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Name: Subject: Biology-11
Roll # : Unit(s): 1,
Class: Inter Part-I Test: Type 1 - MCQs Test -
Date: Time:

Q.1 Four possible answers A, B, C & D to each question are given. Circle the correct one.
1 The branch of biology which deals with the study of ancestral history of living organisms is called as:
(A) Paleontology (B) Zoogeography (C) Evolution (D) Heredity
2 Study of tissue is called:
(A) Morphology (B) Anatomy (C) Histology (D) Microbiology
3 A large regional community primarily determined by climate is called as:
(A) Biome (B) Biosphere (C) Population (D) Community
4 Which of the following is not an attribute of population?
(A) Population density (B) Gene frequency (C) Gene flow (D) Gene Structure
5 A group of similar cells that perform similar function is:
(A) Organ (B) Organelles (C) Tissue (D) System
6 The lowest percentage of bio-elements in man among the following is of:
(A) Chlorine (B) Sulphur (C) Magnase (D) Iron
7 One of the following is a micromolecule:
(A) Starch (B) Protein (C) Cellulose (D) Glucose
8 A large regional community primarily determined by climate is called:
(A) Population (B) Species (C) Ecosystem (D) Biome
9 The percentage of hydrogen present in human body is:
(A) 20% (B) 15% (C) 10% (D) 5%
10 A group of living organisms of the same species located in the same place and time is called:
(A) Population (B) Community (C) Individual (D) Biome
11 The unit of Life is called:
(A) Organ (B) Cell (C) Tissue (D) Organelle
12 The bioelements which account for 99% of the total mass in the human’s body are:
(A) Four (B) Six (C) Eight (D) Three
13 The reasoning that moves from general to specific is:
(A) Deductive (B) Inductive (C) Scientific (D) Theoratical
14 The tentative explanation of observation is called:
(A) Law (B) Theory (C) Hypothesis (D) Deduction
15 The percentage of water in human bone cells is:
(A) 18% (B) 19% (C) 20% (D) 25%
16 In deductive reasoning we move from:
(A) General to specific (B) Specific to general (C) General to general (D) Specific to specific
17 In 1997, scientists in Scotland succeeded in cloning a:
(A) Sheep (B) Horse (C) Goat (D) Cow
18 The HIV virus causes:
(A) Tuberculosis (B) Cancer (C) AIDS (D) Hepatitis
19 An aphid that attacks Walnut tree is being controlled biologically by:
(A) Wasp (B) House fly (C) Honey bee (D) Mosquito
20 Which of the following are being used as bio-pesticides?
(A) Bacteria (B) Fungi (C) Viruses (D) Algae
Name: Subject: Biology-11
Roll # : Unit(s): 1,
Class: Inter Part-I Test: Type 1 - MCQs Test -
Date: Time:

MCQs Ans Key

Q:1 (C) Q:2 (C) Q:3 (A) Q:4 (D) Q:5 (C) Q:6 (C)
Q:7 (D) Q:8 (D) Q:9 (C) Q:10 (A) Q:11 (B) Q:12 (B)
Q:13 (A) Q:14 (C) Q:15 (C) Q:16 (A) Q:17 (A) Q:18 (C)
Q:19 (A) Q:20 (A)

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