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Midterm #1 - Apply What You Learned


1. Describe a testimonial advertisement that you have seen recently. Outline
the product features emphasized by the spokesperson. Do you think the
spokesperson was a good choice? Why or why not? Rate the effectiveness
of the advertisement and the spokesperson and explain your ratings.
2. Select a popular TV commercial from the past or present. Based on the
advertising message, what do you think the advertising objective might be?
Write the advertising objective using measurable criteria. Describe the
creative format used. Do you think the creative format helped make the
commercial popular? Why or why not?
3. Carry a notebook with you throughout the week. Make a note of any brand
images with which you come into contact throughout the week. For
example, you may pass a picture of Colonel Sanders on a KFC building on
your way to school. Next to each image, record how the images make you
feel or any associations you might have with them.


1. Describe how advertisers could use the human element approach in an
advertisement for the following products and services: soup, boat,
landscaping service.
2. Choose a product category, such as shoes, and identify at least three
different brands. Describe their positioning strategies. How is each
position communicated to the target audience?
3. Based on your recent shopping excursions, describe one purchase-building
sales promotion and one brand-building sales promotion in which you
participated or encountered. Then, describe a tie-in promotion you
4. Visit a supermarket and make a list of ten brand-name products and their
corresponding generic brands from as many different product categories as
possible. List the price for each product. Calculate the amount a consumer
would save by buying only the generic brands.

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