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Quaternary Science Reviews 237 (2020) 106301

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The palaeoecology of Klasies River, South Africa: An analysis of the

large mammal remains from the 1984e1995 excavations of Cave 1 and
Jerome P. Reynard a, *, Sarah Wurz a, b
School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, WITS, 2050, South Africa
SFF Centre for Early Sapiens Behaviour (SapienCE), University of Bergen, Post Box 7805, 5020, Bergen, Norway

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Given the large number of hominin and archaeological remains the site has yielded, Klasies River has
Received 12 December 2019 contributed significantly to our understanding of how humans developed and behaved during the
Received in revised form Middle Stone Age. Its extensive occupational sequence and the abundance of faunal remains recovered
24 March 2020
from the deposits also make it an important site in exploring palaeoenvironmental change during the
Accepted 30 March 2020
Available online 25 April 2020
Late Pleistocene. The mammalian fauna from the over 70 000 year long sequence at Klasies River
possibly extending from MIS 6 to 3 are useful in positioning the evolution of complex human behaviour
within an environmental context. Here, we use the large mammal fauna excavated in the 1980s and
1990s from Klasies River Cave 1 and 1A to test links between ungulate diversity and palaeoclimatic
Pleistocene change in the south-eastern Cape of South Africa. Fauna from extended Pleistocene sequences in the
Middle stone age south-eastern Cape are relatively rare and collections such as these are important proxies for assessing
Palaeogeography environmental change in this particular region. Our analysis indicates that the proportion of ungulate
Klasies river grazers, browsers and mixed-feeders shifts in accordance with glacial/interglacial fluctuations. We find
Data treatment significant correlations between grazer proportions and ungulate diversity through the sequence which
Data analysis may be linked to the effect of marine regressions on the landscape or shifting moisture availability. We
Ungulate diversity
compare the Klasies River data set with a selection of Middle Stone Age sites in the southern Cape. Our
analysis suggests that primary productivity is greater along the eastern southern Cape than the western
region. This study has broad implications for understanding the relationship between expanding
grasslands and ungulate richness during the Late Pleistocene.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction our understanding of the development of H. sapiens and con-

textualising the role that the southern Cape of South Africa played
Klasies River main is one of the key sites in African Middle Stone in behavioural expressions of early modern humans (Wurz, 2008).
Age (MSA) research. Its significance is based in part on an almost KRM has also been a significant source of palaeoecological in-
continuous Pleistocene sequence spanning ~70 000 years and on formation (e.g., Klein, 1976; Butzer, 1978; Shackleton, 1982; Avery,
the large number of pre-100 thousand year old (ka) early Homo 1987; Thackeray, 1988a, 1992, 2007; Nel et al., 2018; Van Pletzen-
sapiens remains found at the main site (Rightmire, 1984; Rightmire Vos et al., 2019). Archaeo-fauna are an important means of infer-
and Deacon, 1991; Grine et al., 1998; Grine et al., 2017). Variability ring palaeoecology and data from large mammal faunal remains are
in the lithic technological sequence from Klasies River main site necessary to understand palaeoenvironmental change and human
(hereafter, KRM) has allowed researchers to explore changes in subsistence behaviour. The long sequence at KRM also makes this a
artefact production during the Late Pleistocene (Wurz, 2002, 2013). potentially useful proxy for environmental change. Previous ana-
Information from KRM has an important part to play in informing lyses of the KRM fauna played a significant role in exploring the
palaeoecology of the southern Cape (e.g., Klein, 1976; Singer and
Wymer, 1982; Avery, 1987; Thackeray, 1988a) but also started an
important debate on early hominin subsistence behaviour (e.g.,
* Corresponding author. Binford, 1984; Thackeary and Binford, 1986; Thackeray, 1988b;
E-mail address: (J.P. Reynard).
0277-3791/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 J.P. Reynard, S. Wurz / Quaternary Science Reviews 237 (2020) 106301

Klein, 1989; Milo, 1998; Bartrams and Marean, 1999; Klein et al., significantly more equitable in the Deacon compared to the
1999). The first major excavation at KRM was by Singer and Singer and Wymer assemblage suggesting that Singer and Wymer’s
Wymer (1982, p. 7) from December 1966 to July 1968. Wymer sampling method played an important role in the Klasies pattern.
recovered a large collection of faunal remains but the sampling The southern Cape has yielded a number of archaeological sites
method had been problematic because they used mesh sizes of key to conversations of modern human evolution (Henshilwood,
between 1 and ½ inch that did not retain the smaller sized remains. 2012; Wadley, 2015). The Greater Cape Floristic Region (GCFR) of
Faunal remains were initially sorted in the field and bones “not the southern and south-western Cape is dominated by fynbos
regarded as taxonomically identifiable were discarded” (Klein, vegetation e an evergreen, sclerophyllous shrub that thrives in
1976, p. 76). Much of the subsequent discussions about the use- winter rainfall. The temperate climate and the accessibility of
fulness of faunal data obtained from the Singer and Wymer exca- abundant food resources in this region such as geophytes (Deacon,
vations, centred on data obtained from this sampling method. For 1993; Proches et al., 2005; Larbey et al., 2019), shellfish (Jerardino
example, bovid skeletal-part profiles at KRM from the Singer and and Marean, 2010; Langejans et al., 2012, 2017; Kyriacou et al.,
Wymer material consist of a prevalence of skull remains and distal 2014), and fauna (Klein, 1980; Skinner and Chimimba, 2005;
elements for large bovids, with an under-representation of upper Thompson and Henshilwood, 2014) have led some researchers to
long bones. Elements from smaller bovids were generally more suggests that the environmental of the southern and southern-
equitably distributed. This pattern e called the ‘Klasies pattern’ by western Cape has had a significant impact of human behavioural
Bartrams and Marean (1999) e was the root of much of the debate development in southern Africa during the Late Pleistocene
around the KRM fauna (e.g., Klein et al., 1999). While researchers (Marean, 2010; Parkington, 2010; Compton, 2011).
have generally attributed this pattern to a combination of excavator Unlike most other MSA sites in the southern Cape, e.g. Die
and taphonomic bias (Turner, 1989; Marean et al., 1992, 2004; Kelders, Blombos Cave, Klipdrift Shelter, and Pinnacle Point, KRM is
Marean and Frey, 1997; Bartrams and Marean, 1999; Pickering et al., situated to the east of the GCFR (Fig. 1). MSA sites on the whole, and
2003), others have argued that carnivore scavenging (Binford, archaeo-faunal assemblages in particular, are rare from the eastern
1984) or human transport decisions (Klein, 1989) may be the part of this region e especially along the coast. The environment in
cause. Van Pletzen-Vos et al. (2019) found bovid skeletal-profiles the eastern region of the GCFR is not dominated by fynbos

Fig. 1. Klasies River main (KRM) and other Middle Stone Age sites in southern Africa. Shaded area corresponds to the Greater Cape Floristic Region. DRS ¼ Diepkloof Rockshelter,
DK ¼ Die Kelders, KDS ¼ Klipdrift Shelter, BBC ¼ Blombos Cave, PP ¼ Pinnacle Point, SI ¼ Sibudu.
J.P. Reynard, S. Wurz / Quaternary Science Reviews 237 (2020) 106301 3

vegetation (Van Wijk et al., 2017), but instead occurs as part of a middens remain. Wymer first excavated main site in 1967/8
mosaic of forest, thicket and coastal vegetation. Because of the long through several cuttings, from the basal Layer 40 to the uppermost
sequence at KRM, the faunal remains are a valuable means of Layer 1 in Cave 1A (Figure 2.1 in Singer and Wymer, 1982, Fig. 2, this
assessing palaeoenvironmental change in the region. Given this, we paper). Singer and Wymer recognised a number of lithic ‘industries’
may be able to use these remains to examine regional differences or techno-complexes, including MSA l at the base, followed by MSA
between the large mammal faunal signatures at KRM and other ll, the Howiesons Poort (HP) and MSA lll. Deacon’s excavations, the
southern MSA sites further to the west. By doing this we could subject of this paper, followed in the 1980s and 1990s (Deacon and
explore how far back into the past any environmental differences Geleijnse, 1988; Deacon, 2004). This research sampled a column
between these areas extend. through the sequence exposed by Wymer in a number of squares,
While the Singer and Wymer (hereafter, SW) faunal data have from PP 38 in Cave 1B to E50 in Cave 1A (Fig. 3). Fine meshed
shown significant changes in ungulate habitat through the screens were used to recover the smaller items and the focus was
sequence (Klein, 1976), smaller mammals such as size 1 bovids may on the contextual detail of the finds. Wurz is currently excavating
be underrepresented in this collection, affecting its worth as a main site, following the protocol and broad stratigraphic divisions
palaeoenvironmental proxy (Van Pletzen, 2000). The Deacon ex- of Deacon (Wurz et al., 2018). Deacon reconfigured the stratigraphy
cavations from 1984 to 1995 recovered a large amount of faunal in a number of members. From the base to the top, these are the
material using smaller mesh sizes of 2 mm and, unlike the SW Light Brown Sand (LBS), Rubble Brown Sand (RBS), Shell and Sand
excavations, all remains were collected and analysed. Although the (SAS), Rock Fall (RF) and Upper members. The extent and charac-
results of the faunal analyses (Van Pletzen, 2000) have recently teristics of the RBS member are currently under investigation.
been summarized (Van Pletzen-Vos et al., 2019), it has not been Deacon recognised many more discrete units or layers than Singer
examined for its palaeoenvironmental implications. Given the and Wymer and emphasised that the KRM deposits represent
significance of the site, and the relevance fauna material from the multiple short-term human occupations separated by non-
Deacon excavations may have to our understanding of palae- occupation deposits, usually composed of sands.
oenvironmental conditions in the Late Pleistocene, it is crucial that This paper discusses the large mammal fauna excavated from
these data be interrogated further to explore the palaeoecology of the Deacon excavations in Caves 1 and 1A in relation to the MSA l,
the MSA in the southern Cape. MSA ll Lower and Upper, HP and MSA lll techno-complexes
Ungulate diversity can inform on habitat productivity and (Table 1). Below, the technological and stratigraphic context of
environmental change (Thackeray, 1980; Klein, 1983). Ungulate the Deacon faunal samples from Caves 1 and 1A is discussed. The
richness may be linked to primary environmental productivity and layers are grouped according to the scheme followed by Wurz
precipitation (Coe et al., 1976; Thackeray, 1980; Radloff, 2008; Faith, (2000, Figure 37, Table 11). Only a few ages for the KRM se-
2013b). There is generally higher ungulate diversity with increased quences are mentioned here, but recent summaries can be found in
precipitation in low to medium-rainfall biomes e with precipita- Grine et al. (2017) and Wadley (2015).
tion up to ~750 mm/year e declining thereafter (Olff et al., 2002). The MSA 1 lithic techno-complex, also known as the Klasies
Faith (2011a) argues that decreasing ungulate richness in the River techno-complex occurs in the LBS and the RBS members (SW
southern Cape is related to a decline in productivity and a loss of Layers 40-37) (Wurz, 2002). In the MSA l, a quartzite blade pro-
available grasslands. This would likely be due to altered rainfall duction system was followed, in which elongated points and blades
regimes and shifting sea levels resulting from glacial/interglacial from volumetric and two volume cores were produced (Wurz,
climatic changes. Yet the effects of glacial/interglacial changes on 2002). There is evidence for more intensive reduction of cores in
ungulate diversity in the south-eastern Cape is not fully under- the MSA l (Wurz, 2010). This techno-complex is, for example,
stood. In this paper, we assess the large mammal faunal remains distinguished by intensive platform preparation in the form of step
from the Deacon (hereafter, D) sample and discuss its role in the flaking and rubbing, and a statistically significant difference in
palaeoecology of the southern and south-eastern Cape. Based on platform size to length, compared to the other phases at KRM
hypotheses that link increasing ungulate richness to expanded (Wurz et al., 2003). The MSA l fauna analysed here are from Cave 1/
grasslands in the southern Cape (Klein, 1980; Faith, 2011a, 2013a; 1A, Squares Z44-AA43, Layers SCB3S- SBS (Table 1; Fig. 3, see also
Marean et al., 2014), we evaluate links between grazer abundance Wurz, 2000 Table 11). Deacon excavated these squares from Cave 1/
and climatic change in the south-eastern Cape. Specifically, we 1A, the area where SW Main cutting square ‘a’ and East cutting
examine whether ungulate richness is associated with moisture Square ‘P’ intersects (Fig. 3). Several ages are associated with the
and grassland availability in this region during the late Pleistocene. half a metre thick LBS member, for example, 106.8 ± 12.6 ka
A comprehensive taphonomic analysis is in progress and without (thermoluminescence [TL] and optically stimulated luminescence
this component few secure inferences can be made about subsis- [OSL]),Feathers (2002) and 108.6 ± 3.4 ka (Uranium series [U-
tence behaviour. Yet the stand-alone taxonomic data are a useful series]), Vogel (2001). Deacon and Geleijnse (1988, p. 8) remarked
resource for examining palaeoecological change through time in that the stalagmite formations in Cave 1 indicate that the LBS
this important region in modern human development. member “spanned some thousands and even several tens of
thousands of years”. This hypothesis is currently being investigated
2. Site background through U-series dating of the stalagmites in the cave.
The MSA ll techno-complex, also referred to as the Mossel Bay
KRM is situated 500 m from the Klasies River and consists of phase at KRM, occurs in the SAS member. It contains elongated
Caves 1 and 1B (6 m above sea level [asl]), Cave 2 (at 18 m asl), and quartzite products produced from Levallois-like cores (see also
Cave 1A, an overhang. The caves were cut into the Cape Supergroup Brenner and Wurz, 2019). The intensification evident during the
quartz arenite rocks more than 1 million years ago (Pickering et al., MSA l is not present here, and most of the products, particularly the
2013) into a steep cliff that marks the edge of the coastal platform points, have large faceted platforms and prominent bulbs. There is
on the Tsitsikamma coastline. As Caves 1B and 1 became choked technological change through time in the MSA ll and therefore the
with depositional debris, deposits accumulated against the Cave 1A MSA ll Lower (SW Layer 16e17) and Upper (SW Layers 15-14) have
cliff face for the most extended period in the occupational history of been distinguished. The MSA ll Upper products, especially the
the site. Although mid-Holocene higher sea levels eroded much of points, are shorter and more standardized in terms length and
the deposits from KRM, more than 21 m of superimposed shell width than those from the MSA ll Lower (Thackeray and Kelly, 1988;
4 J.P. Reynard, S. Wurz / Quaternary Science Reviews 237 (2020) 106301

Fig. 2. Relative stratigraphy of Cave 1, 1A and 1B at Klasies River Main. See Table 1 for details of stratigraphic members (after Wurz et al., 2018).

Wurz, 2002). Upper layers and the HP, as evidenced in the Rock Fall (RF) member
The MSA ll Lower fauna described in this paper are from three (SW’s layer 22). The HP techno-complex occurs above this, in the
areas at KRM. In Cave 1 it is from the Witness Baulk, SAS Upper lower 1.8 m of Upper Member. It is a blade technology, containing a
(SASU) sub-member, layers HHH to D1. The Deacon excavation of higher proportion of smaller blades than in the rest of the MSA
the Witness Baulk is adjacent to SW Main Cutting ‘south’ and West sequence at KRM (Wurz, 2002; Villa et al., 2010), associated with
cutting Square ‘H’. The faunal sample further originates from Cave backed geometrics and notched artefacts (Wurz, 2002). The plat-
1/1A Squares AA43, Z44, Y45 and Y44, layers CL2-SCB2AS (Fig. 3; form preparation techniques evident in the MSA l appear again, but
Table 1). The fauna from the MSA ll Lower in Cave 1A are only from this time in relation to even more intensive reduction of cores and
a few layers from square T50, Layers SM5T to SM5LB. The MSA ll utilisation of a wider range of raw materials (Wurz, 2010). Non-
Upper fauna are from the Witness Baulk e the SAS Wedge (SASW) quartzite material is especially evident in the middle layers of the
sub-member e from layers A1-H3 and in Cave 1A from squares L51 HP at KRM where silcrete and quartz increase (Wurz, 2000). The HP
to T50, Layers YS- BS4L. Deacon excavated squares L51 to T50 off at KRM is associated with ages of for example 63.2 ± 2.7 ka (single
SW’s Initial Cutting (see Fig. 3). Various ages, most from Cave 1, are grain OSL, Jacobs and Roberts, 2017), 65.6 ± 5.3 ka (U-series Vogel,
associated with the SAS member. The MSA ll Lower, for example is 2001) and a mean TL age of 53 ± 3 ka (Tribolo et al., 2013). The HP
linked to an age of 101 ± 12 ka (U-series and electron spin reso- fauna comes from three squares excavated off Wymer’s initial
nance, Eggins et al., 2005), and the MSA ll Upper to U-Th ages of cutting, squares J51, H51 and the lower section of E50, Layers YSx6-
between 100.8 ± 7.5 ka and 85.2 ± 2.1 ka (Vogel, 2001). In Cave 1A CP5.
the MSA ll Upper is associated with a U-Th date of 77.4 ± 7.0 ka The MSA lll is quite an ephemeral techno-complex at KRM that
(Vogel, 2001). is perhaps best known for the absence of HP technological elements
In Cave 1A there is a substantial hiatus between the MSA ll and a return to the more typical MSA products of the MSA at KRM.
J.P. Reynard, S. Wurz / Quaternary Science Reviews 237 (2020) 106301 5

Fig. 3. Site map of Klasies River main site.

Table 1
Stratigraphic relationship between units, layers and techno-complexes in Cave 1 & 1A at Klasies River.

Sub-stage Cave 1A Cave 1/1A Cave 1

Member Square and Layers Member Square and Layers Member Square and Layers

MSA III Upper E50S-E50YS3

Howiesons Poort Upper E50CP5–J51YSX6
MSA ll upper SAS L51 YS-T50 BS4L SASW A1-H3
MSA ll lower SAS T50 SM5T - SM5LB SAS Y44 SM51SHB - Y45 CL2 - AA43 SCB2AS SASU D1-HHH

Elongated larger quartzite artefacts again dominate (Wurz, 2002; (Tribolo et al., 2013).
Villa et al., 2010). The MSA lll faunal sample discussed in this paper
comes from square E50, Layers E50S-AB, from only half a metre of
3. Regional environment
deposits. Ages for this section of the stratigraphy include for
example 43.4 ± 3.0 ka (OSL; Feathers, 2002) and 57.0 ± 4.0 ka
KRM occurs within the Eastern Fynbos Biome at the eastern
6 J.P. Reynard, S. Wurz / Quaternary Science Reviews 237 (2020) 106301

edge of the GCFR along the present-day south-eastern coast of the consigned to Linnaean Family were assigned size classes based on
Eastern Cape of South Africa. Vegetation in the present-day GCFR Klein (1976) where bovids under ~ 20 kg, such as Cape grysbok,
consists mainly of fynbos (shrubs) while renosterveld and strandveld klipspringer are categorised as small bovids. Small-medium bovids
(shrubs and grasses) are also present (Bergh et al., 2014). The site is are those between 84 and 18 kg such as grey rhebuck and impala.
currently surrounded by Algoa Dune Strandveld and Southern Cape Large-medium bovids, are those between 300 and 77 kg (e.g., red
Dune Fynbos interspersed with Cape Seashore vegetation. The hartebeest, kudu) and bovids heavier than 360 kg (eland and buf-
Klasies River itself is within a heavily thicketed valley dominated by falo) are classed as large bovids (Table 1). Very large bovids, those
Southern Afrotemperate Forest (Mucina and Rutherford, 2011). The heavier than 950 kg, such as the extinct long-horned buffalo and
result of these various interdigitated biomes is a mosaic of giant hartebeest are combined with larger bovids in our study.
ecological regions surrounding the site typical of the eastern GCFR Animal habitats are based on modern data from Skinner and
(Van Wijk et al., 2017). Climatic and topographical diversity across Chimimba (2005). We investigate variations in the faunal assem-
the GCFR results in a gradual change in environmental conditions blage by examining presence/absence data and taxonomic diversity
from the more westerly, winter rainfall zone near Cape Town, to the throughout the sequence which can be a useful indicator of
eastern year-round rainfall zone (YRZ) near Algoa Bay, and from the palaeoenvironmental conditions (cf. Rector and Verrelli, 2010;
drier, northern mountainous regions to the moister, southern Faith, 2013a). To infer the dominant vegetation of the KRM region,
coastal strip (Campbell, 1983; Chase and Meadows, 2007; Ellis et al., ungulate taxa are categorised according to their dietary prefer-
2014). KRM lies within the YRZ and is influenced by relatively ences, viz., grazers, browsers and mixed-feeders. To explore
moderate oceanic and atmospheric circulatory systems (Carr et al., palaeoenvironmental conditions, a range of faunal diversity indices
2007; Chase and Meadows, 2007). The warm Agulhas Current from are calculated using the PAST software package (Hammer et al.,
the south-east results in relatively mild climate and temperate sea 2001). Taxonomic richness or the number of taxa (NTAXA;
surface temperatures (SST) throughout the year. The current mean measured at the genus level), indicates niche breadth and can be
annual precipitation (MAP) for the Southern Cape Dune Fynbos used to infer the diet breadth of a faunal assemblage. Evenness
ecotone between the Tsistikamma region and Oyster Bay is measures how equally taxa are distributed throughout the assem-
~757 mm with a slight peak in autumn and spring (Mucina and blage and heterogeneity is a simultaneous measurement of both
Rutherford, 2011) and MAP for the KRM region is estimated to be richness and evenness (Lyman, 2008). We use the Shannon-Wiener
~1000 mm/year (Van Wijk et al., 2017). Sea level fluctuations be- heterogeneity index for heterogeneity, calculated as H ¼ -S Pi (ln
tween glacial and interglacial periods would have resulted in sig- Pi), where P is the proportion of taxon i in the assemblage. High
nificant landscape changes in some areas of the southern Cape, due values signify increased heterogeneity. Evenness is calculated using
to the broad, shallow Agulhas Bank continental shelf off the the Shannon index as e ¼ H/ln S, where H is the Shannon-Weiner
present-day coast of the southern Cape. This expanded Palaeo- heterogeneity index and S is NTAXA. For this index, values fall be-
Agulhas Plain, however, would have been longitudinally much tween 0 and 1, with 1 representing a perfectly even assemblage.
broader further west off the southern Cape coast than off the coast Simpson’s index of diversity (1-D) is used to measure the degree of
of KRM (Compton, 2011; Rautenbach et al., 2019). dominance (D) of a single taxon and is calculated as 1 e (S ni [ni/
The GCFR host a diverse range of both small and large endemic n]2) where ni is the number of specimens from taxon i (Magurran,
fauna (Skinner and Chimimba, 2005). Historic accounts suggest 1988). The values for Simpson’s index range from 0 to 1 where a
that large herbivores were common in the GCFR but consist mostly lower value indicates dominance by a single taxon, and a higher
of smaller bovids such as Cape grysbok, steenbok and grey rhebuck value represents increased diversity. Fisher’s alpha (a) is a simple
(Skead, 1980; Faith, 2011b) (scientific names in Table 1). Larger measure of diversity relatively insensitive to sample size discrep-
ungulates, such as zebra, black rhino, hippo, African elephant, and ancies (Magurran, 2004; Faith, 2013a) and is calculated as
wildebeest, although present in the Holocene, may have been more NTAXA ¼ a þ ln(1 þ N/a), where N equals assemblage sample size.
common in the Pleistocene (Klein, 1980; Faith, 2011a; Reynard Higher a values signify increased diversity. Because larger faunal
et al., 2016a). In the low-lying areas east of the Overberg, Cape assemblages are likely to produce higher NTAXA values, and the
buffalo, bontebok and bushbuck were present in the forest and relationship between sample size and NTAXA is logarithmic (Wolff,
thicket patches (Skead, 1980; Mucina and Rutherford, 2011). 1975), a richness index (NTAXA/log NISP) is calculated by dividing
NTAXA by the log of the number of specimens in the taxa under
4. Materials and methods consideration (Lyman, 2008). We also use an ungulate richness
index to measured ungulate diversity in this study. This richness
This faunal sample is from the assemblage excavated by Hilary index also uses uNTAXA divided by the sum of log-transformed
Deacon and colleagues between 1984 and 1995. All material was ungulate sample sizes (uNTAXA/log uNISP) (Lyman, 2008). Ungu-
retained after screening through 2 and 3 mm mesh. Identification late residual analyses are also conducted but only when uNTAXA
of the bones was undertaken by James Brink and Van Pletzen-Vos correlates to log transform SuNISP. Residuals above or below
for Cave 1A and Van Pletzen-Vos for the Witness Baulk in Cave 1 regression lines are measured as an additional compensation for
(Van Pletzen-Vos et al., 2019). The assemblage was analysed sample size differences.
following Klein and Cruz-Uribe (1984). Mammals of a similar size or
larger than the Cape dune molerat were examined in this analysis. 5. Results
Fauna was identified to taxa using the South African National
Museums comparative faunal collections in Bloemfontein. Our The total weight of the faunal remains is 182.7 kg with over
assessment uses the number of identified specimens (NISP) as the 78 kg identified to at least the class level. Although no taphonomic
preferred analytical quantitative unit because NISP is a primary assessment was undertaken, a study of the taphonomy of the
quantitative unit (cf. Lyman, 2008). Moreover, the minimum assemblage is forthcoming. Preliminary taphonomic indicators
numbers of individuals (MNI) are generally small and are probably from the Howiesons Poort (HP), (Achieng et al., 2019), MSA lll
underrepresented due to extensive fragmentation of the assem- (Pearson et al., 2019) and MSA ll phases (Lap et al., 2019) suggest
blage (cf. Plug and Plug, 1990; Marshall and Pilgram, 1993). Faunal that both humans and animals played a significant role in bone
material was assigned to Class, Order or Family using teeth. The collection. Small fauna from the MSA lll layers were likely prefer-
cranial and post-cranial remains of bovids that could not be entially accumulated by non-humans (Van Pletzen-Vos et al., 2019)
J.P. Reynard, S. Wurz / Quaternary Science Reviews 237 (2020) 106301 7

while some larger bovids in the MSA ll may have been accumulated most likely grazers based on their teeth structure and their close
through scavenging (Lap et al. in prep.). relationship with roan and sable (Faith and Thompson, 2013).
The faunal collection displays a diverse range of taxa with rock Extinct long-horned buffalo were also probably gregarious grazers
hyrax (n ¼ 595) and seal (n ¼ 460) the most abundant identified and their size suggests that they occurred in large open landscapes.
species (Table 2). Bovids are the most common class of animals On the other hand, Raphicerus are ubiquitous to KRM and most MSA
constituting 65% (n ¼ 3473) of identified taxa. Eland (n ¼ 80) and sites in the GCFR and their presence suggests fynbos and other
Raphicerus sp. (Cape grysbok and/or steenbok; n ¼ 101) dominate closed environments (Faith, 2011b). Blue and common duikers also
the identified bovid taxa with African buffalo (n ¼ 43) also com- occur in closed, bushy environments. Hippopotamus and otter
mon. Although terrestrial carnivores occur (n ¼ 54), identified indicate wetlands or riparian environments while the Cape dune
carnivore remains are generally rare. Most of the identified remains mole rat, common in sandy coastal sites, is relatively rare in this
were recovered from MSA ll Lower while MSA l yielded the least sample.
number of specimens. Temporal trends in ungulate communities suggest changing
environmental conditions through the sequence. While the envi-
5.1. Environmental indicators ronment is generally mosaic, there is a relative shift from more
grazers in MSA l to a prevalence of mixed-feeders and browsers in
In general the abundance of eland and the presence of both MSA ll and back to some dominance of grass-loving species in the
browsers and grazers indicate an environment of grasslands HP and MSA lll layers (Fig. 4). However, some shifts occur within
interspersed with thicket and other types of closed environments. the HP and between the HP and MSA lll. There is a significant dif-
Extinct taxa make up a significant component of the identified ference between smaller (small and small-medium) and larger
specimens and modern genetic and morphological analogies are (large-medium and large) bovids between the HP and MSA lll
used to infer their dietary prevalence (e.g., Klein, 1974; Gentry, (Fig. 5, c2 ¼ 5.603; df ¼ 1; p ¼ 0.02). In general, smaller bovids such
2010; Faith and Thompson, 2013). Extinct blue antelope were as Raphicerus are adapted to more closed bushy habitats while

Table 2
Taxa based on the number of identified specimens (NISP) from Klasies River Cave 1 & 1A.


Cave 1A 1A 1 & 1A 1/1A AA43/Z44 1/1A AA43/Z44 Total

Order Taxa Common name

Primate Papio ursinus Baboon 2 2
Primate: indet. Primate 1 1
Rodentia Bathyergus siullus Cape dune mole rat 2 1 1 5 9
Hystrix africaeaustralis Porcupine 2 2
Lagomorpha Lepus sp. (? Capensis) Hare 1 3 4
Leporidae Hare 2 2
Hyracoidea Procavia capensis Hyrax 121 18 87 340 29 595
Carnivora Aonyx capensis African clawless otter 1 2 3
Hyaena brunnea Brown hyena 4 4
Cetacea sp. Whale/dolphin sp. 1 1 2
Arctocephalus sp. Seal 21 62 110 254 13 460
Carnivore: indet. Carnivores 17 3 18 14 2 54
Tubulidentata Orycteropus afer Aardvark 4 6 22 32
Ruminantia Equus sp. Zebra 1 1 1 5 2 10
Suid sp. Bushpig/Warthog 2 2 1 1 6
Hippopotamus amphibus Hippopotamus 8 5 13
Taurotragux oryx Eland 2 2 14 61 1 80
Tragelaphine cf. 2 2
Tragelaphus strepsiceros Greater kudu 1 2 1 18 1 23
Tragelaphus scriptus Bushbuck 2 21 23
Syncerus antiquus Long-horned buffalo 9 3 6 2 20
Syncerus caffer African buffalo 6 2 8 25 2 43
Sylvicapra grimmia Common duiker 6 1 7
Kobus sp. Waterbuck/lechwe 1 1
Redunca cf. Reedbuck 6 6
Redunca arundinum Southern reedbuck 1 2 3
Hippotragus sp. Roan/sable/bluebuck 1 2 4 7
Hippotragus leucophaeus Bluebuck 2 1 19 1 23
Damaliscus pygragus Bontebok/blesbok 2 1 3
Alcelaphus/Connochaetes Hartebeest/wildebeest 1 5 6 11 3 26
Megalotragus cf. Priscus Giant hartebeest 1 1
Philantomba monticola Blue duiker 1 1
Raphicerus sp. Cape grysbok/steenbok 10 6 22 62 1 101
Pelea capreolus Grey rhebok 2 1 4 3 10
Antidorcas sp. Springbok 1 1 2
Bovidae: Indet. Bovids 52 156 9 217
Large 47 61 77 248 34 467
Large-medium 97 81 91 366 73 708
Small-medium 56 66 131 284 48 585
Small 187 100 350 422 26 1085
Mammal: indet. 189 469 24 682
Total 595 418 1178 2852 282 5325

HP ¼ Howiesons Poort; MSA ll U ¼ Upper and L ¼ Lower.

8 J.P. Reynard, S. Wurz / Quaternary Science Reviews 237 (2020) 106301

the earlier phase to a more mosaic habitat in later period (Fig. 5).
The MSA ll Upper period has significantly more smaller bovids than
the next highest period, MSA lll (c2 ¼ 14.770; df ¼ 1; p < 0.001).

5.2. Taxonomic diversity

Table 3 shows a range of diversity indices calculated for the KRM

sample. There is a clear relationship between NTAXA and log-
transformed SNISP (rs ¼ 0.886, p ¼ 0.019). NTAXA is significantly
correlated to SNISP (rs ¼ 0.949; p ¼ 0.014) but not to the richness
index (rs ¼ 0.791; p ¼ 0.1107). This suggests that, although taxo-
nomic abundance is linked to sample size, other factors may also be
at play. Correlation tests for heterogeneity (H) versus NTAXA
(rs ¼ 0.143; p ¼ 0.787) and evenness (e) (rs ¼ 0.315; p ¼ 0.544)
indicate no clear relationship between those indices. Simpson’s
index is correlated with heterogeneity (rs ¼ 0.899; p ¼ 0.015) but
there is no significant association between Simpson’s index and
either evenness (rs ¼ 0.667, p ¼ 0.148) or the richness index
Fig. 4. Ungulate dietary preference at Klasies River. Number of identified specimens
(NISP) in columns. (rs ¼ 0.145; p ¼ 0.784). Richness is highest in MSA lll and lowest in
the HP. Simpson’s index is high in MSA l and ll (especially MSA ll
Lower) and low in MSA lll and the HP. Generally, MSA l has the
highest diversity indices with the highest heterogeneity, evenness,
residual and Fisher’s alpha values.

5.3. Ungulate diversity

Ungulate indices data for KRM are presented in Table 4. The

number of ungulate taxa (uNTAXA) is not significantly correlated to
the log-transformed number of identified ungulate specimens
(uNISP) (rs ¼ 0.618; p ¼ 0.119) which could be related to sample
sizes. It means, however, that residuals could not be calculated.
Fisher’s alpha is significantly correlated to Simpson’s index and the
ungulate richness index (rs ¼ 0.900; p ¼ 0.037) suggesting that
these indices provide reliable measures of ungulate diversity for
KRM. Simpson’s index, Fisher’s alpha and the ungulate richness
index indicate that MSA l is the richest and most diverse period
with the ensuing MSA ll Lower and Upper the least diverse and rich.
Ungulate heterogeneity is highest in MSA l and MSA lll. The HP and
MSA l have the most even distribution of ungulate taxa, while
Fig. 5. Bovid size classes through the Klasies sequence. SB ¼ Small bovid; SMB ¼ small
medium bovid; LMB ¼ large medium bovid; LB ¼ large & very large bovids. Number of
Simpson’s index diversity values are high throughout the sequence
identified specimens (NISP) in columns. suggesting that no specific ungulate taxa dominates the KRM

larger ungulates are more prevalent in open grasslands (Kramer

and Prins, 2010). There is also a significant difference in the pro- 6. The Klasies River palaeoenvironment
portion of larger (large-medium and large) and smaller (small and
small-medium) bovids between MSA l and MSA ll Lower In this section, we link data from our analysis and that of other
(c2 ¼ 10.125; df ¼ 1; p ¼ 0.002). The relatively high proportions of studies to the KRM chronology. The deposits at KRM span over
larger bovids in MSA l (implying a more open environment) and the 70 000 years incorporating various techno-complexes. Given this
more equitable distributions of bovid size classes in the HP and unusually long occupational sequence, we discuss changing envi-
MSA lll layers also suggests a shift from grassier environments in ronmental conditions at KRM based on chronologies defined by the
lithic techno-complexes.

Table 3
General taxonomic diversity indices at Klasies River. Highest values emboldened.


NTAXA 19 14 17 22 15 28
NISP 191 107 270 893 66 1527
NTAXA/log NISP 8.33 6.90 6.99 7.46 8.24 8.79
Simpson’s Index (1-D) 0.58 0.63 0.72 0.76 0.75 0.75
Heterogeneity (h) 1.52 1.54 1.68 1.89 1.92 1.88
Evenness (e) 0.52 0.58 0.59 0.61 0.71 0.57
Fisher’s alpha 5.25 4.30 4.03 4.08 6.06 4.87
Residuals 1.38 1.32 2.00 1.78 1.61 2.11
J.P. Reynard, S. Wurz / Quaternary Science Reviews 237 (2020) 106301 9

Table 4
Ungulate diversity indices at Klasies River. Highest diversity values in bold.


uNTAXA 13 11 11 13 12 18
uNISP 40 26 63 259 23 411
uNTAXA/log uNISP 8.12 7.77 6.11 5.39 8.81 6.89
Simpson’s Index (1-D) 0.85 0.87 0.80 0.84 0.88 0.86
Heterogeneity (H) 2.16 2.20 1.89 2.08 2.32 2.27
Evenness e 0.84 0.92 0.79 0.81 0.93 0.79
Fisher’s alpha 6.69 7.19 3.86 2.88 10.12 3.85
Grazer frequency 6.00 5.00 3.44 3.26 6.82 3.85

6.1. MSA l noted above imply more closed vegetation and a wetter environ-
ment perhaps related to taxonomic indices that show a decline in
In this phase, grazers are proportionally more common than in diversity from MSA l to MSA ll (Nel et al., 2018).
other layers suggesting that the environment was likely more open The MSA ll at KRM is often associated with MIS 5d-a, a variable
and grass-dominated. Higher ungulate diversity values at this time period incorporating both warmer and cooler climatic phases
also suggest a productive environment (Table 4). Micromammal (EPICA Community Members, 2004; Wurz et al., 2018). There is
data show that the environment was likely drier (Nel et al., 2018). evidence of increased precipitation occurring in south-eastern
Although their data still indicate an even distribution of shrub, bush South Africa from ~120 ka to ~115 ka (Simon et al., 2015). Higher
and grassy species, Nel et al. (2018) note that species which favour precipitation at this time is also demonstrated in multiple core
more closed environments e such as golden moles (e.g., Amblyso- datasets including marine core CD154-17-17K, situated near the
mus hottentotus) e are also relatively prevalent in MSA l. This mouth of the Great Kei River (Simon et al., 2015), core CD154-
probably reflects the mosaic environment surrounding KRM during 10e06P about 160 km off the KwaZulu-Natal coast (Ziegler et al.,
this time . Although Klein (1976, p. 78) argues that the proportions 2013), core MD96-2094 on Walvis Ridge in the southeast Atlantic
of grazers, browsers and mixed-feeders during MSA l (SW layers Ocean (Stuut et al., 2002; Braun et al., 2019) and the Tswaing impact
38-37) are likely similar to what was found in the Holocene, the crater sediment core near Pretoria (Partridge et al., 1997; Kirsten
small bovid component was missing from this assemblage. et al., 2007). The Southern Ocean marine core RC11-83/1089
The MSA l phase is often linked to the Last Interglacial, MIS 5e shows a long interval between d18O amplitude oscillations from
(Shackleton, 1982; Deacon and Geleijnse, 1988). Regionally, MIS 5e 115 to 95 ka (Ninnemann et al., 1999) suggesting relatively stable
was characterised by higher sea level stands and warmer temper- conditions then. This may correlate to a cold spell suggested by Van
atures (EPICA Community Members, 2004). Palaeo-coastal models Andel (1989, p. 141) between 110 ka and 105 ka based on micro-
(Fisher et al., 2010) and data from the southern Cape (Carr et al., mammal data analysed by Thackeray (1987) (Hillestad-Nel, 2013).
2010; Roberts et al., 2012; Cawthra et al., 2018) indicate that sea There is also some evidence of a short-lived sea-level stillstand at c.
levels may have been between 6 m and 8 m higher than present 107e108 ka that may have occurred after extensive dune deposi-
between ~130 ka and ~125 ka. Benthic d18O records from the RC11- tion at c. 110 ka (Cawthra et al., 2018, p. 170). Pollen and charcoal
83/ODP 1089 Southern Ocean marine core show large amplitude data from Vankervelsvlei suggest that the early MIS 5 phases are
oscillations during MIS 5e indicating warmer SST (Ninnemann associated with relatively warmer temperatures and mesic condi-
et al., 1999: 104). Data from the EPICA Dome C in Antarctica show tions while data for MIS 5b-a reflect a shift to cooler temperature
that this period was one of the warmest interglacial maxima (Quick et al., 2016). Speleothem data from Crevice Cave, Staircase
(Masson-Delmotte et al., 2010). A re-dating programme is in Cave and PP29 near Pinnacle Point show that winter rain and C3
progress that might change the temporal association with MIS 5e. grasses were dominant during MIS 5d-a, with the gradual expan-
sion of summer rain and C4 grass towards the beginning of MIS 4
(Bar-Matthews et al., 2010; Braun et al., 2019). Langejans et al.
6.2. MSA ll (2017, p. 76) suggest that, during MSA ll Lower at KRM, shellfish
was probably accumulated during an interglacial phase when SST
There is a significant difference between the taxa of MSA l and were not significantly lower and sea levels were still relatively close
MSA ll. Both general and ungulate taxonomic diversity is lowest in to present day levels. On the whole, although SST decreased slightly
MSA ll (Tables 3 and 4). Grazers become less abundant in this phase during MIS 5 (Bard and Rickaby, 2009), they were generally stable
with more mixed-feeders and a dominance of browsers. The SW throughout this period (Loftus et al., 2017). Marine regressions
faunal data also show a decline in grazers and increase in taxa would have been affected by stadial and interstadial phases but was
associated with closed environments (Klein, 1976, p. 78). Interest- likely never as extreme as during MIS 6 or 4 and the shoreline was
ingly, micromammal data indicate that grass expanded from MSA l probably never more than 10 km away from the KRM coast (Dor,
through MSA ll while shrublands declined (Nel et al., 2018). Yet 2017).
both Avery (1987) and Nel et al. (2018) found that Otomys irroratus
(the Southern African vlei rat), a species associated with Afro-
montane forests, increases significantly from MSA l to MSA ll. The 6.3. Howiesons Poort
presence of blue duiker (Philantomba monticola) (Table 2) e a forest
dwelling small bovid e in MSA ll supports a more forested envi- Ungulate and general taxonomic diversity is slightly higher in
ronment close to the site at this time. Wetland-linked species, the HP compared to MSA ll but not as high as MSA l (Tables 2 and 4).
particularly hippopotamus are relatively prevalent in the MSA ll Although samples sizes are small, grazers are, for all the HP layers
layers in both the D and SW faunal samples (Klein, 1976). Estuarine combined, more common during this period than in MSA ll (Fig. 4).
fish also increase in abundance in the SAS units which suggest the The SW faunal sample also shows an increase in grazing ungulates
presence of a lagoon or estuary nearby (Von den Driesch, 2004). from MSA ll to the HP suggesting a more open environment during
The Southern African vlei rat, blue duiker and the estuarine species certain periods of the HP (Klein, 1976). This is supported by Avery’s
10 J.P. Reynard, S. Wurz / Quaternary Science Reviews 237 (2020) 106301

(1987) analysis which shows that micromammals indicative of general, may have been drier than in the Holocene (Ziegler et al.,
closed environments, especially vlei rats, become less common 2013; Quick et al., 2016) although Agulhas Current SSTs Reynard
through the HP. Large bovids are more prevalent in these layers et al., 2016a show a steady decline through this period (Bard and
which appear to be corroborated by the abundance of eland, buffalo Rickaby, 2009). Benthic d18O records from marine core TN057-21
and alcelaphines in the SW assemblage. However, both in the D and show general stability during MIS 3 with no discernible vari-
SW samples browsing ungulates dominate the lower HP layers ability on millennial scales (Ninnemann et al., 1999, p. 104). The
suggesting that the earlier phases may have been more closed that Crevice Cave and PP29 speleothem records show a slight increase in
the later period (Klein, 1976; Van Pletzen, 2000; Van Pletzen-Vos winter rain with a corresponding expansion of C3 vegetation (Bar-
and Wurz, 2014). Although species favouring rocky shores still Matthews et al., 2010; Braun et al., 2019). Sea levels would have
dominate the shellfish assemblage, they are less common than in receded from ~60 ka to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) exposing a
the MSA ll (Thackeray, 1988a; Langejans et al., 2017). Langejans wide Palaeo-Agulhas Plain for the southern Cape area, especially
et al. (2017, p. 77) argue that the increase in alikreukel and west from KRM, during most of this period (Marean et al., 2014).
turban shell suggests that tidal pools systems were more extensive Evidence of grassland species from both the micromammal and
during this time e probably because of a more distant shoreline. ungulate data seem to support this scenario.
The HP at KRM is generally associated with MIS 4 (Deacon,
1989), a major glacial period encompassing significant de-
velopments in what has been termed ‘modern’ behaviour (Deacon, 7. Discussion
1989; Henshilwood and Marean, 2003) or innovative complex
behaviour and cognition (Wadley, 2013; Wurz, 2013). Micro- 7.1. The Klasies sequence as environmental proxy
mammal data (Thackeray, 1987) and SST models (Ninnemann et al.,
1999; Bard and Rickaby, 2009; Braun et al., 2019) indicate that this A key question that needs to be addressed is whether the faunal
period was cooler than the preceding MSA ll phase. Chase and data from the D sample are useful proxies for environmental
colleagues (Chase and Meadows, 2007; Chase, 2010; Carr et al., change in the southern Cape. It must be noted that archaeo-faunal
2016) have argued that instead of being drier (Avery, 1983; assemblages, such as those from KRM, would reflect human biases
Deacon, 1989), conditions during MIS 4 were likely to have been in prey selection. Faunal remains in hyena-accumulated assem-
more humid due to the influence of warmer southern Indian Ocean blages correlate well with animal abundance on the landscape
SST and the effects of westerly storm fronts. While a spike in Stoebe- (Hayward, 2006). Human-selected prey may be influenced by
type pollen at c. 67 ka around Vankervelsvlei may be evident of hunting preferences and strategies, nocturnal habits of prey and
drought stress (Quick et al., 2016), data from marine core CD154- technological capabilities (Discamps et al., 2011), and may not
17-17K show wetter conditions in the Eastern Cape between 65 directly reflect contemporaneous faunal communities. That said,
and 60 ka; although this period was probably also interspersed while it is difficult to discern the influence of human behaviour on
with arid events (Simon et al., 2015; Ziegler et al., 2013). Speleo- prey selection in the late Pleistocene, analyses of contemporary
them data from Crevice Cave and PP29 near Pinnacle Point indicate Kwee forager assemblages in the Kalahari show that human
unstable environmental conditions between ~73 and 64 ka with a hunters exploit prey similar to their occurrence within local habi-
dominance of C4 plants during the latter part of MIS 4 suggesting tats (Bunn, 1982).
more regular summer rainfall then in that area (Bar-Matthews Southern Cape archaeo-faunal assemblages reflect shifting un-
et al., 2010; Braun et al., 2019). Phytolith evidence at Pinnacle gulate dietary preferences that appear to indicate changing climatic
Point also shows a dominance of thicket and riparian vegetation e conditions. Fig. 6 shows a shift from a dominance of grazers in MIS
in addition to fynbos and C4 grasses during MIS 4 (Esteban et al., in 6, to more mixed-browsers at during MIS 5, and back to more
press). grazers in MIS 4 and 3. Generally in the southern Cape, sites dated
to MIS 6 (of which Pinnacle Point is the only one) show open
6.4. MSA lll

Long-horned buffalo e an extinct, probable grazer requiring

substantially open terrain e are proportionally more common in
these layers than any other phase of the D sample. Here, we also
find evidence of wetlands with southern reedbuck and a Kobus
specimen e very likely waterbuck e in the D sample, and reedbuck
and hippo recovered from the SW assemblage (Klein, 1976).
Although the sample is small, Cape dune mole rats are also pro-
portionally quite common in these layers (Table 1) suggesting
increased dune activity during this period. Micromammal data
show that this period was dominated by grass-indicator species
such as Hottentot golden moles (Amblysomus hottentotus), with a
corresponding decline in mole rats (Cryptomys hottentotus and
Georychus capensis) (Avery, 1987). In the SW assemblage, some of
the few examples of wildebeest from the southern Cape were
recovered from the MSA lll period suggesting an open environment
dominated by grasslands (Klein, 1976). The faunal data thus show
variable signals that may reflect fluctuating environmental
Regionally, this period likely corresponds to the interstadial MIS Fig. 6. Ungulate dietary preference in the southern Cape from MIS 4e6. Klipdrift
Shelter (KDS) data from Reynard et al. (2016a), b; Die Kelders (DK1) data from Klein
3, a variable phase marked by cooler periods with warm oscillations et al. (2000); Blombos Cave (BBC) data from Henshilwood et al. (2001); Pinnacle Point
(EPICA Community Members, 2004). SSTs would have probably (PP) 13B & 30 data from Rector and Reed (2010). Gr ¼ Grazers, Mb ¼ Mixed-browsers.
been slightly warmer compared to MIS 4 and the environment, in Number of identified specimens (NISP) in columns.
J.P. Reynard, S. Wurz / Quaternary Science Reviews 237 (2020) 106301 11

environments which may correspond to an expanded Palaeo-

Agulhas Plain during this glacial period. This appears similar to
grazer frequencies during MSA l at KRM. At Blombos Cave, dated to
between MIS 5d-4, grazers are not common and the environment is
generally closed and bushy, comparable to the MSA ll layers at KRM
(Badenhorst et al., 2016; Reynard and Henshilwood, 2019). The
Klipdrift HP layers (dated to MIS 4) show similar patterns to the HP
at KRM with a prevalence of grass-loving taxa (Reynard et al.,
2016a). The one exception is Die Kelders which is dated to be-
tween 70 and 60 ka (MIS 4; Feathers and Bush, 2000) and shows a
prevalence of browsers (Klein and Cruz-Uribe, 2000). However, Die
Kelders has an extraordinary abundance of Raphicerus (7609 out of
9107 ungulate taxa) and Klein and Cruz-Uribe (2000, p. 173) notes
that all extralimital species at Die Kelders such as wildebeest,
reedbuck, Cape zebra and long-horn buffalo were all grazers that
imply grassier vegetation. In their study on diet breadth in the MSA,
Clark and Kandel (2013) note that browsers are more prevalent in
MIS 4 and MIS 6. Unlike our analyses, their data includes faunal
assemblages from a range of southern African MSA sites not just the Fig. 7. The relationship between ungulate diversity and grazer frequency at Klasies
southern Cape, and Pinnacle Point 30 (a carnivore den dated to MIS River main. MSA ll U ¼ Upper, L ¼ Lower.
6) is also excluded from their analysis. They argue that the higher
proportion of browsers in MIS 4 in their dataset may not just reflect
bushy vegetation in MSA ll, shifting back to more grasslands in
environmental conditions but may be linked to subsistence
some parts of the HP and MSA lll (Klein, 1976). Larger ungulates are
significantly more common in MSA l (Fig. 5). With the exception of
Ungulate dietary patterns from the various southern Cape sites
eland, larger herbivores generally consume lower quality forage
we examined suggest that Late Pleistocene faunal assemblages in
such as grass (Prins and Olff, 1998; Frits and Loison, 2006) which
this area are very likely time-averaged. Fig. 6 therefore represents a
suggests that grasslands were an important component of the KRM
palimpsest of data from MIS 6 to 3. Representations of data such as
ecology in MSA 1.
these tend to highlight more extreme shifts in environmental
We were unable to measure residual indices through the
conditions brought about by glacial/interglacial cycling. It is also
sequence because uNTAXA does not correlate to log uNISP in the D
likely that more severe environmental conditions could influence
sample, thus we cannot quantify the relationship between ungulate
taphonomic and post-depositional processes which would affect
diversity and precipitation. Yet, it is likely that shifting ungulate
faunal preservation. This is probably why at most sites the two
diversity and richness at KRM are associated with glacial and
more severe glacial periods e MIS 6 and 4 e show the most sig-
interglacial cycles which, in turn, is linked to moisture availability.
nificant changes in grazer representation (Fig. 6). This pattern is
MAP near KRM currently averages around 1000 mm/year (Van Wijk
also evident at KRM (Fig. 4) suggesting that the KRM dataset re-
et al., 2017, p. 15). If we assume that MAP did not drop below
flects a similar palimpsest. Notwithstanding these site formation
750 mm/year in the late Pleistocene, it is possible that increasing
biases, the extensive sequence at KRM shows how changing envi-
ungulate diversity for this sample could reflect less moisture
ronmental conditions affected ungulate abundance and reflects
availability (Thackeray, 1980; Faith, 2013b). In that case, increasing
trends across the southern Cape. Thus, despite the relatively small
ungulate richness may imply drier conditions. This is a reasonable
size of the D sample compared to the SW assemblage, proportions
suggestion since ungulate biomass is usually lower in forested re-
of grazers, mixed-feeders and browsers in our analysis generally
gions, increasing in more open, drier environs such as those in the
corresponds to patterns seen at other southern Cape sites (compare
Savannah and Grassland Biomes of the southern African interior (cf.
Figs. 6 and 4). This suggests that it is feasible to use the D sample to
Coe et al., 1976; Olff et al., 2002; Faith, 2013b). Thus, the current
infer palaeoenvironmental patterns and the KRM sequence may be
mosaic environment surrounding KRM would likely become more
a useful proxy for environmental change in this region.
forested with increasing precipitation, similar to the Afrotemperate
forests in the Klasies River valley and near present-day Knysna
7.2. Environmental change and ungulate diversity
further to the west (Mucina and Rutherford, 2011).
The high diversity values in MSA 1 may therefore suggest less
There is a clear link between environmental conditions and
available moisture during that period. This raises the question of
ungulate diversity at KRM (Fig. 7). Fisher’s alpha, the ungulate
whether we can link ungulate diversity in the MSA l layers to either
richness index and the frequency of grazers (tabulated as the per-
glacial or interglacial phases. While data from marine core CD154-
centage of grazers divided by ten) are significantly correlated
17-17K show no firm relationship between cooler/warmer phases
throughout the sequence (rs ¼ 0.900, p ¼ 0.037; Fig. 7). Simpson’s
in MIS 5 or 4, and humidity (Ziegler et al., 2013), there is substantial
index is also significantly correlated with Fisher’s alpha (rs ¼ 0.900,
evidence that glacial MIS 4 was humid in the south-western Cape
p ¼ 0.037). Although this index is not significantly associated with
(Stuut et al., 2004; Chase, 2010; Ziegler et al., 2013). However,
either the richness index or grazer frequency (rs ¼ 0.800, p ¼ 0.104),
conceptual models (Cockcroft et al., 1987; Partridge et al., 1990;
the correlation coefficient between these indices is very high. These
Engelbrecht et al., 2019) and proxy data (Avery, 1983; Deacon et al.,
indices peak in MSA l, dropping substantially in MSA ll before rising
1984; Deacon and Lancaster, 1988; Cowling et al., 1999; Meadows
slightly again in the HP and MSA lll. This relationship shows that
and Baxter, 1999; Chase and Meadows, 2007; Chase et al., 2017)
ungulate diversity is linked to changing vegetation and environ-
suggest the eastern part of the GCFR may have been dryer during
mental conditions. Specifically, it indicates that, as ungulate rich-
glacial periods. A recent climate model by Engelbrecht et al. (2019)
ness increases, grazers e and by implication, grasslands e become
projects a reduction in rainfall to the east of the Cape south coast
more prevalent. The SW sample also shows more grazers, and
during the LGM. They suggest that this may possibly be linked to
therefore a more open environment in the MSA l moving to closed,
12 J.P. Reynard, S. Wurz / Quaternary Science Reviews 237 (2020) 106301

the effects of a rain shadow along the south-north aligned Cape had access to the coast and also suggests that this period likely
Fold mountains during the northward displacement of westerly occurred when the coastal plain was contracting. Furthermore, it
frontal systems (Engelbrecht et al., 2019, p. 16) and more frequent also reflects the importance of seal sculp (subcutaneous fat and
hot and dry berg wind conditions to the east (p. 24) in glacial pe- skin) for local foragers since this is a rich and highly valued source
riods. It is possible then that the implied dryer conditions in MSA l of fat (Marean, 1986). Given the significance of seal as a fat resource,
is more likely to correspond to a glacial period. That said, Braun it is likely that coastal foragers would have still transported seal
et al. (2019) have suggested that moisture availability in the remains even when the shoreline was relatively far way. Research
southern Cape is highly dependent of river runoff from the interior on the intensity of seal field processing and transport decisions
so diversity indices for the southern Cape may be linked to interior could shed light on how valuable this resource was to KRM
rainfall regimes. Furthermore, limited land availability resulting populations.
from glacial-linked marine regressions would also affect ungulate Differences in ungulate diversity and species composition show
diversity (Marean, 2010; Faith, 2013b; Venter et al., in press) which a significant shift in habitat between MSA l and MSA ll which may
may also be one of the reasons why diversity indices are so high in correspond to a glacial/interglacial shift. While it is possible that
MSA 1. this could signify a change in environmental conditions from MIS
5e to 5d, it should be noted that the layer above deposits containing
7.3. Environmental trends at Klasies River MSA l artefacts e from the SASL sub-member, the base of the SAS
member e yielded dates of 110 ka from in situ speleothem material
Diversity data may inform us on human occupational intensity (Brenner and Wurz, 2019). There is almost a meter of MSA l deposit
in the MSA lll. Singer and Wymer (1982, p. 21) note that the MSA lll below this sub-member. Based on the trend of chronometric dates
units (corresponding to Layers 1 to 9 in Cave 1A) generally consist in the layers above, it is likely that this meter-thick deposit would
of ‘sandy scree’ with ‘laminated ash’ in the lower layers. The smaller correspond to at least several thousand years of occupation, as
archaeological sample from the Deacon excavations (Wurz, 2000) suggested by Deacon and Geleijnse (1988, p. 8). It is therefore
also implies that the MSA lll at KRM was marked by low occupa- possible that the age of the MSA l sub-member may date to beyond
tional activity. The faunal sample bears some evidence of this and is 120 ka, and be older than the accepted age range of MIS 5e (Deacon
characterised by a significant increase in small mammals compared and Geleijnse, 1988). As noted earlier, high ungulate diversity in
to bovids (Van Pletzen-Vos et al., 2019). General taxonomic di- MSA l probably indicates dryer conditions; possibly corresponding
versity (as defined by richness and Fisher’s alpha) is relatively high to glacial phases in the eastern GCFR (cf. Engelbrecht et al., 2019).
in the MSA lll (Table 2). This is probably a result of the abundance of Furthermore, using Hutchinson’s weight ratio theory, Venter et al.
small mammals in these layers which may have been accumulated (in press) propose that species richness in the southern Cape
by carnivores rather than people (cf. Pearson et al., 2019). would have been high during low sea level conditions such as in the
Researchers often investigate the links between HP lithic as- glacial periods of MIS 6. We noted that the grazer-rich periods of
semblages and environmental conditions (e.g., Deacon, 1989; glacial MIS 4 and 6 bracket the browser-rich phase of MIS 5 in the
Ambrose and Lorenz, 1990; Reynard et al., 2016a). Yet at KRM, these southern Cape. The differences in ungulate diversity and grazer
links may be tenuous. As noted previously, the HP is associated with frequencies between the MSA l and MSA ll at KRM are remarkably
MIS 4 when shorelines would have been relatively far from the similar to changes between MIS 6 and 5 sites shown in Fig. 6.
main site. Yet, marine core data show evidence of fluctuating Indeed, the similarities between proportions of grazers in the MSA
environmental conditions during MIS 4 (e.g., Ziegler et al., 2013) 1 layers and Pinnacle Point assemblages dated to MIS 6 are also
and palaeogeographic and micro-climatic conditions would likely striking. The Pinnacle Point 30 faunal assemblage is dominated by
have affected site-specific marine regressions (Carr et al., 2016). grazers and, while the Lightly Cemented MSA Lower (LC-MSA)
Furthermore, the HP data presented here are a time-averaged, horizon in Pinnacle Point 13B (with an age of 153e174 ka) has a
lumped dataset that does not reflect the nuanced environmental small sample of fauna, most of these are grazing alcelaphines
fluctuations during this period. This is probably why seal remains (n ¼ 4). The prevalence of grazers in these assemblages is probably
dominate this phase even though the coastline must have been not a result of the differences in human and carnivore accumula-
relatively far away at certain periods of the HP. tion. Given that the PP30 and LC-MSA assemblages were carnivore
Diversity patterns indicate a significant environmental shift and human-accumulated, respectively (Marean, 2010), it is likely
between MSA ll and l at KRM. Evidence suggests that SST were not that these faunal remains are a reasonable reflection of MIS 6
significantly variable from MIS 5d-a (Langejans et al., 2017; Loftus environmental conditions, and are similar to what was found in the
et al., 2017). Marine core data also show relative climatic stability MSA l layers at KRM.
from about 110 to 90 ka (Ninnemann et al., 1999; Simon et al., 2015).
Faunal data from the MSA ll layers at KRM and the M3 at Blombos 7.4. Ungulate diversity at other southern Cape Middle Stone Age
indicate a prevalence of mixed-browsers over grazers (Figs. 4 and sites
7). The shift from MIS 6 to 5e encompasses a much more signifi-
cant environmental change than variations within MIS 5 (e.g., Comparing KRM to other MSA sites is complicated because of
Ninnemann et al., 1999; Masson-Delmont et al., 2010; Rector and KRM’s long archaeological sequence. Because of this (and for sta-
Reed, 2010; Marean et al., 2014). Research suggests that a signifi- tistical reasons), we group the KRM sequence into two phases: the
cant portion of the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain was reclaimed by the post-80 ka period (MSA lll and the HP or upper KRM) and pre-80 ka
ocean between ~137 ka and the beginning of MIS 5e (~128 ka) period (MSA ll and MSA l or lower KRM). Each of these periods is
(Marean et al., 2014) and that these marine reclamations were then compared to contemporaneously dated MIS 4 to 5a sites. We
likely rapid (Cawthra et al., 2018). Although KRM lies to the east of focus on ungulate diversity since this is used to explore precipita-
Palaeo-Agulhas Plain and ungulate ranges would probably have tion and habitat productivity (Thackeray, 1980; Olff et al., 2002;
included areas north of KRM, this rapid sea-level rise would have Faith, 2013b). Table 5 shows the upper KRM (the MSA lll and HP)
had a substantial impact on ungulate communities in this region, compared to data from Klipdrift Shelter (Reynard et al., 2016a, b),
decimating viable grazing pastures, disrupting riverine habitats and Blombos Cave’s M1 and M2 Phases (Henshilwood et al., 2001), the
possibly increasing bovid population pressure. Diepkloof Rock Shelter sequence from the post-HP to the Still Bay
The presence of seal during the MSA l shows that KRM people layers (Steele and Klein, 2013) and the Die Kelders MSA layers
J.P. Reynard, S. Wurz / Quaternary Science Reviews 237 (2020) 106301 13

Table 5
Ungulate diversity indices in the upper Klasies layers and at various MIS 3e4/5a sites. Highest diversity values in bold.

Indices KRM Upper BBC M1 & M2 KDS DRS (SB to-Post-HP) DK1

uNTAXA 15 10 14 20 15
uNISP 66 284 111 1757 9107
uNTAXA/log uNISP 8.24 4.08 6.85 4.92 3.79
Simpson’s index (1-D) 0.87 0.62 0.81 0.83 0.30
Heterogeneity (H) 2.33 1.38 2.07 1.11 0.80
Evenness (e) 0.86 0.60 0.78 0.37 0.29
Fisher’s alpha 6.06 2.02 4.24 3.16 1.75

(Klein et al., 2000). Most diversity values are higher at KRM while relationships between landscape, precipitation, evapotranspiration
Die Kelders is the least rich. These periods generally correspond to and vegetative regimes (Cowling, 1992; Cowling and Lombard,
MIS 5a (a warm phase), MIS 4 (a cooler phase) and e at KRM e MIS 2002). Moisture availability is probably similar between the
3 (an intermediate phase). southern and western regions of the GCFR (Bradshaw and Cowling,
For comparison with the lower KRM layers (MSA ll and MSA l), 2014) but primary productivity may be higher in the southern/
we limit our analysis to the ‘Mike’ and ‘Lower’ layers at Diepkloof eastern part (Cowling et al., 1999). In the Holocene and Pleistocene,
Rock Shelter (DRS; Steele and Klein, 2013) dated to ~ 100 ka, the M3 ungulate taxonomic richness was probably higher in the southern
phase at Blombos Cave (BBC; Henshilwood et al., 2001; Badenhorst part of the GCFR than the western region (Skead, 1987; Klein, 1983;
et al., 2016; Roberts et al., 2016), (dated to ~ 110-90 ka), Pinnacle Rector and Verrilli, 2010; Reynard and Henshilwood, 2017; Luyt
Point (PP; Rector and Reed, 2010) 13B (~135-90 ka) and PP 30 (~151 et al., 2019) and our data appear to support this (Tables 5 and 6).
ka) (Table 6). Various indices indicate that the lower KRM sequence Fossil trackways, for example, show that very large herbivores such
and PP30 have the most diverse assemblages, with DRS the least as giraffe and elephant were present in the southern Cape in the
rich. This is probably because fauna from DRS is extensively frag- Pleistocene indicating a mesic environment capable of sustaining
mented and identification was difficult (Steele and Klein, 2013). It large animal biomass (Roberts et al., 2008; Helm et al., 2019).
must be noted that PP30 is a hyena-accumulated den and these are
generally richer than human-selected assemblages (Rector and
Reed, 2010). To further examine diversity between these sites, a 8. Conclusion
regression analysis was conducted where residuals from the
reduced major axis regression between log-transformed ungulate In this study, we examine the palaeoecologiocal implications of
sample sizes and uNTAXA. This could be undertaken because log- the large mammal fauna from the Deacon excavations of KRM. We
transformed uNISP are significantly correlated to uNTAXA be- test hypotheses that propose that higher ungulate diversity corre-
tween the various MSA sites (rs ¼ 0.900; p ¼ 0.037). This metric sponds to increased grazer abundance in the southern Cape during
shows that the lower KRM layers have the richest ungulate the late Pleistocene (Faith, 2013a, 2013b). The length of the
assemblage of all the sites measured while ungulate richness in the sequence e spanning over 70 000 years e make this an important
M3 phase at BBC is the lowest (Table 6). Given that MSA ll has low proxy in understanding environmental change in this part of the
diversity values, the increased diversity of the lower KRM layers is southern Cape. Most southern Cape MSA environmental proxies are
likely a result of high ungulate richness/diversity in MSA l. It is from the south/south-western region of the Fynbos Biome. The
interesting to note that BBC M3 and MSA ll Lower e which are position of KRM near the eastern border of the GCFR means that we
broadly contemporaneous e both reflect low ungulate diversity, are able to explore environmental conditions in the later Pleisto-
and browsers dominate both phases (Fig. 4; Henshilwood et al., cene in the more environmentally-mosaic eastern region.
2001). On the whole, ungulate diversity indices for both the up- Although the D sample as a whole (and the MSA l assemblage in
per and lower KRM assemblages show that the environment at particular) is relatively small, the fact that proportions of ungulate
KRM was likely more productive than at the other southern Cape species are generally similar to the SW sample suggests that we can
sites in our sample. Faunal proxies indicate that environments were use these data to infer environmental change. The problematic
generally richer in the southern Cape further east: similar to sampling methods of the SW assemblage means that the D sample
present-day conditions (Rector and Verrelli, 2010; Faith and may be even more representative of faunal communities at KRM.
Thompson, 2013; Reynard and Henshilwood, 2017; Nel and Indeed, shifts between grazers and mixed-browsers through the
Henshilwood, 2016). KRM sequence corresponds to similar changes in other southern
Climatic variability within the GCFR is a result of complex Cape faunal assemblages (Fig. 6). Beside the ubiquitous hyrax, seal
are the most common taxa. With regard to ungulates, eland and
Raphicerus dominate the assemblage. The prevalence of those taxa,
and the presence of both browsers and grazers throughout the
Table 6
sequence indicate that, generally, KRM was a mosaic environment
Ungulate diversity indices in the lower Klasies layers and at various MIS 5 sites.
Highest diversity values in bold. of grasslands interspersed with thicket. Our data show a general
shift from more grazers in the MSA l to a prevalence of mixed-
Indices KRM lower BBC M3 PP13B PP30 DRS (M&L)
feeders in the MSA ll, to a dominance again of grazers in the HP
uNTAXA 15 9 10 13 5 and MSA lll layers (Fig. 4). This suggests that the environment
uNISP 345 96 105 343 18
changed from grass-dominated, to mixed-browse and back to
uNTAXA/log uNISP 5.91 4.54 4.95 5.13 3.98
Simpson’s index (1-D) 0.85 0.54 0.84 0.88 0.77 grassier.
Heterogeneity (H) 2.17 1.20 1.98 2.23 1.52 While the diversity of species during the HP and MSA lll show a
Evenness e 0.80 0.54 0.86 0.87 0.94 mosaic environment, the relative abundance of grazers also sug-
Fisher’s alpha 3.20 2.43 2.72 2.67 2.29 gests an increase in grasslands during these periods. The HP is
Residuals 1.24 0.80 0.08 0.74 0.38
normally linked to the MIS 4 and its associated marine regressions.
14 J.P. Reynard, S. Wurz / Quaternary Science Reviews 237 (2020) 106301

Yet our data show an abundance of seal remains during this period Author contributions
which suggests that, at least for some of the time, the site was close
to the coast. This may be a product of time-averaged faunal as- Both authors have made substantial contributions to the paper.
semblages over a relatively long HP occupational sequence (Wurz, Dr. Reynard initiated and conceptualized the research question,
2000). In all likelihood, the HP included periods of both close and analysed the faunal data and co-wrote the paper. Prof. Wurz co-
distant shorelines. The MSA lll layers show high diversity values but wrote the paper, obtained the necessary permits to excavate the
the prevalence of small mammals probably contributes to the site, assisted in the review of literature and refined the conclusions.
higher richness index in those layers. This and other archaeological Both authors contributed to funding the research project and have
evidence (cf. Singer and Wymer, 1982) suggest that these layers approved the re-submitted manuscript.
were likely infrequently occupied.
Ungulate diversity data from various MSA sites show that the Declaration of competing interest
southern Cape was not a homogenous environmental region during
the late Pleistocene. With the exception of the hyena-den PP30, The authors declare that they have no known competing
ungulate diversity for both the upper and lower KRM sequence is financial interests or personal relationships that could have
significantly higher than at any other sites in our sample. Our data appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
indicates that the region surrounding KRM may have had even
higher habitat productivity than other areas of the southern GCFR, Acknowledgements
suggesting that primary productivity may increase along a gradient
from west to east. This paper is dedicated to the memory of James Brink
Environmental change at KRM is likely associated with glacial/ (1957e2019). We thank him and Liezl van Pletzen-Vos for allowing
interglacial shifts. The data show significant relationships between us access to their data. JR is funded by a South African Department
diversity indices and grazer proportions through the KRM of Science and Technology (DST)-National Research Foundation
sequence, suggesting that ungulate diversity is affected by chang- (NRF) Thuthuka grant (grant no. 107082) and an Enabling Grant
ing vegetation regimes. It is possible that variation in ungulate di- through the Diversifying of the Academy from the University of the
versity and richness may reflect changes in moisture availability Witwatersrand. Any opinion, finding, conclusion or recommenda-
through the KRM sequence. However, because uNTAXA does not tion expressed in this article are those of the authors and the NRF
correlate to log uNISP through the sequence, we were unable to test does not accept any liability in this regard. SW would like to
this using residual indices. Because forested environments are acknowledge the support of the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in
generally not associated with high herbivore biomass, it could Palaeosciences (CoE-Pal) towards this research. Opinions expressed
mean that increasing ungulate diversity may relate to a decrease in and conclusions arrived at, are those of the author and are not
moisture availability. However, the abundance of ungulate species necessarily to be attributed to the CoE-Pal.
may have also been affected by a fluctuating Palaeo-Agulhas Plain.
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