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Ask the Groom:

1. What is Jocelyn’s biggest pet peeve? - Rude people. Girls always checking out Jordan because he’s so

2. What is Jocelyn’s favourite movie? - Sound of Music

3. Who is Jocelyn’s celebrity crush? - Zac Efron… or Ragnar.

4. What does Jordan do that really annoys Jocelyn? - nothing, he’s perfect. Orrr doesn’t hang towels up
properly 🙄

5. What is the most random place you did the deed? - saving ourselves for marriage. Can’t wait!

6. What is one thing Jordan cannot live without? - Osc, hockey… beer. But actually… Joce.

7. What is Jocelyn’s favourite song? - it changes with whatever she’s into at the time. Then goes full send
on that song. Or Somebody to Love - Queen

8. What is Jocelyn’s favourite comfort food? - pizza!

9. What is Jocelyn’s ideal trip? - Hawaii or Norway

10. If Jocelyn could get rid of one thing from Jordan’s wardrobe what would it be? - Easter egg sweater

11. Who is Jordan’s celebrity crush? - Genie Bouchard… or Zac Efron

12. What is Jordan’s pet name for Jocelyn? - Joce

13. What is Jocelyn’s most embarrassing moment? - pretty much puking on a family and some bikes in

14. What is Jordan’s most embarrassing moment? - deck poop 💩

15. What is Jordan most looking forward to at the wedding? - friends, music, party… also pretty stoked
to marry the coolest girl I know.
Embarrassing Stories:

I was visiting my boyfriend at his student house. He was in class and I was home alone. This was a
perfect time to take a poop. While I was doing my business I heard someone come in. I recognized the
person as his landlord. I was just wearing boxers and a tank top so I figured I would hide out in the
bathroom until they left. When I thought the coast was clear I tried to sneak out and ended up hitting
the landlord in the face with the door and scaring the shit out of her. I explained I was a gf of the tenant
and proceeded the walk of shame back to his bedroom.

It was 7th grade track and field day. I was feeling cute and confident in the outfit that I’m sure took me
hours to decide on. The first event of the day was the 100m sprint. I was lined up at the starting line
with the other girls. The boy I had a crush on was standing with with his friends watching. I was nervous
I was going to embarrass myself and thinking please just don’t come in last. Even second last wouldn’t
be so bad. We started running and I made it about 2 metres before suddenly I tripped over my own feet
and fell face-first onto the track. My face was a disaster afterwards, all scraped up with little pieces of
gravel stuck to it and all in my hair. So embarrassing. Every time I hear the words track and field I cringe!

I was at a cottage with a big group of friends. Everyone was kind of arriving at staggered times and
getting settled in and then heading down to the doc. We had gotten there first and so I was kinda of
welcoming everyone in going back and forth between the cottages and the water. In the cottage I found
a thong in the middle of the kitchen floor. Tags still on. For whatever reason I assumed they were my
friend Rochelle’s since she had just shown up. She didn’t know everyone at the cottage but I felt it was
appropriate to yell down to all 15 people on the doc ‘ROCHELLE I FOUND YOUR UNDERWEAR’.As soon as
I said it I realized they were mine

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