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We wOuld like to place on record, our grnteful thanks to Dr.

C. MUTIJA8JIEIIC1JELVAN, Vice Chancellor for providing all facilities and help
in carrying out this projcct. \Ve thank Dr. T.V. GOPAL, Dcan (College of
Engg.& Tccii.) ftir the stimulus provided.

We arc cxlrcmcly grateful to Dr. P.T. RAVICIJANDRAN, Professor and

I-Icad, Department of Civil Engineering for the encouragement and support provided
during the project work.

Wc cxprcss our sincere thanks lo the Academic Advisor Dr.

S. BIJUVANESIJ \YA RI, Associaic professor and Faculty advisor Dr.
S.PRAKASHCI4ANDAR, Assistant Professor for their valuable suggestions for
improvement during rcvicws.

We hereby ocknoivlcdgc with deep sense ot‘ graiitudc the valuable

guid‹ancc, encoumgcmcnt and suggcstions given by our guide Mr. G!R!SH KUMAR
(whc has bccn a conslnnt source of inspiration throughout this Internship.

Also, we would like to take ihis opportunity to thank all the

faculty iiiembcrs and non-teaching st‹off iiienibers in ihe Dep‹arlnient tif Civil
Engineering for their direct and indirect help rendered during the course of the
project work.

We also thanL the staff of SRM DTP section for their efforts in composing
the project report.We record our sincere thanks to our parents for ihe support
‹and motivation.

Last, but not the leasi, we ihank .all our friends, who freely helped tis
in in.any ways towards the successful completion of this project work.


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