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DAY 2.


Open the document DaysoftheWeek.docx in the document folder


☐ Task 1 Convert text to table

On the page 1, create a table from the text Days, Original name … after the Sun, 6. Create the table with 4 columns. Then,
rearrange column table to equal width. (Accept all other defaults).

☐ Task 2 Convert text to table

On page 2, create a table from the text “Division” to “Sunday” with 3 columns. Create the table that is separated by commas
and spreads across the width of the window.

☐ Task 3
Apply the style Grid Table 5 Dark - Accent 5 to the “Days of the Week” table.

☐ Task 4
Apply the style Grid Table 2 - Accent 6 to the “Not so fun facts” table.

☐ Task 1 Insert picture and apply picture artistic effect

Insert the thesun.jpg photo, located in the Documents folder, to the left of the first paragraph after heading “Facts about the
Day of the Week”. Apply Pencil Grayscale artistic effect to the picture.

☐ Task 2 Insert picture and apply picture artistic effect

At the bottom of the document, insert the universe.jpg photo from the Documents folder. Apply Photocopy artistic effect to
the picture


☐ Task 1 Insert and add text to shape. Position the shape

Add a wave shape with limited source in the last page and insert the text “All matches begin in May!” Align it to the bottom
center of the page.

☐ Task 2 Insert and add text to shape. Position the shape

Add a wave shape with limited source in the third page and insert the text “Days of the week”. Align it to the bottom left of
the page.
Open the Himalayan Coffee House.docx document


☐ Task 1 Insert and Edit SmartArt

Under the heading Steps of Making a Cup of Coffee add a Vertical Process diagram. From top to bottom, insert into the
diagram, “Grind”, “Brew”, “Enjoy”. Apply Colorful Range – Accent Colors 3 to 4

☐ Task 2 Insert and Edit SmartArt

Under the “…these are:”, add a Picture Strip diagram. From top to bottom, insert into the diagram
 Early Morning
 Early Afternoon
 Late Afternoon
Enhance the graphic by applying Colored Fill – Accent 2


☐ Task 1 Insert page number

Insert a Plain number 1 page number at Bottom of Page. Make the page number not be shown on the first page.

☐ Task 2 Insert header

Insert a header with the built in header type: Banded that will not be displayed on the first page.

☐ Task 1 Insert a hyperlink

Create a hyperlink to web address to the text Part 1: Steps of Making a Cup of Coffee located on
page 2.

☐ Task 2 Insert a hyperlink

In the endnote, hyperlink the web address “”


☐ Task 1 Insert symbols

Add Registered Sign at the end of the document title on the second page

☒ Task 2 Insert symbols

In the endnote, replace the word information with its Copyright character.

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