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Oc Cue eee Uh CORAL Soot aka ei ier How A Humiliating High School Reunion Led One Woman To re Discover the “Bio Switch” And Drop 47 Lbs. Of Nagging Fat 2a Effortlessly s This miraculously simple solution is being used women across the country to melt the fat awe slender body and make their friends g Better still - it doesn’t require new workout routine: diets either. In fact, now you don't even need to leave to melt away those extra, clingy Ibs! Hey, my name is Scarlett Peralta. Over the next few minutes, I'm going to tell you a humiliating true story about my 15th high schoo! reunion... Itwas the moment I came face-to-face with the fact I was 47 Ibs. overweight... ‘And everyone could see it, ‘Truthfully, twas hard to miss.. My rolls of ugly belly fat were always slumped over each other, My neck had disappeared, swallowed up by too much, flesh... And loose fat hung off my arms like it was trying to escape... But after that night, | couldn't keep lying to myself... Clothes | bought just the year before now pinched deep into my hips as they strained to hold everything in. ‘And every time | logged-in to Facebook, 'd see old pictures that reminded me of how hot | used tobe. fd reached my breaking point. Right then, | decided to lose my extra fat and restore the slender and sexy body | once had. ‘And gir, I'l tell you... twas the best decision of my life, because it sparked. A desperate struggle to lose Ta RRC ag ETM Me Ara loss secret... that anyone can use to cut pounds of ugly nagging fat with very little effo! See, three months ago | stepped into my High Schoo! reunion. It didn't take long before | got to talking with old friends... ‘And then | saw Sophie Baker, my old best friend. | was 50 excited to see her again. N We used to do everything together... In fact, we even used to look like each other! And oh my, she looked great when she stepped into the hall that night. Sophie had barely changed since high school. She was still so beautiful... so slim... like | always remembered. It didn’t take long for someone to call her over.. She said hello to everyone with a hug, then she looked at me... Iwas grinning from ear to ear... | couldn't believe | was finally being reunited with my best But what Sophie did next floored me. It humiliated me. Yet, it ultimately led to an incredible weight- loss secret that can help melt away unwanted fat -- without becoming a slave to exercising, dieting or counting calories! ‘As soon as she looked at me, | knew something was wrong... The smile fell off her face... and she didn't try to hug me. Instead she frowned, like she was thinking, That's when | realized... she didn’t recognize me. “Im sorry, its been so long. | don't remember 4 your name.” she said. My stomach dropped. Mroze.. f ) Everyone was looking at me. ) OR Rule el Mime ron hit m | was carrying an extra 47 Ibs. since High School. She didn’t have a clue who | was. ‘And even though no one said it, | knew what everyone must have been thinking "She's let herself go.” | ran out of the hall and locked myself in the nearest bathroom stall, Tears were already streaming down my face... looked down and saw my stomach popping through my dress Heck, | could've grabbed a handful of itif| wanted! | couldn't ignore it anymore. I wasnt the same slender, attractive gir! that left high school In fact, | wasn't just overweight... | had an extra 47 Ibs. of disgusting fat hanging off my body. In that moment | remembered how I'd always avoid looking at myself naked in the mirror after a shower. and always wear baggy t-shirts and big jeans to cover up the body | was so ashamed of. For the past few years, I never even looked closely enough to see my skin stretching around my belly button, desperately trying to hold the fat in... The inflated chin that wrapped around my neck, like a thick scarf in winter... ‘And I'd always ignored the folds of loose flesh hanging off my arms ~ even when they sent ripples through the rest of my body when | moved Of course, | knew I'd gained a couple pounds per year since High School... Imean, haven't we all? It’s hard to stay in shape with two kids and a part-time job... «« Ljust didn't realize how much it added up. You know how itis... Back in our 20s we could just skip dessert and lose 7 Ibs. in a week... Now it feels like you're hopeless against the nagging fat that keeps piling on to your body. And when you get to ‘your thirties, it feels ike you put on weight even faster! Sure, 'd tried every fad diet and trendy exercise. Slim Fast, Atkins, Juicing, Keto, Weight Watchers, Zumba, Kickboxing, Pilates. I'd lose some weight. But as soon as | stopped the intense hours of exercising, and calorie counting, the weight would just pile on again So, for the last few years | just ignored my bulging belly, sagging arm fat and legs. Not to mention the ather parts of being overweight you don't expect. PSC Ee eta ET Rl Tale g Parent Pets tee od crac Heavy, tired eyes by Ties cas Pence tas ee er lingers over every part erg \ buried it ALL in the back of my mind. But when Sophie saw me and didn't even recognize me. Iwas miserable, Itall hit me at once. “Sophie and | looked like twins in high school, why is she still so perfect?” She didn't have a bulging stomach. She didn't wear baggy clothes to hide everything... And she never had the shame of knowing that everyone you see, thinks you've “let yourself go”... Sophie was still the slender girl that left high school 15 years ago. Sure, you could tell she was now in her mid-thirties, but with her slim body she was beautiful. She looked so young! Itwasr't just Sophie who looked great that night either, One of our other friends, Elizabeth, had always been a little chubby back in high school. | remember some of the boys even picking on her. And yet she looked incredible now, even after 3kids! While another friend, Jenny, must have lost 30 Ibs. herself. She looked amazing! couldn't believe it. Iwas once the slim and attractive girl that men used to fall over themselves to help out and flirt with. Now I just felt invisible. As soon as | got home that same evening | collapsed into my husband's arms, crying. My voice quivered.. My body was shaking... ‘And my sleeve was soaking wet from all the tears it had mopped up... explained what happened, desperate for him to tell me | was still the hot girl he first fell in love with... He replied, “I love you because of who you are on the inside”... It hurt but it wasn't his fault. He just told me the truth. Iwas sad and ashamed, But in that moment, | decided to do something about it... | was going to find a way to fight back against my excess ea Ig fat and finally lose ee for, eee knew it was possible. Because we've all got a friend like Sophie who looks amazing even with two kids and a busy job Ifit’s possible for her, it's possible for us. So, | threw myself at losing weight... signed up for a gym membership and worked my butt off. | counted calories... Only drank water. And just a week later I’d lost 5 EER ecCRUC | Ey Aaa Laie lat Because that's when my weight-loss journey came to a screeching halt. Even if | worked out more... and cut more calories... ‘The scale wouldn't budge. | was literally working out every single morning for 2 hours... Jogging on treadmills, using the elliptical and lifting weights. It was HARD and it wasn't working. ‘And the second | took a day off, those S lbs. started to creep back on again. I felt ike giving up. 4 But I couldn't... , Not when Sophie ~ the girl | looked so similar to in high schoo! — looked so amazing. And I'm glad | didn't stop searching... Because | made an incredible discovery that HUNDREDS of ladies (and men) from all walks of. life are now using to melt off the nagging fat, tighten up their bodies and look better than ever. I spent weeks searching the web... | bought every weight loss magazine | could... leven tried fat burning supplements like green coffee bean extract and garcinia coe But still, nothing worked. ; Then | had an idea... . PET eStart eee te ae olf aed had to talk to Sophie. Moments later I'd found her phone number online. Iwas nervous. But | had to discover her secret... I punched in her number and hit dial... “Hey, its Scarlett Peralta.” Sophie tried to apologize immediately. But | jumped ia “We used to look so similar. Remember how people used to think we were twins? You look exactly the same! But 'm... well, fat... How do you look so amazing?” ‘The phone went silent. ‘A few moments later she spoke again. She told me to promise not to tell anyone, And that only her and a few of our old school friends knew about it. Sophie told me the weight-loss secret wasn't plastic surgery or dangerous barely legal drugs. She even told me she once struggled with her own nagging fat as well. She'd tried everything | had. Dieting, over-exercising, counting calories. Yet Sophie’s fat began to melt away when she discovered the “Bio Switch”. It was the work of Dr. Zane Sterling. Sophie called him “the second most important man she's ever met” after her husband. She told me that Dr. Sterling has spent the last 20 years establishing more than 100 of the largest natural health clinics across America, Of course, | was skeptical at first. But Sophie told me that Dr. Sterling is not like the other so-called “experts”. She said that while other weight-loss doctors focus only on making your thyroid speed up your metabolism, that's just half the story... And Dr. Sterling knows the other half. That was all | needed. I booked a call with Dr. Sterling for the very next day, And | was shaking with excitement when the time for our call finally came, After talking to a receptionist and waiting on hold for a few minutes. Finally, Dr. Sterling answered the phone. And he greeted me and asked how he could help. “Sophie Baker told me about the Bio Switch... I need to know what itis." He paused. | squirmed in my seat. | was afraid maybe Dr. Sterling wasn't going to be willing to help me... But after a long pause, Suddenly he began talking very excitedly... And he told me that while the human body is incredibly complex. Really there were just two organs that | needed to know about. ‘The first is the one you're probably familiar with; the thyroid. He explained that the thyroid controls your metabolism and when it slows down it becomes. really hard to burn fat. But that's only half the story. He told me that the adrenal glands are just as important. ‘They're like walnut-sized triangles and they sit atop both of your kidneys. He explained that they're responsible for releasing a group of hormones called “glucocorticoids”. And his incredible discovery began when Stanford's School of Medicine studied why these hormones were leading to an enormous amount of weight gain in some folks. Stanford MEDICINE What he read blew him away. See, the Stanford researchers found that the glucocorticoids “controls the switch that produce fat cells’ Simply said, the more glucocorticoids circulating around your body, the more weight you gain... Which means your waist adds yet another inch ... Your arms and legs grow larger and larger... And your stomach balloons further away from you. Yet it also means that with less glucocorticoids in your system, the opposite happens! | almost fell off my chair when he told me. Can you imagine how easy veigeon you could literally fick a switch and outright STOP the production of your fat cells? You wouldn't need to cut out carbs... watch every calorie... or do whatever the latest fad die! selling. You wouldn't need to almost kill yourself every morning on the treadmill. 7G You could just flick the “switch” and watch the fat melt off your body. Except, this Stanford research came out in 2018. Three years ago! ‘And women and men across America are still struggling with the shame of trying to lose weight while seeing no change on the scale. ‘That's why Dr. Sterling is so important. He told me he had to go one step further to really unlock the fat-burning potential the Stanford research hinted at. ‘And that’s exactly how he discovered the “Bio Switch’ that so many folks are already raving about. See, the doctor decided to take a closer look at the glucocorticoids in the study so he could understand why this, research wasn‘t being repeated in “the real world’ His conclusion? Trying to dial down every glucacorticoid was simply too broad of an approach to ever be effective... So he decided to hone-in on just one: Cortisol. You may know it better as the “stress hormone”. The doctor studied it in one of his state-of-the-art clinics to uncover how it could be used to help you lose weight fast. He said he worked long days, only ever leaving to go home and sleep. But it was all worth it. Because the doctor was staggered by the results He found that stress-induced cortisol has a direct effect on your thyroid, More specifically, he found that cortisol blacks your thyroid from boosting your metabolism, And that's exactly why you're not losing welght like you want to. Now | know you may be thinking... “m not that stressed am 2" Well the truth is, youre sitting on a lifetime of stress, Think about it.. Most women | know were much thinner when they were younger... just like I was. We may not have been super-slender, but we looked good... ‘And the biggest stress back then was deciding which skirt to wear. But then we got older. Ifyourre like me, you probably started to experience “family stress’ like stopping your kids from fighting, trying to get your 3.year-old to go to bed on time, countless doctor appointments, ‘As well as “work stress” ~ mounting deadlines, demanding bosses, daily commutes Oh and let's not forget the biggest stress of all, childbirth! In other words, you've experienced a lot of stress every single day. And no matter how big or small that stress is, it causes your body to pump more cortisol into your body... Keeping your weight-loss switch “OFF” Slowing down your thyroid... and your metabolism, That's why it becomes so hard to lose weight as we get older. Al this stress is still having an. effect! Sure, the scale will move if you watch what you're eating and force yourself through intense workouts every morning... But you know what? Even intense exercise is flooding your body with cortisol, according to a study published in the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. ‘That explains why youlll drop 5 Ibs. but put it straight back on as soon as you stop exercising! And that's not all. Another study from the University of California proved that the amount of cortisol in your body rises as you age. So the older you get, the more “stress hormone” you have working to bring your metabolism to a standstill. In other words, it's like everything is trying to stop you from losing weight. But there's hope. a You simply flip the “Bio Switch” and watch as the fat starts to melt off your body! => | sat there stunned. X ‘The doctor had just told me the other half of the story... Itwasn't just about your thyroid. Cortisol was the real and undeniable reason why my metabolism was so low... and why | couldn't lose weight no matter what I tried. So | asked... “How do | flip the Bio Switch, doctor?” | was expecting him to say | needed antidepressants to fight back against the daily stress of life. (Or maybe some other synthetic medication to remedy all the cortisol ve produced over a lifetime... But Dr. Sterling told me it was much easier than | thought... See, he'd spent months researching precisely how to flip the switch. In fact, he says he’s the only person to have ever done this research... He looked through medical study after medical study.. From the most cutting-edge research institutions like Harvard, Stanford, John Hopkins and Yale... When he found something promising, he'd work with patients at his clinics. Yet nothing worked Each time he'd go back to the books. Until he eventually uncovered a strange group of natural plants described in ancient medical textbooks... and recently rediscovered by researchers. One of these plants caught his eyes for its proven, stress-relieving properties. So he started sharing it with his patients... I « And almost immediately they were calling 4 him, amazed at the results Though the doctor told me there's one catch: a To enjoy weight-loss results lke you've seen, you can't ust chop the plant up and mix it in with your evening stew... You've got to extract a liquid from it first if you want to melt the fat off your body! You've got to extract a liquid from it first if you want to melt the fat off your body! Just moments after explaining this, the doctor asked if | could facetime with him. Iwas surprised to say the least, but he said there was something he wanted to show me... So | told him that was fine, and he said he was going to call me back ina moment form his cell phone. ‘A few moments later, he did call back. And after saying “hello” again, the doctor then pointed his phone's camera towards his desk. And pulled out a small bottle from the top drawer. He explained that inside the bottle was the liquid form of the plant he'd been telling me about, The one that can help regulate cortisol. And he said that: aa ecg ater Bri] Eras g veces om una) Peal) Pe rcisi) OCT a coke es Seem ad rhs You simply take 2 few drops of this liquid per day to flick your “Bio Switch” and youl see your nagging fat begin to disappear! And then Dr. Sterling told me that he would go ahead and send me a bottle of this liqui ‘That way I could try it out for myself. And | gave him my address, | was so desperate to lose those 47 Ibs. Id tried everything. Now finally it sounded as though I was going to be holding the real key to weight loss in my hands. ‘And that night it was almost impossible for me to fall asleep. Because I simply couldn't wait for Dr. Sterling's liquid to arrive. Fortunately, the doctor was kind enough to send me his liquid via express mail... So | got it the very next day. ‘And the second it arrived... opened the bottle at my dining room table and squeezed the tube to suck up a droplet. Just from the scent you could tell there were no filler or cheap ingredients. lifted up my tongue and squeezed a droplet out... And you know what? | didn't expect them to work so fast! ‘That very next morning | felt just so relaxed, Even though one of my kids was sick. In fact, | felt so calm | thought it was just a placebo-effect. Yet that same relaxed feeling carried on, day after day, and I stopped doubting it completely. began to really look forward to seeing the scale move next... And it did! At first, | only dropped a single Ib... Then another... And another. Until by the end of the first week, Id lost 5 Ibs.! hadn't changed my normal routine. | wasn't in the gym every morning, And sure, | was eating healthy, but | wasn't skimping on the foods | love. | was losing weight because I'd flicked my Bio Switch! Of course, | was still worried that 'd just put those Ibs. right back on... Yet by the end of the second week I'd lost another 5 Ibs.! ‘And it didn't stop there. Just a month after | took control of my Bio Switch, I was down 20 Ibs. Girl, | wouldr’t have believed it if| couldn't see the changes happening with my own eyes. My bulging belly was disappearing, my jeans were no longer straining to hold everything in and my face looked tighter and more youthful than it had in at least a decade. Yet by the end of the 3rd month is when my life really changed. Iwas shopping with my husband when Iwas mistaken for my old best friend Sophie Baker! By this point Id lost all 47 Ibs. Id been carrying around like a bag of rocks. In fact, | think I'd lost even more, | hadn't looked this good since | was in my early 20s! My stomach was flat (| could see some abs!), my arms were tight like | remember them, and | could even fit into jeans | hadn't touched since | gave birth to my first child Hooked hot. | was crossing the street when a woman grabbed me. “I didn't think fd bump into you here Sophie!" At first | was confused, ‘Then | realized what was happening and wanted to jump up and down, Just a matter of months ago | could only dream of looking like Sophie again. She just looked so slender and perfect. And now | was being mistaken for her. ‘The woman's name was Michelle. She'd been at my High School Reunion and had seen what happened... I said | was Scarlett. Her eyes told the whole story. She could barely believe what she saw. After a moment she said “WOW! You look amazing. i You look like a supermodel!” | was so happy... and speechless. ‘Then my husband jumped in. . “Yeah, my wife is super hot — | couldn't even remember the last time I'd heard those words from him. Yet it's not just friends and family telling me | look great... Now young men are turning their heads to check Me out. And even other women in the Starbucks queue ask for “secret”. I'ma totally new woman... and | love it! » And here’s what | love just as much. Mumia yatta al Women all over the country are seeing the same wonderful weight-loss | have! Oh, and if you're wondering, These droplets flick your “Bio Switch” with ZERO negative side effects... Plus, anyone can afford it... ‘And best of all, it works for everyone! There's one good reason why.. The “Bio Switch” breakthrough “ is backed by rigorous scientific evidence. “=~ }” g wat See, Dr. Sterling has spent months researching his secret to understand exactly why its so powerful, And he's given me permission to share the official studies with you today. Take one randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial (By the way, that’s the gold-standard of medical testing) Itinvolved up to 60 females who were dealing with chronic stress. Their cortisol levels were off the charts at the beginning of the study. They were each given the "Bio Switch" plant; Panax. ‘When the results came back, even the doctor couldn't believe it. This one study PROVED that the Bio Switch secret “significantly reduced...physical stress in humans" Plus it was proven to lower high levels of cortisol too. Which makes sense since stress and high levels of cortisol go hand-in-hand, Remember, cortisol is keeping your “Bio Switch’ turned off, stopping you from losing weight... Yet with just this one amazing nutrient, you can virtually eliminate the cortisol. Turning the Bio Switch back on... ‘And start dropping as 12..17..even 23 Ibs of nagging fat right away. Imagine! In just a matter of weeks, this one nutrient could let you cut the unwanted weight and make the clothes you're wearing right now hang off your body. Even better, another double-blind study found that Panax has another secret benefit, It can increase your mental performance too. So not only can you lose weight, you can feel smarter! In just a moment I'l show you how to join hundreds of women who are loving the Bio Switch secret, First, I want to show you another amazing study that was recently published in a major peer- reviewed journal. Why? Because it's AMAZING! ‘They found that just a few drops of Panax led to “significant decreases in weight and body. mass. _.within just a few short weeks! ‘That's how powerful this breakthrough is. Though | know what you're thinking... it “sounds too good to be true”. But it really does work. You can see the difference with your own eyes, Thousands of ladies just like you have dropped their nagging fat. ard RS These ladies are living their best life, And | guarantee they're making their friends and family green with envy! And YOU can too ~ because ANYONE can turn their “Bio Switch’ on... Now, here's the crazy thing ‘The women who came to the doctor's clinic would discover how to turn their Bio Switch on. ‘And they were having amazing weight-loss results Yet they were the only people who knew about it. ‘The doctor didn't advertise and he never mentioned the formula in his media interviews. So millions of women were missing out on his incredible fatloss secret! But Id seen how effective it is ~ Id lost so many pounds! And | knew | had to get his formula into as many ladies’ hands’ as possible. So | sat down at my computer and wrote this exact email... Ea ...... Tea looked in hemor and could bray recognise myea. Instead ot ‘tang an overnogy uhopyy Parson Se 8 Daa Seer waman He called me just twenty minutes later. {could hear the excitement in his voice... He told me he'd never thought of offering his formula outside of his clinics. But he wanted to! Which is why, now you can get your hands on the “Bio Switch” breakthrough ~ at a price, ANYONE can afford. So, if you'll let me, 'd like to tell you all about it: Titers ea ee MSc MLL) BioSwitch Advanced by Science Natural Supplements Let me tell you, directly from my heart, if you want to start dropping pounds of fat fast... = to shrink your belly and reveal the sexy definition you haven't seen in years... remove nagging fat from around your neck, chin and cheeks (making you look and feel years younger)... = to tone your arms and finally show them off in summer.. BioSwitch Advanced Plus is your solution. It's the only product in the world specifically designed with Dr. Ste ‘And then he partnered with the experts at Science Natural Supplements... To get this breakthrough into the hands of as many folks as possible. BioSwitch Advanced simply works. ees , cS ea peeled erry og Fake anes ence So well in fact that you'll see a difference in just days from now. No matter your age, weight, or what you've tried before, Bottomline, this WILL work for you. In fact, the first thing you'll notice is that you feel calm and care-free, just like when you were young. Next, you'll see the scales move... With each extra day that goes by, you'll look in the mirror and literally how fat appears to be vanishing from your stomach, arms, legs and face. ‘And take it from me, there's nothing better than seeing your unwanted weight melt off your body... You'll notice a bounce in your step. You'll be happier. The aches and pains you've struggled with will feel better, or maybe disappear altogether. But my favorite part and Dr. Sterling's biggest promise? In as little as 7 days of use, your friends, family and colleagues will start to notice the change. ‘They won't be able to hold back the compliments. And they'll definitely ask for your secret. When you tell them, they won't believe that its so easy! ‘And it really is - you simply take one droplet of BioSwitch Advanced in the morning and let it work It won't take long before you join all the American women now raving about BioSwitch Advanced because of their incredible results. Yet, Ive got a special surprise for you that makes BioSwitch Advanced even BETTER at helping ‘you cut weight from your hips, belly and every other part of your body! BUCH TRV e me R lll Cly This weight-loss formula is packed with FOURTEEN more incredible fat-erasing nutrients! Dr. Sterling knew that turning your Bio Switch "on" with Panax was incredibly effective at helping you drop your unloved and ugly fat... Yet he wanted to make it even more powerful before it was made available to every person in America. So he and the team at Science Natural Supplements began experimenting with other nutrients. Some you may have heard of, most you haventt.. ‘And Dr. Sterling said the results were nothing short of mind-blowing. ‘Women who had already lost 20 Ibs. started to lose even more weight, even quicker. ‘And women who had only just discovered the Bio Switch secret saw the fat melt away faster than anything Dr. Sterling had seen before. ‘After months of testing — and with the verifiable proof in the doctor's hands — he was finally able to select fourteen BONUS nutrients that work alongside Panax to help you restore the slender body you once had. Today you'll find them ALL in BioSwitch Advanced. ‘And look ~ | know you want to get it in your hands as soon as possible, but 'm so excited I just have to tell you how great they are. So if you'll let me, td like to show you them right now... BUR Me ee Rm mele ae) It melts the fat right off your body! r q It's called “EGCG” and it’s a special compound found in certain types of tea. The doctor told me it caught his eye when he read an impressive 2019 study in the Oxford published scientific i « journal Biofactors. Where it was found that EGCG is not only known for its fat burning effects, v But also can help to stop the overproduction of cortisol in ' individuals. ‘Amazing, isn't it? And here's what it means for you... It will help flick your “Bio Switch” and make it so much easier and faster to cut the unwanted weight. So you can finally roll back the years and dig out your old clothes! Even more impressive is that study after study has come to the same conclusion. Like one from the journal Clinical Nutrition that was randomized and double-biind.. ‘And found that in 102 women who were overweight. Supplementing with EGCG led to “significant weight loss’ as well as a lower overall body mass and a slimmer waist. And that’s not all. Ifyou love a morning coffee like | do, then youll find that EGCG works with your caffeine fix to bump your mood up. So you'll be dancing all day long and without the jitters! Now just these two ingredients — Panax and EGCG — could transform your body and make you as slender (and sexy) as you were 25-years ago... Yet they're not the only impressive ingredients inside this formula. ¥ PTC Leo This second bonus “Bio Switch” nutrient i proven to help burn up to 520% more fat! _ Its called “L-Carnitine”. <4 Of course, it’s also amazing at decreasing your stress-induced cortisol levels. But there's one thing about this wonderful nutrient that really jumps, outto me... Institute of Health. ‘The researchers took 84 individuals and split them into two groups. Just take a look at this gold-standard study published in the a One received a placebo, the other group received L-Carnitine, iE ie Now this might blow your socks off... ge But the group who received L-Carnitine lost a staggering 520% more fat than the placebo group! ‘That's more than 6-times better! ‘And it’s exactly why the doctor included it in his Bio Switch formula... | Because i's your ticket to escaping the “at prison’ you've been locked. in for too long, A With L-Carnitine and every other nutrient inside this formula, you're going to “erase” the fat right off your body. Without food cravings and 9 > without extreme changes to your diet! \ Now. Bia eee a together to: Cleanse your body of the damage that excess Cortisol has already inflicted. ‘They're both from the same rare group of plants as the first. Bio Switch ingredient, Panax. And believe me, theyre just as amazing... The first is called “Eleuthero’. | know that's a bit of a mouthful, but here’s what you need to know... In a 2004 study conducted by 11 researchers at the University of lowa... twas found that when 96 adults were given Eleuthero for between four and eight web “Fatigue among subjects. .was substantially reduced during the study’. And that the severity and duration of fatigue was much lower in the Eleuthero group, but not the group that only got a placebo Or simply said... Ithelps your body to undo the damage that a lifetime of stress has created... like making it almost impossible to lose weight. ‘Though here's the thing... As this is happening, you dontt want more cortisol piling on top of it. And that's precisely why Dr. Sterling and the team at Science Natural Supplements paired it with another Bio Switch nutrient called *Maca” See, a 2006 study showed it substantially decreases blood cortisol levels. Both in the short term... and in the long term! Which is why one medical authority says it can speed up your metabolism to burn more calories and help you lose weight. With these two nutrients working for you, you're going to see amazing weight-loss results, Please don't be surprised if friends, family and even strangers at the mall compliment your new, slender body. It happens to me all the time ~ and now it can happen to you! Especially when you try the next ingredient. This “Bio Switch” Nutrieni will practically guarantee you starting losing weight within weeks! You may have heard of it before... But | can guarantee youve never used it alongside the other powerful ingredients inside Dr. Sterling's formula. It’s called “African Mango Extract”. ‘The doctor told me he was blown away by how well it performed in studies... In fact, one gold-standard study published by the National Institute of Health said that it “significantly reduced body weight" in a group of 102 people. Incredible isnt it? ‘And now it’s going to work for you... You're going to see the fat practically melt off your body. You'll have to cinch your belt tighter with every day that goes by. ‘And one of my favorite parts? You'll even have a good excuse to go clothes shopping! With just the ingredients Ive shown you so far, you're going to drop so much weight, you'll be leaving your friends and family speechless. Yeti gets better... The team included TWELVE more Bio Switch nutrients to give you a final weight-loss “boost”... BI mi Each handpicked to give you the most effective ~ and fastest results possible. Inside BioSwitch Advanced, you'll also find... Q L-Arginine This essential amino acid is incredibly effective. In a 300-person study, it was shown to stimulate fat ‘metabolism and melt the fat away within 21 days! Beta-Alanine ‘2011 study showed how good it is at helping you burn off the fat. Yet the real reason the doctor included it Is because it's also a powerful anti- aging compound that boosts your serotonin. Helping you feel younger & Capsicum A study published in BMC Obesity showed that Capsicum increased weight loss by 7% in 75 nondieting adults. In other words, you can drop the fat and cut down your waist ‘measurement without even counting calories. ® Grapefruit Extract you want want a slimmer waistline ‘grapefruit extract may be the answer you've been looking for. A 2012 study in the journal Metabolism found that fresh grapefruit reduced waist circumference by an average of and happier! 2.45 cm in just six weeks! 4 Pygeum oO To lose weight as quickly and effectively as possible, you we need to tackle stress at the cellular level as well. This kind of stress is what scientists call “oxidative stress". And an 8-week study showed that Pygeum reduces it - your sleep by 19%! while also improving Ingredients Shed the excess pounds by hitting your "BioSwitch.” Natural ingredients will help you gain control over your cortisol levels leaving you feeling healthier and more energized. With the Bio Switch presenters and other potent nutrients you've seen, yor Ibs. quickly. Now you've seen how | lost so much fat without dieting, calorie-co = youve seen first-hand how hundreds of women are already r breakthrough... and you've seen the proven science behind every ingredient insid So let me ask you a question... ‘What will you see when you look in the mirror a month from Iwant us to be as honest and truthful as possible, so I need to tell Itwould break my heart to see you miss out on this opportunity. Because the truth is, if you don’t get your hands on BioSwitch Advanced today then I'm not sure what will change ... stomach... Your arms and until you can’t wear your favorite blouse or pants... ‘And everyone you meet might have that same look in their eyes ~ that they think you've let yourself go... God knows | hope you don't ever feel the shame of everyone in a room staring at you in your most vulnerable and embarrassing moment. Yet it doesn't need to be like this. + With Dr. Sterling's help, you can fight back against your cortisol and start dropping es away. Not to mention, you can WOW" your friends, colleagues and husband as you regain the slender, sexy body you once had. Its all because of the doctor's Bio Switch breakthrough, and the fourteen other potent nutrients, inside BioSwitch Advanced. ‘And here's some great news: Because you've proven you're committed to melting the fat off by reading this far, 've persuaded Dr. Sterling to reserve his next batch for readers of this letter. The next 137 bottles of BioSwitch Advanced are reserved for readers of this letter. .. but you must act before they run out of stoc! BioSwitch Advanced is so powerful and so effective that word has already got out. Women across America are discovering this incredible formula for themselves... And unfortunately, this often means that demand sometimes outpaces supply... And Dr. Sterling and the team at Science Naturals are always at risk of running out of stock. Which means women are forced to wait until the next batch is produced. Now, we're being honest and open with each other, so 1 don't want you to miss out... So Ive spoken with Dr. Sterling and he's promised to reserve the next batch for folks who order through this letter. ‘As long as you're one of the first 137 people who order today, youll receive your bottle of BioSwitch Advanced. (Oh, and | know how annoying it can be to order something online, only to be charged every month automatically. So ve made sure that you won't be charged again unless you make another order.) ‘Though | urge you to be quick. This batch will be snapped up in no time at all. Plus... eee UR eee PTR Mame Ld ‘The experts at Science Natural Supplements will get your order of BioSwitch Advanced in the mail as soon as you reserve your bottle. ‘When the delivery man knocks on your door, I'm sure youll want to tear open the package and tryit for yourself right away. So go ahead. Squeeze the droplets up and apply them under your tongue. Then do it again every morning, You'll notice a difference with each day that goes by. You'l feel more relaxed than ever. The fat around your neck will deflate away. Your arms and. legs will tighten up. And the weight that's clung on to your belly will melt off. Within the first month, people will be telling you that you've never looked so good... ‘After 3 months, people will begin to mistake you for a woman half your age. They'll be surprised that a hot mom like you looks so good! Your friends, family and colleagues will BEG you to share your bottle of BioSwitch Advanced with them. in fact, theyll pay you any price! ‘And after 6 months, ifyou live in a college town like | do, don't be surprised if a frat boy tries to chat you up. Of course, 'd never date a younger man, but it's a nice compliment! Yet, if you're not 100% amazed... IF your family and friends AREN'T telling you how amazing you look.. Then Science Natural Supplements has promised to offer you a full, prompt refund at any point within your first 180 days of purchasing BioSwitch Advanced. They won't ask you why. Simply put, you ONLY pay if you're totally convinced it works for you. ‘Sound good? Then place your order of BioSwitch Advanced by choosing from the six-month, three-month, or one-month options below. Just click on the package you want. You'll be taken, to an order page to review your order. Clana 1. MONTH SUPPLY 6 MONTH SUPPLY 3 MONTH SUPPLY 1© i? LP a i $59 $2 each $39 each (Total: $174) (Total: $117) ® ADD TO CART ® ADD TO CART ® ADD TO CART 1180 Days Money Back Guarantee 180 Days Money Back Guarantee 180 Days Money Back Guarantee OfGz Of6=z SFOs You risk nothing by trying BioSwitch Advanced today, yet you could look slimmer than ever befor Of course, m convinced you're going to see life-changing results in 30 days. And that your transformation will only continue to get better over time. In fact, 'm living proof of itt Yet, the best results come from longer use... that's when your results go from great to INCREDIBLE, See, after 3 months, people will begin to mistake you for a woman half your age. They'll be surprised that a hot mom like you looks so good! Your friends, family and colleagues will BEG you to share your bottle of BioSwitch Advanced with them. in fact, they'll pay you any price! Bottomline is, the longer you use it, the better your results could be So, Ive worked with Dr. Sterling to make it as easy as possible to get the full, weight-loss power from BioSwitch Advanced. When you order today, you have the choice of a 1-month, 3-month or 6-month supply. Of course, you're welcome to choose any option, though I've persuaded the doctor to give you a bigger discount by securing your 6-month supply. That's because | want you to experience the BEST results possible - just like hundreds of ‘American women are doing right now. You're WONT be enrolled in an automatic billing subscription, And you're covered by a 180-day money-back-guarantee. So even at the end of a 6-month supply, youll be able to get a full refund if you're not thrilled with your new youthful look. Click the “ADD TO CART” button below to be taken to a secure checkout page. You can have your slender, youthful body back and become the envy of your friends for the cost of a cheap dinner. So | urge you: claim one of the 137 bottles available today. Click the “ADD TO CART" button below immediately. | can’t wait to hear your success story too, Scarlett Peralta and Dr. Sterling Clonal 41 MONTH SUPPLY 6 MONTH SUPPLY 3 MONTH SUPPLY Sw sw sw a, ita $59 $2 each $39 reach (Total: $174) (Total: $117) Ge Nia W_ADD TO CART Cea ieke Nis +180 Days Money Back Guarantee 180 Days Money Back Guarantee 10 Days Maney Back Guarantee StG6=z StG=z O2t6= Reference 1. https://med, ‘weight-gain.html 2. ROcHM6Ly93d3cuz29vZ2xiLmNvbSB&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKFIC4SFdieO6FwvSbQvWaBzkk__ Z7-GfOLnFgnBsik2S4yBDHSxhYgce1 bLP_y3rX4fSySt_MS9¥a0bMO7-00-gkgjuyrn’ dFWq6V9BUEbt 2Q5_WkgZ7NTFUHZMiLtAzycB_4gXQI_hJPG4Vw_ppfqz8WqWapDIVFx34WcDeBRKkx 3. 4. hetps:// 5. Specific quote “decreases cortisol response to awakening stress in burnout patients with fatig ue syndrome.” https://maw.ncbi.nim.nin.gow/pubmed/19016404 6. Same study as above. Quote: “itis concluded that repeated administration of R. ROSEA extrac tSHR-S exerts an anti-fatigue effect that increases mental performance” 7..When combined with “C Aurantium” httpsi// a 8. 9. “Salivary cortisol concentrations on awakening were reduced after ornithine supplementatio 1.) 10. Study that showed that Ornithine, when taken with Arginine (another of our ingredients) inc reases growth hormone. (The study: https:/www.ncbi.nlm nih. govfpubmed/20300016). Anothe r study showed that “low does growth hormone treatment with diet restriction accelerates body fat loss’. (The second study: https://www.ncbi.nim.nih. gov/pubmed/10352397#targetText=Lo w4s2Ddose%420growth%420hormone%20treatment%20with%20diet%20restriction¥620accelerat es%20body,secretory%s20dysfunction%20in%200bese%20adults. &targetText=GH%20has%20a n%20anabolic%420effect growth%20factor%20(IGF)%2D1.) 11. Specific quote: “Office workers who consumed the combination of caffeine and ornithine ha d higher mood ratings 8 h after consumption than office workers who consumed caffeine alon. e” https://www.ncbi.nim.nih.gow/pmc/articles/PMC4287333/ 12. total fat mass (-3.1 vs 0.5 kg) - 520% better httpsi// 1 13. https://wenw.ncbi.nim.nih.gow/pmc/articles/PMC2766712/ 14. 15, 16, 117. httpsi// 18, “The results from the 21-day study showed that arginine increases weight loss." https:/vita ‘|-arginine-for-weight-loss/ 19, “Glutamine supplementation favors weight loss in nondieting obese female patients. “ http s:/tvwvew.ncbi.nim, 20. Niacin and other B vitamins help your body produce energy from the foods you eat. Getting too little niacin may drain your energy, making it difficult to burn more calories than you eat ~ a essential component of successful weight loss. http://www. livestrong. com/article/256547-nia cin-weight-loss/ 21. 22. Early treatment with P. africanum could effectively suppress the oxidative stress status" htt ps:/ 23, “A meta-analysis revealed that men taking pygeum had 2 19% reduction in nocturia” https:// www. P.S. Before this letter was sent out to thousands of American women like you, I showed it to my girlfriends and family. Some of them asked important questions I've answered below: What's the “Bio Switch” breakthrough again? It's the breakthrough created by Dr. Sterling that turned a groundbreaking Stanford discovery into a highly effective fat-loss solution. In short, Stanford proved that a group of hormones called Glucocorticoids controlled the switch that produces fat cells. Dr. Sterling used cutting-edge science to discover how you could fick the Bio Switch using natural nutrients. That way folks can shed their nagging body fat rapidly. What's inside the BioSwitch Advanced? For a ful list of our ingredients, just take a look at the label below: aoe ean eee Supplement Facts Selects aren mrortetooey a aco BIO —— = ieee aea res ee OWT How long will it take to get results? Everyone's body is different so results will vary. But I can tell you that for a lot of folks, they notice that their clothes are feeling looser after their first week. They also say their belly has started looking smaller, and that they feel lighter than before. ‘And what's even better is that the longer these folks use BioSwitch Advanced, the better they say it gets, Within 3 months, friends and family are begging for their secret. And within 6 months, some users say they are being mistaken for a woman half their age! Will it work for me? BioSwitch Advanced contains ingredients that have the potential to work on anyone. Whether you're 30 or 70. No matter your weight or your background. What if it doesn’t work for me? understand you might be skeptical. | mean, the results I've shown you today are incredible. But | really believe that BioSwitch Advanced will work for YOU! Yet, | understand youll only be convinced once you've tried it and seen the difference for yourself. So, | want you to feel totally comfortable that you're not risking a penny when you order today. ‘The team at Science Natural Supplements agreed to offer a full 180-day money-back guarantee. Its simple: you can try BioSwitch Advanced out for a full 6 months. If you're not totally thrilled, simply call or email Science Natural Supplements’ team and theyll return every penny you pay today. You don't need to provide a reason why. You'll just get an easy, hassle-free refund of the full price you pay today. How can | order BioSwitch Advanced? Its easy! Just click HERE to go to the sales section above, You'll be taken to the secure order page. It takes just two minutes to complete. (Once you're finished, the team at Science Natural Supplements will get your bottle into the mail as soon as possible. You'll have it in your hands within 3-5 days. ‘And remember you WON'T be enrolled in any kind of auto-billing subscription, The only time you'll pay again is when you place an order yourself. Persie Bd Cee ee Peet eet ee

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