instant access to other web feb navigation or web surfing is a common way to follow such hyperlinks between multiple websites A web applicauon is a web page that acts as application software. Information on the web is sent over the Internet using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Multiple web resources with 2 common theme and usually a common domain name make up a website. A single web server can serve multiple websites, but some websites, especially the mast popular ones, can be served by multiple servers Website content is provided by countless companies, organizations, government agencies, and individual users. It also contains a vast amount of educational, entertainment, commercial, and governmental information. The World Wide Web has become the software platform that rules the world. It isthe primary tool used by billions of people around the workd to interact with the internet. Digital Marketing, 1 Digital Marketing Planning and Structure 1.6 Buying a Domain 1.6.1 Domain Name + Adomain or domain name is between the @ and com, .org, .net, etc. in an email address (for example, the internet. A subdomain is a portion of your domain ( or marketing and can be used to improve your email marketing deliverability + Your website is as important to your online marketplace as your business card, and your domain name plays key role in communicating your brand, A good domain name lets potential customers know exactly what you have to offer. A domain name (such as is the imernet address where people can find your website or landing page. A unique domain name is essential to creating a great user experience (UX) in web design. So try to design your dom name in a way that your customers will remember it + There's a lot more going on behind the scenes when your customers type your domain name into their browser. All websites on the Internet are hosted on servers. Each of these servers has an Internet Protocol (IP) address. This is a set of four numbers from 0 to 255, separated by periods, that tell the computer exactly how to access it IP addresses are useful for computers, but not for humans. That's where domain names come in. +A domain name is an easy-to-remember substitute for an IP address. When the server receives a request from the customer's browser, the domain Her Name System & # 40; DNS & # 41; is used to translate the domain name into her IP address suitable for the computer. This way the browser knows exactly where to go to find her website 1.6.2 Top-level domains ‘+ Each domain name must be registered with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). After registration, you will be given a suffix indicating which top-level domain (TLD) it belongs to. This is sometimes called the "parent domain” or "domain extension”. Some common TLDs include : -g0v for government websites (whitehouse gov) _mil for military websites (afmil) .com for commercial businesses ( edu for educational institutions ( for sites in Canada (chee: _org for organizations (wikipedia.orp) + Most American websites use 3-letter TLDs, but other places around the world, such as the European Union and Canada, typically use 2-letter TLDs. 1.6.3 Domain name Structure © A full domain, ame has a three-part structure. It starts with a computer name or host name (eg "www" for “World Wide Web"), followed by the name of the website itself, and finally a TLD (eg com or gov). Each part of the domain is separated by a period to create a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) such as, Note: A domain name isn't the same thing as a uniform resource locator (URL). A URL is the full web adsress of a site, land while it does contain the domain name, it contains other information, too. Each URL includes the internet protocol (most commonly HTTP or HTTPS) being used to call up the page URLs can also help point browsers to 2 specific file oF folder being hosted on a web sorver (ike https’/www maiichimp convmarketing-giossary, for exarnplo) wis i Wow saricone ue : aE 1.6.4 Domain Name Example + As weve already discussed, the domain name is nota URL Raters the combination of the Website aye as the TLD. Common domain name examples include © © healthcare gov © facebookcom 1.6.5 How to get a Domain Name + Now that you know what a domain is, you may be wondering how to buy one for your busine: Mailchimp makes it easy to secure your website domain, Search for a domain ss website. Lucky © Before purchasing a domain name, you need to make sure the domain name you want is available. Ifyou have g business name, you can make it your domain name if i is available for pur something that is easy for potential customers to remember Choose an extension hase. Otherwise, you should choose and understand, * Depending on your domain name. you may have several options for your top-level domain. Choose the best extension for your website based on your business. For example, ifyou are starting a business, com is perfect for Buy your domain + When you're ready, you can register your Verify ownership © After purchasing a domain you need domain and start building your website right away. to verify ownership to prevent unauthorized use by others. Domain name verification usually n email © You can also purchase me directly from your domain regis for Assigned Na rar. Always choose a provider controlled (ICANN) to ensure the legitimacy of your domain svailabiliy checker tool to check domain availability before completing the purchase ne ‘hot available, it can be purchased from the domain owner. If you find the domain owner's name. you can contact the owner to negotiate the domain name. How much do domain names cost? by the Internet Corpora es and Numbe and registration proc © The cost of a domain Gepends on how competitive it is and whether you need to buy it from another Person or company. However, once you register your domain, you can expect to pay $10-$20 per year for renewals 17 Core Objective of Website 17.1 Objective 1: Let People Find You + These days, many people looking for detail nght to search engines to find answers. © The latest trend is to search with vutce commands 2 Sin, Alexa, or another favourite virtual assistant © All people have to do is say, “Find alist of available options th: pura.” or “Where can | put the brakes on..” and so on, You will soon see world be nice here + _ Whatever your business has to offer is available to anyon ne looking for W digital Marketing 1a Digital Marketing Planning and Structure ————————————————E——— Do you have a product for sale, or offer a service? + People no longer look for these things in the yellow pages. They can speak directly to their phone and get instant search results. When you have a website that tells search engines what you have to offer, you will be the focus of people looking for it + Ifwecan't reach you, we won't find you. Available if you have a website. Nothing stands in the way of an opportunity once itis available. What now? + Show them what you can do... 1.7.2 Objective 2: Create an Online Presence Creating an online presence takes a little more effort. But don't let that put you off. It's totally worth it. Some might think that technically, if you have a website, you already have an online presence. But imagine : Are you ooking for products and services online? What do you think? If you're lucky enough to rank in the top four search engine results, you're doing something good. But what if it appears multiple times on different platforms: that perform? Amazon. howling, review site. These are powerful helpers Even better ; If you link your website from these pages, the ads to your backlinks collection will be served from large websites with high domain authority. This will improve your search engine ranking. big time. Want an even Digger presence? Social media. All major social media platforms have the opportunity to go further with your website. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are huge. Each platform has its own way of connecting with subscribers. When you connect on social media, you have the potential to connect with everyone who uses that platform. make noise! ‘+ Every post, tweet or mention you put on the web has the potential to start a conversation Share a link to your website, product or service on every social post to take things to the next level. engage and connect with people 1.7.3. Objective 3: Engage Your Audience ‘When you've built a website and online presence that shows people are actually looking for what you have to offer, get involved and connect. No matter what kind of service or product you offer, there ts always room for conversation and education, Attract customers, customers, followers and even haters by providing valuable content. start a conversation I you have a blog on your website, you can participate in conversations with your visitors Some answers may even appear in search engine results if they are well written and informative. Consistently adding content to your website that attracts people's attention will increase your importance in the eyes of search engines, leading to higher results + What's more important than high search engine rankings? + Itsalla matter of perspective, but if you maintain good relationships, you'll get a regular stream of visitors. 1.7.4 Objective ‘ultivate Relationships Hopefully, you now have an active website that attracts and engages people so you can build relationships that benefit from what your website has to offer. Doing business with integrity, honesty and fairness will likely cause the right people to see its value and share the news with their fends and family. Some ways to build relationships and keep people engaged include © Free stuff and specials © Newsletter Digital Marketing Planni © Ongoing blog posts © Answers to questions + Thereare two components to building relationships + OF course, building relationships is good for busines, but is als an opportunity 10 help ethers. Providing information and useful resources isa great way to build trust and get a positive perspective from everyone wg visits your website, 1.7.5 Objective 5 : Generate Revenue + People might argue that the first goal of a website is to make money. But you can't produce much ifno one knows you're there. Once your website is set up and everything is set up, you are good to go. It's time to make money.. + You have established an online presence and are now getting a ton of traffic to your website. When a website js built properly and has a clear path to what it offers, everything will be of value, Visitors to your website most likely found you through a search engine. | mean, you did a great job. 18 Flow Website Flow + Website flow is a key concept in controlling the usability of a website. Website flow describes how easy itis for a website user to move between different pages of content and how easy itis fora user to find information as they navigate her website. ‘+ Website flow is directly affected by her three aspects of a website that affect website navigation. Consistency ‘+ Aconsistent website user interface makes it easier for users to navigate when viewing different pages or parts of website. An example of website design consistency is placing the main menu in the same place on the screen on every page of the website Simplicity ‘© Websites are easier to navigate when they offer limited options to their target audience. For example, the user ‘wants a menu with the 2 or the 3 levels. This is because having too many options in your menu or dropdown her menu will cause your visitors to skip important top-level pages. Context ‘© Website context is described as the use of “signposts” to indicate where the user is within the website. To indicate the user's position on the website, the designer often uses specific texts and colors to prevent users from getting lost on her website. An example of context would be a color changing menu or menu his options that change color when the user mouses over them. A sitemap is also a good example of website context. 1.9 _ One Page Website * The term “one-page website” sounds just like it, but developing and deploying it properly requires a lot of thought about what it does and how it accomplishes it ‘+ Simply put, a one-page website isa single-page website that uses only one HTML page. Most one-page websites have a menu bar like your average run-of-the-mill website However, instead of going to another her HTML page. selecting the menu item just takes the user to a predefined HTML anchor somewhere on a single page of the site- This is typically achieved through JavaScript, C5S3, Ajax, and jQuery Wramit &F digital Market © While many cr are adopting one-page websites these days, we have temporarily introduced one-page websites as preview pages and placeholders to kick off promotional efforts ahead of big launches. There are also large multinational companies that are starting. 1.9.1 Why Do Businesses Like One Page Websites? ‘* While the benefits of deploying a one-page website are obvious from a user's perspective, many business owners 10 benefit from using it. First and foremost, building a one-page website is almost always faster than building a large site with small pages over time, When building a one-page website, the design process usually takes a little longer because the HTML isa little more complicated. But in the long run it's usually the faster option. ike Website js also much easier to maintain when you need to update content because everything is in ‘one easy-to-find place. Many business owners also find that drafting one-page website copy is a useful exercise in learning to be more concise in describing their products and services. One-page websites are design-driven, so it's wise to keep copy as minimal as possible. When in doubt, doit when you can say it in fewer words. 2 1.9.2 How DoI Create a One Page Web: * Ifa one-page website sounds like a good fit for your small business, you'll be happy to know that creating one isn't too difficult. HTML coding is more complicated than usual, but there are many dynamic generators and free template providers that simplify the process. If your website uses WordPress, you can also turn a cluttered website into your one-page website in minute ‘+ Alternatively, his freelance web developer can often create his custom one-page site in days. 1.10 _ Strategic Design of Products ‘+ Asastrategic product designer, | help organizations (re)create their vision, strategy and product. + For many companies, the innovation and product creation process (“product” refers to physical products, services, digital, physical, or physical experiences) is inherently difficult. This usually leads to products that fail to meet customer demands, long and time-consuming projects, and even budget graveyards. + We love creating products, experimenting, and bringing new things to market..but we despair of the pain of products we shouldn't or couldn't do. As a solution, we combined our expertise with different approaches. + Strategic product design. ‘+ Strategic Product Design is essentially a combination of Product Design, Product Strategy, and Strategic Design. ‘This is strategic as we look at what it takes to build great products that help businesses lead the future. mR sve Fig. 1.10.1 : Multi layered Approach to building future products —~ay W Digital Marketing Digital Marketing Planning and Str, tir Successful products are built on top of a great foundation layer. It is ina clear viston of th clear, actionable strategy. Therefore, our approach helps organizations design all layers, ‘+ Vision, strategy and/or product (individually or in combination), ‘+ What are the benefits of this layered approach? Organizations can start today to realize and art vision for the future faster, saving time and money. At the same time, an environment is crea ulate their ted t0 “experim, a the product portfolio without losing focus. ne + A strategic design approach allows companies to eliminate the most important assumptions that m validated before making any investment This is a big savings as the malin risks are addressed as early in ge Process as possible, This means that bythe time an investment is required, there willbe enough validation 1g Proceed. Also, a “ailed product” in the strategic design approach does not mean that the vision is invatiy (unfortunately, as is often the case with other approaches). Wed to be ‘The strategic product design process + Whether creating a new vision or helping create a strategy/ produc, the strategic product design process follows a similar four-step pattern. The goal of this process is not only to enable new ideas to be conceptualized, but aleg to ensure that those ideas are viable and materialized. + The processiis built on four steps 1. Inspiration. This also includes research, 2. Design. Where we ideate, prototype and validate ideas and solutions. 3. Build. The solution is transformed into an actual working product. 4. Grow. Launch and grow a product through the various stages of the product life cycle. + Ateach step of the process, we keep three components of the product in mind, Design (desirability), business (feasibility), technology (feasibility). Products exist in ecosystems, so it's important to track these components. Vision, strategy and product success depend on the existing harmony of these three elements. «Strategic Product Design combines product design, product strategy, and strategic design to help companies achieve forward-looking product success. This multi-layered approach helps organizations save time and money by providing validation and enabling them to start realizing and articulating their future vision today. The goal o the four-step process is to ensure that new ideas are conceived, made feasible, and materialized. 1.11 Services Page What are Service Pages? ‘+ Aservice page can describe your company's distinctive product or a specific product or service that you sell. ‘+ In fact, one of the most common ways users land on your service page is via Google. What should be included in a service page? Here are the key components ofa great service page (A) A compelling headline You only have one chance to make a first impression. Therefore, it's worth the extra time and attention to craf the headline for your services page. For example, you might want to design 10 different headlines and then pich the best one from the crowd. (8) Copy that describes your offering ‘This should tell you what the service is and elaborate on the process. wo ital Marketing meet) Digital Marketing Planning and Structure (C) Share the benefits of your service and not just the features A good service copy commu ates the benefits of the product in addition to listing a lar e number of features, (D) A clear call-to-action Your CTA button should prompt you to take the next step. Whether its signing up for free call, or booking an appointment. (E) Social proof a mailing list, scheduling a This can take the form of testimonials or links to case studies on your website, (F)__Easy-to-navigate layout If your page is cluttered or it takes a visitor two minutes to click through and see your service, your visitor will bounce. 1.12 Strategic Design of Landing Page ‘Alanding page Is a website page with a specific purpose. The goal of your landing page is to convert visitors into leads. There are many different types of landing pages, but the goal isthe same : get more leads. * Alanding page contains a | value (also called an offer) \d form that asks visitors for their contact information in exchange for something of First, why do you need a landing page? + Why create a special page just for people to fill out forms? Why not just use a home page or an about page? * You can probably answer these questions yourself, but the short answer is : Landing pages eliminate distractions by removing navigation, conflicting links, and alternative options to capture the full attention of your visitors. And full attention means you can direct your visitors where they want: your ead form. In summary, landing pages are specifically designed to generate conversions. ‘© Landing Page Best Practices 1. Crafta benefit-focused headline, 2. Choose an image that illustrates the offer. 3. Write compelling copy. 4. Include the lead form above the fold. 5. Adda clear and standout call-to-action, 6. Give away a relevant offer. 7. Only ask for what you need, 8. Remove all navigation. 9. Make your page responsive, 10. Optimize for search. 11. Remember to use a thank you page. Was that a lot? We'll break down these landing page best practices below. 1. Craft a benefit-focused headline : At least 7 out of 10 people who visit your landing page will bounce off the page. To keep that number down, your visitors need to know (and understand) what's included within seconds oftheir arrival. Headlines are the first thing users read and should clearly and concisely convey the value of your landing page and offer. 2. Choose an image that illustrates the offer : Yes, images are required and should represent your target audience. The purpose of the image is to convey feelings. You need to show how your visitors feel when they receive your offer. Certain images may work better than others, so you should always split your options. 3. Write compelling copy : When it comes to crafting the perfect headline or finding words that actually sell a call to action, don't spend time finding the ideal image. Keep your text clear and concise. should lead to & gat norton 146 big Marketing Panning and strate 10. 11. the action you want the visitor to take, Persuasive copy also uses "you" and "your" to speak directly to your visitors and make them feel like you are talking to them, Include the lead form above the fold want to convert quickly. Being above the scroll means that visitors don't have to scroll to get to the form, Your lead form should be easily accessible in case your prospects The form is displayed as soon as someone clicks on the page. This can be a form or an anchor link to a form, Even better : Design your form to scroll. as the user navigates down the p Add a clear and standout call-to-action : The call-to-action (CTA) is arguably the most important element on your landing page and one of many that drive conversions. Your CTA button should stand out. This that meat you should use colors that stand out from the rest of the page. Be clear about what you want your visitors to do. i, Use verbs that are clear to users, such as “send,” "download," and “downivad now.” Give away a relevant offer : Think of your landing page as part of your leads journey to the final offer, your product or service. An offer is something you offer in exchange for a lead's personal information. Not only must it be compelling enough for visitors to provide their contact information, but it must also be relevant to your business. Suppose you sell horseshoes. Your offer might be something like '10 easy ways to identify your horse's hooves’. Don't lure them in with organic farming offers, Only ask for what you need : We want to collect as much information as possible about our potential customers, but the amount we charge depends on several factors. How well they know you, where you are on the buyer journey, and how much they trust you. Minimize the information required in your lead form to lower the barrier to entry. A name and email address are all you need to nurture new leads. Remove all navigation : A landing page has one goal and only one objective. Convert visitors into leads. Competing links (including internal links to other pages on the site) undermine that goal. Draw all visitors’ attention to your call to action by removing all other links on the page. Make your page responsive : Like all other pages on your website, your landing page should be responsive to handle any browsing experience. The last thing we want is for the form to be hidden on mobile devices. No matter how your visitors look at your page, give them every chance to convert. You can use tools to accomplish this. For example, HubSpot’s drag-and-drop landing page editor available in Marketing Hub Starter makes it easy to create mobile-friendly landing pages and forms Optimize for search : Sure, you drive visitors to your landing page through email blasts, social posts, and other marketing techniques, but you also need to optimize your page with targeted keywords for paid campaigns and organic searches. When someone searches for your keyword, they should see your landing age. Similarly, if you're targeting keywords in your paid ads, those words should appear on your landing age. Remember to use a thank you page : The thank you page allows you to send the lead as soon as they complete the form. You can display the thank you message on the same page or omit the thank you message, but there are many reasons why this may not be the best option. 1.13 Segmentation ‘+ Segmentation is the process of dividing a database into groups based on one or more criteria. Customers as individuals have many characteristics that define them. Segmentation allows you to group these people together based on similar characteristics. This could be as simple as separating male and female customers. Or it can get more complicated. B. Use search data to isolate groups of people who express a clear interest in your product. Grouping your customers into different segments gives your digital marketing more flexibility and allows you to effectively target your most profitable customers, We arene © digital Marketing 1.47 Digital Marketing Planning and Structure Why segment? * Segmentation is the process of dividing a database into groups based on one or more criteria. Customers as individuals have many characteristics that define them. Segmentation allows you to group these people together based on similar characteristics, This could be as easy as separating husband and wife female guests; or it could be more complicated. B, © Use search d ata to isolate groups of people who express a clear inte customers into different segments gives your dig in your product. Grouping your tal marketing more flexibility and allows you to effectively target your most profitable customers. ‘The main goal of any marketing campaign or activity is to increase relevance, I you can get the right message to the right person at the right time, your chances of making a sale are greatly improved. Conversely, sending the wrong message will frustrate customers at best and drive them away from your brand for something else at worst. © As Internet usage and penetration cor ue to inerease, online experiences are becoming more sophisticated. Meanwhile, customers are demanding more from their user experience, not just online, but across all channels, Customers expect a seamless and con: stent user experience regardless of how they interact with your brand, Companies that fail to meet these ever-increasing expectations will quickly be left behind by the competition. As customers become more savvy, fickle, and demanding, it's more important than ever to understand exactly who your target audience is and how you, as a marketer, can target them. increase. Segmentation makes it more relevant by understanding your customer's key t its and behaviours, allowing you to deliver your marketing message that is more likely to resonate with your customer. Greater relevance leads to higher conversion rates and ultimately higher sales, making a significant contribution to the bottom line of your business. 1.14 _ Targeting + Digital marketing targeting identifies created content, connections, and platform usage to target specific demographic, psychological, and/or geographic audiences, their needs, and concerns It’s a formalized way. No matter how great your message or content is, it won't do you any good if it's not specifically tailored to the audience you need to reach, 1.14.1 Misconceptions about Target Audience + Over the past few years, we have heard many industry experts, authors, and speakers deprecating the terms audience and targeting, You say, “Don't aim. It's people, not numbers.” "It's about building relationships, not goals." | agree that you are human and that you interact with customers and prospects as an actual human being, but that would be utterly stupid, * Thinking you can be effective with digital marketing without knowing, 1) who you need to reach or 2) what their specific interests are. You can be stupid with your marketing, but in my humble opinion it is irresponsible to misdirect others to be stupid with their marketing. 1.14.2 Why Do You Need to Target Your Audience? Let me offer some analogies to help you understand the importance of properly targeting your digital marketing. wae WB ignat Marketing Lag Dig Marketing Planning and Structore 1.14.3 Target Audience Analogy + tmagine you are a police oficer and you go toa shooting range to practice shooting, You have to £00 a shooting Tange with a specific designated target so that you can practice aiming in different scenarios and measure yous shooting skill and improvement + By setting different goals, you can focus on specific things and achiewe ther, Your life can depend on your abitity tohit your targets correctly, so knowing which targets you need to hit is crucial to your survival 1.14.4 The Importance of Targeting Your Audience Online + Your survival as a business depends on how well you know your target audience and how well you carget them, both in the products and services you offer and in the marketing you do to sell them online. If you don’t know exactly who you're trying to reach, you can't reach them effectively. + Here are some important audience targeting points to consider in your digital marketing, 1. You need to know exactly who you want to reach. We use personas to do this for our clients. Personas help you understand the 3-5 types of people you're trying to reach with your digital marketing and all the interests, needs, and concerns they have as people. For more information on personas, see Personas - Does B2B Know Your Target Market? 2. Just like the previous analogy..if you don't have a target, you can’t aim properly and you can't measure your effort. Do your key marketing messages address the needs, concerns, and problems of your target audience? If you know your audience, your message should focus on their interests and solutions to their specific problems is. 1.14.5 How to Use Audience Targeting in Digital Marketing? + There are several specific ways to use audience targeting in digital marketing, To appeal to your target audience, you first need to pinpoint who they are and find as much information as your species can find. It requires a significant investment of time and research, including searching for and uncovering real data, timating the age, location, income, status and personality of people who really need or are interested in a product or service is a big mistake many brands make. Guts and assumptions should only facilitate research and should not be used as a targeting method. Only research and data that backs up your beliefs can help you effectively market your brand online! how much research? This is something I wrote about market research that should open your eyes a bit. * Let's discuss how audiences are used in marketing and some details about their use. (A) Paid Media Targeting Ifyou use Paid Search Engine Marketing or Paid Social Media Marketing, you need to make sure your targeting is accurate. If you spend money advertising your digital media with messages, offers, or content that isn't specific to the right audience, you're wasting your money. Proper targeting makes advertising in paid media effective. Ad formation is seconds away! (8) Content Creation Knowing exactly who your target audience is allows you to identify their interests, needs, concerns, and desires: From this information, you can create content that addresses these topics. This will drive more traffic to your content, website and messages. (©) Website Messaging If you don't know who your target audience is and what specific solutions your product or service will appeal t them, your website will be less effective. Studies show that it only takes seconds to attract new visitors to your website. If your message targets the wrong audience, you'll struggle to capture their attention and win business. “eae & Digital Marketing 1419 Digital Marketing Planning and Structure (0) Content Sharing If you know what your target audience is interested in, you can share content that focuses on them. Sharing content that interests you create affinities and connections that open doors to potential customers. You create va engages your audience, regardless of your industry or your business, thereby removing barriers to keeping your customers focused on your business. Targeting the right audience with the right shared content unlocks the potential of what your business has to offer, jue by providing content th (©) Audience targeting arget group is very important in digital media marketing, This is the foundation for all marketing r message, content, and impact are dramatically Reaching your components you implement. When your audience is focused, yo more likely to retain, and convert customer connections. 1.15 Positioning to Digital Marketing + Five Types of Positioning Strategies * The five types of positioning strategies | will be examining in this article are Market Positioning Product Positioning Brand Positioning P Competitor-based Positioning Positioning oo eo 0 1.15.1 Market Positioning + Developing a market positioning strategy is an important part of a company's business strategy. Strategy determines how prospects and customers view your brand and products. Market positioning involves actively establishing a brand identity. + Successful brands such as Rolex and Lamborghini have made market positioning an integral part of their business strategy, They established the brand as a luxury status symbol, offering quality at a premium price. © Todevelop an effective positio ia strategy, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to sell. IFyou have a lot of competing products on your shelves, your strategy will help you decide which niche you should own. For example, look at the muesli aisle. You can see that there are many different brands with different ingredients, prices and target audiences. One brand may have a higher price than another, but that doesn't mean the latter's product is superior. + Once you have found the best way to position your product or service in the market, you need to develop a ‘marketing strategy based on the 4 P's: product, price, promotion and location, You can refine your positioning as ‘you get more information and data. This way you can be sure you are targeting the right audience. * Strategy should define what makes your product unique and different from the competition. You also need to show your customers the benefits of your product or service. A successful positioning strategy includes evidence (© support your claims. For example, instead of just claiming your product is the fastest or highest quality, explain how you achieved that. This requires a deep understanding of the market and competition. * In general, the market positioning strategy determines the position of the product with respect to the target customer. This includes not only features and benefits, but also pricing and distribution channels. When building your marketing strategy, you should also consider your target audience. We isiesag W distal Marketing 120 Digits! Marketing Planning and structure 1.15.2. Product Positioning . Articulate your product’s value and © Aproduct positioning strategy is an important part of the marketing praces highlight the benefits it offers to your customers. Organizations do this using a variety of methods, including communication channels, pricing and product quality. The product positioning process includes determining the ulness of the product, and determining the appropriate price. To we need to see an example. appropriate audience, determining the us benefits of 3 ate duct positioning s © While some marketing strategies focus on targeting specific market segments, product positioning is an imporeant part of any marketing plan, Ultimately, your positioning strategy influences whether potential customers will buy your product. The purpose of product positioning is to impress the consumer and make the product stand out from its competitors. -ategy is to combine product features with customer benefits. For example, in ‘©The most common positioning st the automotive market, Toyots and Honda have been able to become market leaders because of theit focus on economy and reliability. Volvo, on the other hand, focuses on safety and durability. © By focusing on these benefits, consumers will be more interested in your product. must be distinguished, Strategies also need to be adjusted to reflect current trends. The aim is to make the product selection process as customer-centric as possible. Customers will switch to another brand if it doesn't meet their needs. «Developing an effective product positioning strategy is a long-term process that must be continually adapted, ‘The first step in the process is understanding your target audience. Target users are very important as they help build a solid foundation for your product positioning strategy. The second step uses customer insights to determine positioning 1.15.3 Brand Positioning ‘+ Many professional services companies struggle to differentiate themselves from theit competitors. A successful brand positioning strategy will help these organizations stand out from their competitors. However, this strategy your best self at something is not generally a successful primary should be kept in mind. For example, touting brand positioning strategy. + This is best used as a competitive advantage or loyalty incentive and is not a sufficient selling point for most consumers. Of course, some customers are looking for the best. so it's important to be specific about what you do best + One of the most powerful brand positioning methods is using customer data. The most successful companies focus on the needs and wants of their customers rather than the product itself. A well-thought-out brand positioning strategy can increase revenue. Here are some strategies to help you create your brand positioning strategy ‘© It outlines brand positioning in terms of message quality, cost, significance, exclusivity, and marketability. It should also consider how the brand is perceived in different contexts, you can decide whether your image is professional or informal. You can also set the tone of your communication. ‘© A competitive pricing strategy can make a company more competitive, but it can also hurt your brand image. Moreover, it can also trigger a price war. © Consider two different types of brand positioning - © Core Brand and Surround Brand © There are some important differences between core and surround brands. A core brand is the primary oF central brand associated with a company or product. A core brand represents the overall idemtity of @ company or product. In contrast, a surround brand is a secondary brand associated with a company °F product, but not the primary or core brand. Surround brands are typically used to target specific markets OF segments. wren BE digital Marketing 421 Digital Marketing Planning and Structure © The surround brandin strategy has several important advantages. First, businesses can develop more customized and targeted marketing techniques. Second, it helps companies better manage their overall brand identity. Finally, a surround brand strategy helps companies achieve economies of scale. es, First, developing and © Surround branding strategies offer many be managing a successful surround branding st mn the overall brand identity of a company or product. Finally, surround branding strategies can Ke its, but also some potential challeny tegy can be difficult. Second, surround branding strategies can weal ing and advertising costs. © Despite its challenges, a surround branding strategy can be a powerful tool for companies looking to enter a particular market or segment. A well-executed surround branding strategy allows companies to achieve economies of scale while better managing their overall brand identity. 1.15.4 Price Positioning © A pricing positioning method makes a speciality of the connection among rate and fine and the belief of price amongst consumers. A better-priced product may also function itself as excessive-fine, while a decrease-priced product may also function itself as affordable, For instance, clothier denims may also boast approximately their fine, however denims from branch shops are reachable to all ‘© Apricing positioning method have to be steady throughout all channels of the price chain. The method have to additionally be aligned with enterprise and advertising plans. The goal is to set up a aggressive function that differentiates your product out of your opposition and lets in you to fee a better rate for it. There are many one of a kind rate positioning techniques a enterprise can use to attain its pricing goals. # One method is known as consumer price-orientated pricing. It lets in corporations to distinguish themselves from competition through focusing at the desires in their customers. The method entails defining the product marketplace, opposition, and design. By the use of consumer price-orientated pricing, corporations will attain an aggressive edge. Pricing isa crucial a part of enterprise. * Another pricing method is known as financial system pricing, It is beneficial for businesses with low overheads By promoting a product for a decrease rate than its competition, those businesses can attain an excessive marketplace share. However, small corporations regularly war to promote sufficient extent to live profitable. The financial system pricing method allows them undercut competition with a comparable product. 1.15.5 Competitor-based Positioning + Competitive positioning is a common marketing technique that relies on comparing brands to their competitors. This allows brands to highlight the differences in their products and services to make them appear more favorable to consumers. By comparing brands to their competitors, companies can demonstrate what makes them different or better than their competitors. + A-common approach to competing with competitors is to offer lower prices. While this strategy can help companies gain a large customer base, it can also backfire if customers perceive their products and services to be inferior. To avoid this trap, companies must strategically outperform their competitors and match their products with superior manufacturing techniques. 1.15.6 How to Develop a Positioning Strategy * There are several important considerations when it comes to developing a positioning strategy. + First you need to understand what your product or service is and what it offers. This will help you determine how best to position yourselfin the market. * Next, you need to research your competitors and understand their positioning strategy. This will tell you what Works and what doesn’t. 7 Wr _ | Wot Mareting 12 Djs sting Moning an8 tea ‘Finally, you should test different positioning strategies to see which one works best for your target marke Doin allof this wil help you develop a strong positioning strategy for your business. : 1.15.7 Examples of Positioning Strategies + Every business enterprise you engage with on each day foundation is executing more than one positioning strategies. Let's examine famous manufacturers and their one of a kind positioning strategies, Starbucks and Lite Time Fitness. 1.15.7(A) Positioning Strategy Example: Starbucks * Starbucks has constructed a robust popularity as an amazing espresso emblem, In order ta keep this positioning, Starbucks cautiously selects many very particular information round its client experience, which includes the places for its shops and wherein it reasserts its espresso beans. For example, the enterprise avoids saturation in anyone market, alternatively choosing an extra strategic method that lets init to keep its top rate image. By concentrated on prosperous regions and warding off direct opposition with different espresso brands, Starbucks has been capable of hold its fees better than the common cup of espresso. This has helped the enterprise preserve to grow, even with inside the face of recessionary pressures. ‘© Over the years, Starbucks has additionally extended its product services past espresso. The enterprise now sells an extensive variety of foods and drinks items, which includes sandwiches, pastries, and salads. Ths has helped to increase its cient base and enchantment to a much wider variety of consumers. + However, Starbucks’ consciousness on best stays unchanged. The enterprise never the less reassert ts espresso beans from the fine growers with inside the international and roast them to perfection This interest to clement is what units Starbucks aside from the opposition and enables it keep its role as a top rate espresso embles ‘© Looking to the future, Starbucks plans to preserve its enlargement into new markets. The enterprise is likewise experimenting with new keep formats, which includes explicit places and drive-through best places. This flexibility will permit Starbucks to hold developing even as assembly the wishes of its customers. With a robust emblem and modern enterprise model, Starbucks is property located for endured success. 1.16 Portfolio 1.16.1 What Exactly is a Marketing Portfolio and why do you Need One? + A marketing portfolio i 2 website or webpage that showcases your best work to potential employers and cliets. Your portfolio should include at least three strong case studies that briefly showcase your professional background and demonstrate your marketing skills. The site itslfis also part of the portfolio and showcases the use of digital media, copy and design. You might think portfolios are just for designers. When creating your own portfolio, UX and UI design portfolios are certainly inspirational, but they are just as important in marketing. Whether you're a designer or a marketer, the end goal is the same. It is about demonstrating your value, skills and expertise to potential clients and employers + So who needs 2 marketing portfolio? As you can imagine, anyone working or alming to be in digital marketing This includes students, career changers and freelancers If you're looking for a job opportunity or BI& * marketing portfolio is a must so that potential employers and clients can see your skills and work before bein called infor an interview, 2 unique website that showcases what you can bring as a digital marketer. With that in mind, let's take a look atthe components that really make up a digital marketing portfolio. wort & Digital Marketing 1:23 Digital Marketing Planning and Structure EEE — OT Ea 1.16.2 What should be Included in your Digital Market 1g Portfolio? + All digital marketing portfolios should include three basic components: An “About” section, work samples, and contact information, Your “About” section + Your “About” phase need to offer a picture of who you're and the cost you bring, inclusive of a top level view of your expert history and credentials. Employers or customers additionally want to get a preview of your character here. Do you've get an exciting interest or pet? Give some information about your self-outdoor of labour that show your creativity or paintings ethic (for example, bringing up which you run ultramarathons). ‘+ Also, remember inclusive of a first-rate image of yourself to assist internet site traffic make a reference to you. Depending at the position and enterprise you're seeking, a proper head shot or a way of life image might be appropri to be taken with the aid of using an expert, however it need to have properly lights and now no longer be blurry or pixelated. re. It does not wa Work samples and case studies © Working samples and case studies are the most important part of your marketing portfolio. Site visitors can jump to this section without reading your bio. Contact information + Working samples and case studies are the most important part of your marketing portfolio. Site visitors can jump to this section without reading your bio. 1.16.3 How can you Build a Marketing Portfolio if you don’t yet have any Experience in the Field? + Itis possible to build an impressive marketing portfolio even if you have never worked in marketing before. If you're taking a digital marketing course, your final project will form the basis of your portfolio. If you have completed an internship in digital marketing, you can also use that as a case study. You can also search for volunteer projects at local non-profits and associations, or create fictional marketing campaigns. ‘+ Here, you'll create your own project (potentially using a real-world brand or service) to demonstrate the process and how you use your digital marketing know-how when working with this brand. If you do this, make it clear what kind of project you're involved in. You must make it clear that this is a fictitious project and that you were not hired by the company to complete it. Remember webs + The marketing portf a project in itself. You need to demonstrate not only your writing and design skills, but your ability to connect with your audience. A strong portfolio design and content can make up for any lack of experience, or at least make your case in front of hiring managers. 1.17 Gallery 1.17.1 Live video Live video is everywhere. | experience like I get a notification each day from a friend. emblem or influencer going stay on Facebook or Instagram, and it is smooth to peer the appeal. Live content material assists you to stick out from the group while lots of manufacturers are nonetheless counting on social scheduling Instant stay video notifications actively is being created, and offers them the best possibility to interact with you through leaving stay comments, interacting together along with your content material anyplace they're with inside the world spire all of your fans to view your content material as it ree 2 igital Marketing Planning and W digital Marketing iat Digital Marketing Planning and Structure Fig. 117.1 : Live video for marketing for art galleries © So what impact does this have on art gallery marketing? can be presented as a welcoming space. Remember, many people are still terrified of the art market. So it's your job to welcome and guide them, either in person or ig live video as part of your art gallery social media marketing, It can be performed at the opening night of 2 new exhibition or to show new works coming to the gallery. Or, if you have a particularly well-known artist in your gallery, sponsor a post and host a Q and A session with the artist where followers can. © Here are some ideas for ask questions in the comments section of the video. 1.17.2 Interactive Content # Interactive content material is an incredible medium in terms of advertising and marketing for artwork galleries. By giving a person 2 possibility to engage together along with your content material, in place of simply scanning, with your gallery over it, you could inspire engagement and perhaps even interplay together alon Fig. 1.17.2 : Interactive content for marketing for art galleries n interactive put up on which artist's paintings maximum fits an individual's + For instance, you can produce private tastes, or their cutting-edge indoors design. The questions whittle down the options, and whilst the end result is revealed. people can click on thru to a touchdown web page displaying to be had works with the ald of using their favoured arti + Ifyou are seeking out a faster and less difficult manner of enticing together along with your target market though, Twitter and Instagram polls are possibly the very best shape of interactive content material to set UP. jor patron research, as you can quiz your fans on what works, artists jon with the aid of using letting the™ ndow This should play a totally powerful positio and occasions they prefer best. Alternatively. you can vote on subject of your subsequent exhibition, or their favoured piece to function in an upcoming win ipply them posses display. & bigital Marketing 1.25 Digital Marketing Planning and Structure 1.17.3 Influencer Marketing + Inn online world of ad blockers and banner blinds, reaching new audiences can be difficult. So how can you improve your lead generation through digital marketing for your art gallery? can talk to people Fig, 1.17.3 : Influencer marketing for marketing for art galleries * We're not talking about paying Hollywood celebrities millions to share a selfie with one of your products (you can literally smell it from miles away.). gallery. You could be an arts enthusiast, a multi-talented culture lover, or a local enthusiast. Art has seen a natural partnership blossom between his galleries, interior designers and furniture makers with an interest in beautifying homes. Either way, influencers should have a genuine interest in what you have to offer. + So how do you choose the right people? First, choose quality over quantity. The latter stat can be manipulated, so look for interactions rather than total follower count. Post engagement is everything. especially given Instagram's ever-changing algorithms. + Secondly, itis important that these influencers write their own posts and use photos taken by them. Of course, ‘you can give suggestions and instructions, but avoid copy-and-paste work as it just doesn’t look authentic. Back to the fact that influencer marketing smells like rats sometimes, you need to make sure your sponsored post fits naturally into that person's wall of posts. 1.17.4 Mobile video * Soa great deal of our newsfeeds are complete to the brim with video advertising on the moment. With our interest spans getting shorter and shorter, video is an outstanding vital bandwagon that everybody desires to leap on. According to Tech Crunch, a hundred million hours of video in step with day are watched on Facebook. Yes, itisa lot. .17.4 : Mobile video for marketing for art galleries — = << ema BF digtat Marketing 1.26 _digtat Marketing Mannings sect # We've were given any other statistic for you, According to our friends aver at HubSpot, 85% of films on Facebooy, are watched without sound. What does that inform you? Well, you want to undergo in thoughts that white you create films, you want them to make experience without sound - or as a minimum entice sufficient interest yy persuade visitors to place their headphones in * Ifyou are harassed approximately cellular video advertising for artwork galleries, simply take a second to take into account why the artwork enterprise is so fascinating, Give the viewer a glimpse into this world. You ought to percentage artist interviews, movie an exhibition launch, report an afternoon with inside the existence of your gallery curator - the thoughts are endless. Just don’t forget to feature in subtitles if necessary. 1.17.5. Virtual Reality ‘+ Virtual fact has simply taken off. Well, itis being round for years, however technological advances now imply that maximum those who very own a phone can absolutely get caught into it. While that is nonetheless a rising trend, it is able to surely play a component in virtual advertising for artwork galleries with inside the future. There's lot content material simply mendacity round, ready as a way to get involved, a Fig. 1.175: Virwal reality for marketing for at galeries +A recent exhibition ata New York gallery added elements of viral reality drawn by the exhibiting artist not it cool? We definitely think so Not ready to dive into the world of virtual realty yet? Add a 360-degree tour feature to your website It an help people frame your art In a non-abstract setting thereby persuading them to buy i for their walls, can even convince yau to book. private view. 1.17.6 Personalisation ‘+ Ina world where everything is going digital, it’s getting harder and harder for people to see your content. Especially ifthe recipient of your content sees thousands of different messages every day. ‘+ Luckily, these days there are ways to add an extra touch to your marketing. Personalization plays a big role in @ world where things are becoming more and more impersonal. This can be as simple as using a marketing automation tool to add a person's name to the email subject line when sending out mass newsletters. + To diga little deeper, you can monitor who opened a particular email or clicked on a particular part of an email and adjust the content you send accordingly. We send out newsletters highlighting new work from artists have previously researched on the site. Artsy knows I've expressed interest in these artists before, so I'd love € see more similar content in the future. catansith © Digital Marketing 127 Digital Marketing Planning and Structure 1.17.7 Try out Live Chat 1.18 Contact Us Page I you read our blog regularly, you know we're big fans of conversational marketing, More than ever, potential prospects are choosing to communicate with brands the same way they stay in touch with friends via Instant Her messaging apps. Whether you're following a group chat on WhatsApp or snooping on someone's DMs on Instagram, chances are you're already using this form of communic: jon for personal reasons. Six and Flow worked with an art gallery to implement her Drift on her website, creating a direct connection between website visitors and the client's sales team. | would like to point out that the sales team did not agree with this new tool from the be ning, ‘There was already a lot to do and this new tool seemed like more work. However, sales began within a few weeks, and soon sellers had trouble attracting drift leads. This was often accompanied by good engagement, high purchase intent, and interest in fast service. 13% increase in customer leads and 45% conversion rate in just 6 months improved and increased overall revenue by 16%, Learn more in our case study. What Makes a Great Contact Us Page? ‘As you know, questions about the best "contact us” sites are highly subjective. What's great for you might look bad or even ugly to others ‘A good Contact Us page should include : Should be easily accessible from the home page. The link to the “Contact Us" page should be placed in a prominent (and expected) location on your website so that users can easily find it. For example, we place it in the footer of every page so that website visitors can easily find it and contact our team. And that's part of a great customer experience. Bsurvicate —resav rno nonin z w YY Now nworks? —— Fetures Resources Survey Templates Company Deweute Suveys Emaland LnkSuneys Phineand Pha NPS Suneys pools Ansye ests el Pomoter Seer tigations Custara Satatacton tr Contact Ue Acton Feedback Webate Suneye vincent SS conte Sta werealzothere Bus Sunays Wo App Suns eons Seon cares [mean Mobic Arp Sunoys Feveooers Newser Suneys— Panes Wine Teno Surveys Prt Upon Oeant Anan Siwoye GPR Orns Feeobck Hb sane Nore Suny Tempiaas Cashes Sats Feeback Baton 89 Fig.1.18.1 : Contact Us Page Wisin Digital Marketing Plannin, & digital Marketing band Structure ig. 118.2: Contact Us Page «Its going without announcing that your "Contact Us" web page need to be smooth and the layout need to replicate your brand's visible identity, ete ses of methods to offer your clients the opportunity to get in contact with you + Actually, there are + But it’s miles very vital to take into account that these days your clients anticipate extra than ever earlier than from their digital experience. There are such a Jot of different sources accessible that understand the way to contain them. © That's why the manner you talk with the customers is so vital. You want to continuously evolve and meet their maximum expectancies through being to be had anywhere, anytime. eee er Fig. 1.18.3: Contact Us Page +The best contact pages tend to serve a specific function. + Explain why visitors should contact you and explain how to solve their problems, + Include email addresses and phone numbers to help visitors find the information they need quickly. + Include a short form with filler words to help you understand who contacted you. «© Include a call to action to keep users on your site and provide another option for users who don't want to even fill out a simple form «Present the company’s most important ideas. This can be done by including alist of recent blog posts or articles ‘about the company in the press. © Linked to active company social visitors the opportunity to co | media accounts such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin, giving ct with the company. © Redirect the user to a thank you page explaining when and how to contact them. Fig. 1.18.4 : Sample Contact Us Page WF digital Marketin 1.19 Google Analytics Tracking Code ing Planning and Structure What is the Google Analytics Tracking Code? ‘* Google Analytics works by including blocks of JavaScript code on your web pages. When a visitor views a page on her website, this JavaScript code references her JavaScript file and runs the Google Analytics tracking process ¢ The tracking process accesses data about page requests in several ways. This information is sent to the analytics server via a list of pa to deliver all the info in your reports originates from these sources fers attached to the single pixel image request. The data that Google Analytics utilizes © The HTTP request of the user © Browser/system information 0 Firstparty cookies Where to Put the Google Analytics Tracking Code? + It's recommended to add the Google Analytics tracking code in the header section (). According to Google * “The code should be added near the top of the tag and before any other script or CSS tags, and the string “UA-XXXXX-Y" should be replaced with the property 1D (also called the “tracking 1D") of the Google Analytics property you wish to track” * Once your GA code is in place, you will start getting data in your Google Analytics account which you can share with your customers in the form of visual reports. + Smart keyword research could help your website to boost quickly in terms of traffic and sales. Keep finding new ‘opportunities and engage the customers with right keywords. How Do I Identify the Analytics Tracking Code? © Google Analytics tracking code is called asynchronous code. This means it can run in parallel with other scripts running on your website. The most important advantage of asynchronous code is that if some code takes a long time to execute or encounters an error, it does not affect other code that is executing asynchronously + In most cases, you can quickly determine if a website has Google Analytics installed by looking at the website code of the webpage. You can use Google Chrome to visit the website and right click to view its PAGE SOURCE (Gite code). Ifthe site has Google Analytics installed, you'll find the Google Analytics tracking info within the code, as seen below. <'- Global site tag (gt3gjs) - Google Analytics -> Fig, 1.19.1 : Google Analytics tracking info wit ~ BW dg ratmreing 1 a Marti Panning = Stn + When you include tas to your site, you send a page view for every page your viewers browse. Google Analyyn, processes this info and can infer alt of information such a The total time a visitor spends on your website ‘The amount of time a visitor spends on each page and in what order the visitor saw those pages. What internal links were clicked (depending on the URL. of the next page view). + You can also see the IP address, user agent string, and initial page. You can use this info to find out things like ‘The visitor's geographical location. Which browser and operating system are being used. Screen size and whether Flash or Javais installed. The referring website, How the Google Analytics Tracking Code Works? + Once you've got a code to your website, whilst the web page is loaded in browser, the JavaScript is likewise loaded there wherein monitoring operations for analytics are executed. Whenever web page request sends any equest, the whole thing is then tracked via monitoring operations. Where is the Google Analytics Code and Tracking ID? ‘+ So, where is the Google Analytics code? Follow these steps to find the tracking ID and code snippet. © Sign in to your Google Analytics account. © Click ‘Admin.’ Analytics AN Web Site Data & TYsrchna"Wertracertysns epee" Fle ane: se ‘+ Next, click on the “Tracking info’ and from the drop-down menu. Select “Tracking code’ W digital Marketing 1.31 Di 3 igital Marketing Planning and Structure —_—— etal Marketing Planning and Structure, atl Analytics ANWab Site Data~ 7 : * ' errr mo » y GS 7 ° ~ WH amen vom * Here, you can find the Tracking ID and Tracking code. Copy this code and paste it into the header of your site. ll Ansvtss gryebsteData- on i * Now that you've figured out the answer to where is the Google Analytics code, it's time to start using it 1.20 Designing Word Press Website How to Build a WordPress Website? Select a WordPress plan ( only). + Sct up your domain name and hosting provider, Install WordPress, 1 2 3 4. Choose your theme. YW Digna Marketing 1:32 Digital Marketing Panning ang Stra 6 Sy tu Add posts and pages to your website, wt Customize your website, I plugins, Optimize your website to increase page speed. Get inspired from WordPress website examples. WordPress is currently the most popular CMS. Is ease of use and versatility allow the vast majority of use, business owners to create his website that suits their needs. Here's how todo the same: "sang 1.20.1 Select a WordPress plan ( only) 0 begin creating your website, select a WordPress plan. As stated earlier, with You only have (free) plan option - but it requires you to buy your domain, hosting provider, plugins, themes, and everyty, else related to your WordPress site 5 With, you'll have to choos between the five plans they offer. There's a plan for you. ‘Where you want to share ypu ideas, tan a business, ofr stor you can do allen WordPress com, Be Personal, Premium: Business. eCommerce Fig. 1.20.2. Pricing plans fora WordPress website ‘The main differences between these plans are the monthly fe, types of site customization, and the access you ge to marketing tools. 1.20.2. Set up your domain name and hosting provider Setting up a domain name and choosing a WordPress hosting provider usually happens almost simultaneously with the website building process. Before we discuss how to perform these tasks, let's discuss the difference between a domain name and a hosting provider. Think of your domain name as your home address. This is how visitors find her website on the internet. The domain name looks like this ‘A hosting provider is like home. This is where the website files are actually stored, Without a hosting provider your website has no place to “live” on their servers. The best WordPress hosting providers include WP Engin, Bluchost, Kinsta, and more. rave 1:33 Digital Marketing Planning an Ca repens rrr Cer ae ee Mes Lot Era ye Fig.1.20.2: product page for wp engine WordPress hosting 1.20.2(A) How to Pick Domain and Hosting Providers Again, requires you to create your own domain and find a third-party hosting provider for your a custom domain depending on the plan you choose, but the website. lets you decide if you w. hosting is automatic. Your hosting provider is important because it affects your websites speed, security, and reliability. Choose from hundreds of providers. That's why we've created a list of the 22 best WordPress hosting providers to help you decide which one is best for you, All of these providers meet his three hosting requirements for WordPress. © PHP version 7.4 or greater © MySQL version 5.6 or greater OR Mari © HTTPS support When considering a hosting provider for your WordPress site, make sure it meets all of the above criteria, B version 10.1 or greater. Getting a domain name is as easy as finding a domain name and buying it from your domain registrar of ch New to but have already purchased and created a domain name elsewhere? No problem. Yo have the option to forward or map your domain name to your WordPress site. This guide assumes you don't already have a domain or hosting provider. Here's how to start building your website with the popular hosting service Bluehost. First, visit the Bluehost website and click Get St WB Digital Marketing 34 Digital Marketing Plann * From here, you'll be taken to Bluehost’ pricing page to choose from four plar $5.45m0 $13.95 je Es ESS Fig. 1.20.4 : Pricing for bluehostWordPress website hosting ‘* Once you choose your plan and click Select, you'll he taken to another page to sign up with a domain name. Next we'll set up your domain. ‘Yur doman wile your wedst’s adress. Youcan erste anew domss ise ae You afe28) Own, oF Make one ate. Oryau en sko tha sep ane eeate 2 dom ater ‘create my omain iter> Fig. 1.20.5 : Bluehest signup page for WordPress website «Once you select your domain name, you'll be brought to 2 page to complete your account and billing information for your purchase. e your account Fig. 1.20.6 : Bluehost account page for WordPress website al Marketing 18 your account a 135 w Planning and Structure, your domain, you will gain access to your hosting dashboard where you'll be able to install the WordPress CMS. 1.20.3 Install WordPress If you're using a hosting provider other than WordPress, you'll need to install a CMS and connect your new domain to your website. Let's take GoDaddy as an example this time, (Don't worry, the process [s similar no matter which hosting, provider you choose.) [rer + If you choose to use a managed WordPress hosting service such as WP Engine or Kinsta, you dont need to =| th 19h First, log into your GoDaddy account, details. Fig. 1.20.7 : GoDaddy account for WordPress website Scroll down and under Options and Settings, you will see an area titled Popular Apps. Click on the WordPress app to begin the installation. mepmectees ay E e = ™ Tha S : & = domain to your website ig. 1.20.7 : GoDaddy settings for WordPress website If you're using a hosting provider other than WordPress, you'll need to install 2 CMS and connect your new his process as these services aro built specifically for WordPress and come with WordPress instalios lick Web Hosting, then click Manage. Go to the screen with your account Let's take GoDaddy as an example this time. (Don't worry, the process is similar no matter which hosting provider you choose.) Note : If you choose to use a managed WordPress hosting service such as WP Engine or Kinsta, you don't need to go through this process as these services ate built specifically for WordPress and come with WordPress installed wi details + Then, click Make Primary. * Confirm you meant to make this change by clicking Update Primary Domain, 1.36 Digital Marketing P — ‘ Fig, 1.20.7 : Setup custom domain for WordPress wel Fig. 1.20.8 : Domain settings for WordPress website b Hosting, then click Manage. Go to the screen with yo 0 Sener masnnanemynien mages te ~ Fig. 1.20.9 : Primary domain for WordPress website Lanning and Sty + Vevily the update was successful by looking fora green box with a checkmark that says Primary Domain, Dwr ¢ § Eg = Fig, 1.20.10 : Verify domain for WordPress website * Now, onto step four: making your website look nice. & Dipial Mar 137 Digital Marketing Planning and Structure 1.20.4 Choose your Theme + You can use many WordPress themes and templates to customize your WordPress website. Each includes diferent layouts formating tle, colours, fonts and other visual options + WordPress automatically applies a default theme that looks pretty plain. You can keep it, but your site visitors may not be as impressed Using a custom WordPress theme, paid or free, will make your website look attractive and professional to your buyer persona + As with the wide range of hosting providers avaiable, there are hundreds of themes and templates to choose from, To help you out, we've put together a guide of 20 of our favourite themes and templates categoria purpose, + Whether you're looking for a theme that's good enough for multiple different business types, i's great or ecommerce websites, portfolios, whether you're looking forthe right theme for your blog or business, you the right theme for your specific requirements. addition to design, you can further customize your page with builder tools ike Elementor, 4+ To find the perfect theme for you on, visit your admin dashboard, Click Appearance > Themes Another screen vil appear ining, jee you can browse the available themes or search fora specific theme you have Thames Q [rescsien| eomesgiooa iat Festa The works of Berthe Morisot, 1800s-era French painter Fig. 1.20.12: The theme selection page on a WordPress website + Once you find the perfect theme, install it and start customizing, Each theme require different steps during the customization process. Please follow me carefully. IF your theme has a website (often accessible from the WordPress theme and template brary}, check the documentation as you go through the customization proces. 1.20.5 Add Posts and Pages to your Website ‘+ Adding content to your WordPress website usually takes the form of posts and pages. + Posts (or “dynamic pages") are commonly used for blogs and portfolios because they automatically place the latest website content ontop of featured content. Pages are static, which makes them more attractive to business ‘owners. Added content stays inthe same place, + Postsand Pages are the main post types in WordPress, Additionally, there are other native post types and custom post types. For now, you can nly stick to Pages and Posts PF ieatosiae ag Boia arti 1 big or 1s Planning and BAN Strut, + First, decide if you want the post or page toact as your site's home page (or any page). To add @ OStt0 your gp go to your admin dashboard, click Posts, then Add New . F your post, place photos, change format Click Save Draft to save your ch: insert page elements via blocks and she 2 draft or click Publish to publish immediately. * Adding pages to your website is a similar process, From the admin panel, click Pages and click Add New. Fig. 1.20.12 : The dashboard menu on a WordPress website © First, add a tit page. Next. yo can insert photos, embed videos, and add content. Follow the same st to create multiple pages for your website. When finished, click Save Draft or Publish 1.20.6 Customize your Website heme you choose, there are many ways to further customize your site. Let's look at some options. tle, From the Admin Dashboard, select Settings > General. Add your website ti tere Youcanalso togle other basi website infor mation such as URL, email, and time zone. Genel Sexnge Fig. 1.20.13 : The general setting page on a WordPress website ‘© Next, let's customize your reading sections. Under Settings > Reading, you can change your home page to a St Page. Few & Digital Marketing 139 Digital Marketing Planning and Structure Reading Settings Teena oeeoe Fig. 1.20.14 : the reading setting page on a WordPress website - c sider this if you're a business owner who prefers to put your content in one place on your site. If you're a blogger who wants the most recent content to appear at the top of the page, consider using dynamic pages. This makes it easy for visitors to find your latest posts. ‘¢ The navigation bar is also customizable. This makes it easier for visitors to find information on her website. Go to your admin dashboard, click Appearance, then Menus and add a navigation bar, Fig. 1.20.15 : The menus options page on a WordPress website + From here you can decide what the bar should look like, how many pages you want to include, how you want those pages to be titled, and the order in which you want them listed. Of course, this is just the beginning of what you can do with the dashboard. Click here for more information on setting up and customizing your WordPress 1.20.7. Install Plugins ‘+ Plugins are software that add functionality to your WordPress website and improve your user experience. With over 55,000 plugins available, there are options for almost every type of his website and user. Some of the most popular plugins available are HubSpot WordPress Plugin + Easily add popups, forms, and live chat to your WordPress website. Additionally, you can combine this plugin or any other CRM plugin with your HubSpot CRM. Alll in One SEO : A premium SEO plugin used by businesses to boost their rankings and discover new SEO growth opportunities, we BF Digital Marketing 1-40 Digi ning and The Events Calendar at allows you to ea sily schedule events from your website Yoast SEO : The go-to plugin for on-page SEO. This app helps you follow best practices before publishing your website TablePress : Need a table on your site? Look no further, The SEO Framework : Another plugin that can help you master SEO on your site. Weglot * Atop translation plugin for translating WordPress and WooCommerce websites. + To start the installation, go to the plugins section of your admin dashboard. This will show all plugins currently installed on your website. Depending on your host, you may already have some ply the plugin must be activated after installation for it to work. ns installed, Please note that Fig. 1.20.16 : The plugins page on a WordPress website To add a new plugin, click Add New. Search for your desired plugin and then click Install Now, wait a few seconds, then click Activate dé Pugs (| Facebook for Wooconmerce Fig. 1.20.17 : The add plugins screen on a WordPress website © Getthe WordPress CRM plugin that helps you organize, track, and nurture your leads, tal Marketing, 1 41 1.20.8 Optimize your Website to Increase Page Speed «Website performance is an important part of user experience. If'a page takes too long to load, visitors quickly switch to another of her websites. I don’t want to frustrate my visitors with slow speeds. «You can improve website performance by enabling browser caching. Browser caching temporarily stores website data in a visitor's browser. In this way, the speed of the website is increased because the content does riot have to be sent from the web server and displayed in the browser «To enable caching for your website, install and enable the caching plugin using the instructions above. «For example, WP Rocket is a WordPress caching plugin that speeds up your website with just a few clicks. Powerful options like removing unused CSS and delaying JS execution can save you time and effort while improving your Core Web Vitals score, PageSpeed Insights score, and overall load times, 1.20.9 Get Inspired from WordPress Website Examples © When you start customizing your website, it can be overwhelming with all the options available. Instead of starting, from scratch, i's helpful to take Inspiration from other WordPress sample websites. Here are some of our favourites : 99% Invisible is a popular podcast focused on design and architecture. Their website is sleek and modern, offering visitors easy navigation for quick access to each podcast episode. Pa 49000 Model City +e Fig. 1.20.18 : The homepage for the 99 percent le WordPress website + The Houston Zoo website shows the main attractions on the homepage. A magnifying glass icon in the top menu bar makes it easy to browse the site. W dina Maretng 142 Digtal Marketing Panningana Awesome Motive, the creator behind several WordPress projects, Website. It features subtle animations to grab people's attention. tracts visitors with its sleek and Helping Small Businesses GROW & COMPETE With the Big Guys Fig. 1.20.20 : Awesome Motive WordPress website example 1.21 Mobile Friendly Website A mobile-friendly website is one that is designed to work exactly the same on all devices. This means nothing will change or become unusable on your computer or mobile device. Features such as navigation dropdowns limited as they are difficult to use on mobile devices. Also, no flash animation is used. The website is literally the same across the board. no matter what device it’s viewed on, no issues with the user experience. are 1211 Key features of mobile-friendly Static content that doesn’t change Simplified navigation Images display smaller Not reliant on a mobile operating system to function properly A simplified. mobile-friendly website gives you a consistent website experience on all devices. These sites don't have any crazy features or functions, but they work, Think about going mobile friendly if © Youdon'thave s hage mobile audience looking at your site on mobile - less than 35 percent © You have simple site that is mastly text and image-based, without complex functionality © Your image sizes are small. lowing for fast loading over mobile connections 1.22 Payment Gateway like UPI 1.22.1 What is Payment Gateway? A payment gateway is an online payment service designed as 2 channel for making and receiving payments whe! Integrated with an e-commerce platform. The process of receiving payment involves the customer entering details such as: B. Credit/Debit Card Numb" Expiration Date, and CWV. By posting this, the customer makes the payment and the money Is transferred from the buyer's account to (M seller's (merchant's) account. be Digital Marketing Planning and Structure 1.22.2. What is the Role of a Payment Gateway The main task of online payment gateways is to authorize the transaction process between merchants and customers, Plays a key role in the online transaction process, approving transactions between merchants and customers. Itis a simple payment to offer to customers and helps to complicate the existence of an e-commerce platform. In addition, this brings e-commerce platforms to the forefront, bringing not only fast and secure payments, but also convenience and success, Payment gateway services are provided directly by your bank or a payment service provider approved by your bank. 1.22.3 How Does Payment Gateway Work? Directly describing how an online payment gateway works, it follows the steps to process a payment every time. ‘This happens when a customer orders a service/product from a payment gateway-enabled merchant. ‘A payment gateway performs several steps, from entering card data to finally receiving and charging the payment to the merchant's account. Step 1: After the customer places the order online and proceeds to make payment for the same, he/she needs to enter credit/debit card details Step 2: The card details are encrypted in a secure way with Secure Socket Layer (SSL} encryption to be sent Step 3: After this, the merchant forwards tr between the browser and the merchant's web server. A payment eliminates the merchant's Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance obligations without redirecting customers away from the website nsaction details to their payment gateway, which is also an SSL encrypted connection to the payment server hosted by the payment gateway Step 4: The payment gateway converts the message from XML to ISO 8583 or a variant message format (format understood by EFT Switches) and then forwards the transaction information to the payment processor used by the merchant's acquiring bank. Step5: The payment processor forwards the transaction information to the card association (Le. Visa/MasterCard /American Express) Step 6: Next, the credit card issuing bank receives the authorization request, verifies the credit or debit available, Step 7: The proces and then sends a response back to the processor (via the process same as for the authorization) with a response code (i, approved or denied). The response code also helps to communicate the reason for the case of a failed transaction, for example, insufficient funds, and so on, sor then forwards the authorization response to the payment gateway, and the payment gateway receives the response and forwards it onto the interface used to process the payment This process is termed Authorization or “Auth”. This entirely takes around 2-3 seconds in general Step 8: The merchant then fulfils the order and the above process can be repeated but this time to “Clear” the authorization by consummating the transaction. ‘Typically, the “Clear” is initiated only after the merchant has fulfilled the transaction (J.e. shipped the order), ‘This results in the issuing bank ‘clearing’ the ‘auth’ (Le. moves auth-hold to a debit) and prepares them to settle with the merchant acquiring bank. rae W bigual Marhoung tt Digi Marking Planing ond — jons, in a" Step 9: The merchant submits all their approved authori bank for settlement via its processor: (end of the day), to their acquiring ‘This typically reduces or “Clears” the corresponding “Auth” if it has not been explicitly “Cleared.” Step 10: The acquiring bank makes the batch settlement request of the credit card issuer. Step 11: The credit card issuer makes a settlement payment to the acquiring bank (the next day in most cases) Step 12: The acquiring bank subsequently deposits the total of the approved funds into the merchant's nominated account (the same day or the next day). This could be an account with the acquiring bank if the merchant does their banking with the same bank oran account with another bank. 1.22.4 Payment Gateway Architecture Purchase z [ conver ecient Payment Gateway | "| Peynen Pcessr _— = | ran seerein caer Acquiring Bank Fig.1221 : Payment Gateway Architecture © What Should | Consider About Payment Gateways? - How to Choose the Right Payment Gateway for Your Ecommerce Website ‘+ Every business that collects online payments or accepts credit/debit card payments needs an online payment gateway. ‘© It’s important to research and find the r tht payment gateway provider for your unique needs © Apayment gateway should offer many advantages, such as fast processing of payments, hassle-free transaction flow, and a great overall experience every time. What is there to look for in a Payment Gateway? © Security : Secure transactions are of utmost importance to any business that collects payments online Customers should feel confident in their transactions and want to be sure that their personal and financial information is safe while transacting online. You must ensure the security of the information entered by your customers Such services must comply with PCI standards, ‘© Customer experience : Your payment gateway should offer unique expedited payment processing and paym a customization. To provide your customers with a seamless shopping experience, it must be mobile-optimize secure and convenient. ‘© Worldwide Payment Acceptance : We live and work in a plobal market. Payment gateway should suppo"t transactions in multiple currencies ators

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