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How it began...
"It began with a single glance that lasted a few seconds... the effects, however, would last
This is a simple story about a timeless topic - love.
Love as we see it through our imagination and presented into one of the most common genres
available - the short story.
Set in a rural setting albeit juxtaposed between past and present we seek the indulgence of our
readers for a brief suspension of their disbelief as we opted for this kind of exposition in order to
highlight the underlying theme throughout our narration that love finds you in the most
unexpected places despite the constraints of distance, time and prevailing expectations.
The idea for this work began when we realized we had the same passion - short stories, music
and poetry.

Thus taking time off from the hectic schedule that the study of the legal profession brings we
decided to write one- something that embodies one of our idealized version of this
timeless topic.
This story, therefore, simple as it may be, is the product of our combined imagination - fuelled
by our inexhaustible passion for the written word yet tempered by our unwavering personal
conviction and philosophy.
As for the story itself - while it has to be read at a number of levels - for we have included a
number of layered symbolisms - it simply tells of a tenuous bond between two people separated
by distance and time.
Faced with the impossibility of pursuing such a relationship, they nevertheless embrace the love
they feel despite what others would call illogical and impossible - but only to a certain point.
We highlighted the story with exchanges of correspondence - the mechanism we used in
establishing such a bond - tenuous at best - but a bond nevertheless.
Through these exchanges we see the development of the relationship as the story unfolds.
We hope this simple narrative posits the idea that one should love not because one gains
something from it, but rather the opposite.
To borrow an old adage to love is to expect nothing in return, and faced with the certainty of
pain and despair - one still has to love lest he bears the regret of keeping his silence.

In other words, it is better to have loved, than not to have loved at all.
As for the photographs used in this work, they are images captured through the lens of Ms.
Stephanie Vallejo.
Through her unique eye the images lend depth and meaning to the theme underscored in each
More importantly, the images sets the tone or theme for the readers before each chapter. The
cover of the book also utilizes some of Steph's photographs and are masterfully arranged by
Archie Gabalunos of Centralbooks.
Steph and Dave
February 2014

For For you...
Although a day certain will come, May you remember me this
one time..

Chapter 1 An Idyllic Beginning..

end with the oft-repeated words that sings my love to the skies, May its music reverberate
throughout the heavens... and find its way to you."
December 6, Friday noon the cool crisp provincial air permeated the idyllic town of Balaoan, La
Union as Adina alighted from the silver Avanza.
Balaoan is the second to the last town before Ilocos Sur. A first class municipality, it has a
population of roughly 38,000 people whose dominant dialect is Ilocano. This small town is
nestled north of the town of Bacnotan, south of the town of Bangar, west of Luna and east of
This town was to be her temporary home for her law internship.

She along with two of her classmates - Kristine and Ariel- had opted to serve as law interns with
the SVA Law Office in the provincial capital of San Fernando located roughly 300 kilometers
away and thus they are to stay for the duration at this old spanish-style ancestral house.
Adina surveyed her surroundings as she stood in front of the old structure.
The two-story house, though large by today's standards, had seen better days.
Made entirely of local wood direly in need of a fresh coat of paint, it stood amidst a three hectare
cluster of mango trees that seemed to stand guard around it. Apart from the old wooden fence
that surrounded the property, various kinds of plants littered the grounds.
She spied a well-maintained garden that spiraled its way around the house and behind it dotted
with large towering mango trees. A stone walkway snaked its way through the garden into a
mango orchard at the back.

This house, Adina learned beforehand, used to belong to one of the grand old families that lived
in the province dating back to the turn of the century. She speculated, based on the architecture
and design, that the house was probably built in the 1920s.
Although seemingly discrepit and worn, Adina could still discern the grand architecture that
served as the outline of the house. It must have been one of the prominent residences back in
the day Adina thought, but now, old and forgotten, it simply serves a menial purpose of housing
non-locals for brief intervals of time.
What secrets would this house reveal if only it could speak, Adina mused. She felf something
different about the house. Not that it was eerie or foreboding but rather somewhat alive in a
benign way. The house as it stood seemed to cling to the forgotten past while other neighboring
houses have embraced the clinical present.
The huge double carved front doors were open as if inviting them in. As they crossed the
threshold they could hear boisterous laughter from one of the rooms there were other guests
already. Probably other law interns from other law

schools. This was not surprising since the SVA Law Firm was the most prominent in the
A kindly old woman greeted them at the main hall - Karing - she introduced herself. She was
medium built with a generous flock of grayish hair arranged in a messy bun.
She was the long time caretaker of the ancestral house and resident host for some time now.
After dispensing with the pleasantries she told them that she had assigned her and Kristine to
the farthest room to the right while Ariel joined other male guests accomodated in the left room
at the end of the hall. These rooms are all at the second floor-she told them. There were also
other interns and even new lawyers, she informed them, who were staying with them.
They were to make themselves at home - since this would be their home for at least three
months - the internship would span the latter days of December until before the middle part of
Feburary next year. This meant that their program will cut across the Christmas season until
Valentine's Day of next year.
Don't worry a kind voice from behind spoke - You'll have
us for company.

They turned around to see three guys behind them. The one who spoke was smiling - Welcome
to the old house - he said - We're also here for the internship program.
He introduced himself as Arpee, his companions were John and Paul. Arpee was a college
professor teaching business law in a school back in Manila. Medium built and having a jolly
personality, Adina noticed that he was quick to smile and was very conversant with a somewhat
disarming smile.
Smiling back, Krisitne held out her hand and met his and replied My name's Kristine and this is
my classmate Adina and Ariel.
Pleasantries were exchanged.
John was his best friend while Paul was John's cousin. John was a bit quiet with a deep-set
voice yet quick to join in the conversation. Paul, on the other hand, seemed the studious type.
They arrived yesterday and were staying in the room adjacent to their's. Incidentally, Ariel was
also assigned to that room. The conversation then moved towards holding an informal
Christmas party before they go on holiday.
Nice to meet you Ariel Arpee welcomed him with a gracious smile. Thanks - replied Ariel as the
the four of them further engaged in conversation.
Adina and Kristine followed Karing to the second floor where she showed them their room.
It was about six meters by 7 meters and had an old posted bed in the middle. It opened to a
large window that had the view of the orchard at the back of the house.
An old cabinet stood by the corner along accompanied by two antique chairs. The linen on the
bed smelled of old clothes- as to be expected of old houses.
By the window was an old study table.
It gets cold at night, specially during this month - Karing told them. I just don't understand why
the law office schedules such internship at this time-she mused.
This month is the month for family, for taking the time off from work, and of course - she smiled
tooking at them - for love.

Karing joked that a lot of the previous guests had not only found love for the law during their
stay but also a different kind of love as well.
This home, as Karing fondly referred to, has been witness to manifestations of love.
She added that love finds you in the most unexpected of places.
But more importantly - she said with a mischievous smile - love moves you in the most
unconventional manner.
They spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the huge house on their own.
The house was a bit rectangular in shape. The ground floor opens to a large hall used to
entertain guests whose rear wall opens to the back garden. To the right is the kitchen and to the
left would have been the dining area. The ceilings were highlighted with carved cornices that
defined the era when the house was built. Huge old crystal chandeliers adorned the ceiling of
each room.

In the middle of the hall was a huge grand staircase leading to the second floor. The front of the
second floor had living area bordered on each side by three adjacent rooms.
As they conducted the informal tour of the house, Adina again felt something different about the
place. It was as if the house cradled remnants of the past. It was as if every corner, every
hallway had a story to tell. And she felt it.
She's been in other old houses before. She didn't know if it was just because of the mustiness
or age of the house but one thing was sure - she felt something different about it.
While she harbored this feeling about the house to herself, her classmate Kristine had no
problem acclimating.
This was not surprising considering she had Ariel. Although she hadn't told her yet, Adina knew
there was something more to Kristine and Ariel that went beyond that of friendship. She often
caught them on different ocassions exchanging meaningful looks. Also, Kistine had a sparkle in
her eyes everytime Ariel was with them. There was something beautiful blossoming between
her two classmates and Adina felt privileged that she bore witness to it.
Ariel, on the other hand, had a reserved persona around him. This, again, Adina felt was in
keeping with his training and work in government as a fast rising legislative officer who everyone
thinks would take the rostrum one day in the plenary hall of Congress.
They were perfect - Adina - thought to herself.
- of
Ariel's reserved manner balanced by Kristine's happy outlook on life. The perfect balance of
emotions personalities. And she felt happy for them.
Dinner was uneventful, with the expected banter between the other group. They speculated on
the internship program come Monday exchanging opinions on how they were going to survive
the next few months.
Throughout the meal, Arpee dominated the conversation - it seemed he was knowledgeable on
a lot of things given his professional background. Adina, Kristine and Ariel immediately took a
liking to him. Who wouln't as he had a very likeable personality and was fun to be around with.

As they neared finishing their meal Karing told them that they could take a short walk outside
noting that the town had its charms that people from the city might find appealing.
Kristine was excited at the idea and cajoled everyone to explore the town.
It's already dark - observed Ariel.
It's ok - Karing assured them. It's quite peaceful here. Just watch out for the dogs - she said with
a mischievous look. Dont worry, I'll go with y
Night in Balaoan.
The group ventured out of the house to explore this quaint little town that time seemed to have
forgotten - led by Karing who covered her head with a shawl.
They passed through a row of old houses - although remodeled in some parts it still retained
their distinctive spanish heritage. Karing went on to recite the names of people who used to
lived in these houses and where their descendants are now.

This town was fortunate enough to have given birth to senators, congressment, lawyers, doctors
and even artists - she said.
Most of these houses, according to her, have remained empty tended only by caretakers. Most
of the owners have opted to relocate to Manila or abroad, ocasionally visiting the place during
summer breaks and during family reunions.
After walking for several minutes they came upon the center of the town.
As with all other towns established in the country, the church stood at the epicenter of the town.
They noticed that some people were hanging colorful buntings and makeshift flags from pole to
Karing informed them that the town fiesta will be celebrated for three days from December 21 to
23 - a mere two weeks from now.
They also learned that the patron saint of the town is St. Nicholas of Tolentino, whose feast day
is celebrated every 21st of September. The church, although obviously of baroque design,
showed signs of being renovated owing to its new yellow-brown paint which was illuminated by
tiny spotlights that surrounded

the structure. The twin doors of the church opened to a long aisle with rows of pews on either
side ending at the altar.
In front of the church was a large courtyard that opened into a public garden.
Across the street from the church stood the municipal
Sporting a modern architectural design it was shaped like a two-storey elongated box it's white
walls and wide sliding windows were a stark contrast to the old spanish-style two-storey building
beside it that housed the local courthouse.
We have two regional trial courts and one municipal trial court here in Balaoan - Karing
disclosed pointing to the old structure beside the municipal hall.
Across the municipal hall and adjacent to the church stood a large warehouse-like structure that
served as the town's public
Although closed for the night, they could see the empty stalls within and wondered what it would
look like in the day where it would be bustling with activity.

A tricycle terminal could be seen adjacent to the market along with a jeepney terminal.
Let's walk along the highway - Karing invited them.
Adina was surprised to see a number of school structures skirting the national highway.
We have more than twenty public schools in this town alone - Karing volunteered - Most of the
schools are located along the national highway while some are located across town. On top of
that we host five public high schools for the province.
Adina surveyed the national highway which was devoid of vehicles at this time except for the
ocassional bus that passed them by.
Are there beaches here? - one of them inquired.
Yes, of course - Karing replied and invited them to cross the street and onto a small alleyway
dimly lighted by a small light post.

After a few minutes they could hear the ocean from a

We have fine beaches here stretching along the coastline of the province... - Karing was
beginning to say but no one was listening to her as the others simply ran towards the gentle
waves caressing the quiet sand.
Karing smiled and simply stood and watched.
Chapter 2 A Wooden Box...
"Before I end, may this simple token of my love be accepted for within its confines is cradled all
that I am and all that I would want to be...
December 7, Saturday the cool morning air brushed against Adina's cheeks as she strolled in
the garden. Her mind swirled at the oncoming internship program, midterms, and the number of
cases to read.
Her friends had gone to the nearby market early in order to buy some food and other provisions
that they would need for the day leaving her to wander the spacious garden alone in her
The house looked different in the day than in the night. She could clearly see how the passage
of time has literally made

its imprint on the house. Some of the carvings and engravings in the wood were damaged and
some of the corners were rotting.
She noticed something about the house which she didn't notice yesterday - it was elevated at
the back and held by four huge wooden foundations each the size of a large tree trunk. From
the texture of the wooden supports Adina surmised that it was more than a hundred years old
when it was cut to serve as support for the rear part of the house. One of the supports, though,
had clearly been repaired owing to some splinting made on one of its sides.
Although the house had been at the receiving end of time's tantrums, it had weathered fairly
well still standing in a grand manner. It may be old and dilapidated in certain parts but otherwise
- it still retained its majestic and grand stature.
She marvelled at the intricate carvings that adorned the old ancestral home and speculated at
the rich history it would have been witness to.
Her eyes traced the contours of the exterior of the house and imagined how it would have been
like to live in such a grand house in its heydey.

Still admiring the architectural design of the house she

slipped into the open hall. It was spacious and could have accomodated a great number of
guests during its time. But today, it was empty save for a lone console table in the middle
standing guard by the grand staircase.
As Adina approached it her eyes panned and surveyed the old framed photographs littered on
top. Each one displayed yellowed photographs of people of families. Perhaps the old owners of
this house. As she surveyed the photographs one thing caught her
A wooden box.
She found it a bit odd that a wooden box, roughly the size of a standard-sized book would be
found among framed photographs - it seemed out of place. It had a rough exterior, as built from
a larger piece of wood and had a lid on top. Yet it was placed prominently in the middle of the
Her interest piqued at the sight, she gingerly opened the lid and took a peek.
Inside was a single white unsealed envelope with the words written on its dorsal side-For You,
Dear Lady.

Intrigued, Adina looked around. No one was in sight - not her friends nor the other guests of the
house. Karing too was not in sight - she was alone.
Assured that she was alone in the house, she took the envelope from the wooden box.
The envelope had a yellowish tint to it and smelled of being in the box for a long time. It had the
smell of old paper with the color to match. A bit rough to the touch the paper nonetheless felt
She opened the envelope.
It yielded a single page letter, which read:
My dear lady.
I sit alone in the midst of darkness and in the silence of
the night. With no one to be my witness other than the full
in a starless night. The eerie rays of the lunar orb keeps my
thoughts company this night-for I am always alone.

But in my solitude I think of you - yes, you though I still

do not
your name. But in
mind's eye
see you as
graceful as the gentle night breeze caresses the quiet waters of the
nearby shore. I envision your presence before me -
eloquent, gentle yet persuasive.
quiet yet
Yet even though I console myself in the knowledge that I
would someday meet
not know your name.
I am saddened in the fact that I do
If it would not be so much as an imposition that I would very much like to know your name - a
name that would keep my
heart warm, a name that would invariably keep my solitary soul company in my endles nightly
Hoping for your answer I await.
Adina's heart stopped as she read the letter - she felt the pain carried in every word written on
the page.
The letter seemed to explode with raw emotion of pain, longing and despair.
Who was the writer? Is he one of the guests? - she thought to herself still holding the letter in
her hand as her eyes repeatedly trawled through every word as if breathing them in.
There was something different from this letter. She felt the writer cry out to her for attention.
A creak from outside alerted Adina to the approach of people towards the front door.
She huriedly enclosed the letter in her hands and retreated to her room leaving the lid of the
wooden box still open.
She barely sat on the edge of her bed when the door of the room swung open as Kristine, in her
usual effervescent self, entered the room.
Startled, Adina awkwardly tried to hide the now crumpled letter behind her but in vain. Kristine
swiftly snatched

the letter from her hands and immediately began reading its contents despite the futile attempts
by Adina to stop her.
As Kristine read the letter her eyes widened and let out a silent gasp of disbelief. She held the
open letter to Adina with her eyes begging for an explanation.
As they sat down by the bed Adina explained as to how she got hold of the letter. They just sat
there and read each word until it was emblazoned in their minds. They exchanged ideas as to
the identity of the writer, as to the meaning of the words contained and more importantly as to
what to do next.
Write him back - Kristine suggested.
But the letter is for someone else countered Adina. Pointing to the letter still held by Kristine.
There's no name. And I doubt if this is for any of the other guests. I've seen them and the other
guests are all male - Kristine argued.
There was an awkward silence for a while. Both of theem seemingly weighing on the propriety
of what to do next.

I don't even know who he is - Adina thought aloud.

That's why you need to write back. In order for us to find out who he is. My best guess is he's
one of the guests staying here with us - Kristine smiled back.
She knew she had a point. And she drove it home - What better way to find out than to engage
him in a conversation by writing him back. This way, he'll be intrigued as who among us wrote
Adina digested Kristine's words carefully. True, it would be exciting to find out his identity. They
only met three of the guests yesterday. There must be at least five more from the other guest
It would be fun - Kristine added. We can use the old paper and envelope we found in the study
table yesterday.
But Adina was not enticed by the possibility of fun - she was more intrigued as to the depth of
emotion the letter evoked. The letter stirred something inside her that she could not understand.
She was intrigued but at the same time confused. Why would an anonymous letter, one that is
not even for her pique her interest?

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by loud voices outside the room followed by several
knocks on the door. Adina quickly slid the letter into her pocket.
Kristine stood up and opend the door.
It was Arpee and Derrick.
Ate Karing is calling out everyone for breakfast - Arpee informed them.
Let's not keep the food waiting - said Arpee gesturing for them to go with them downstairs to the
dining hall.
Adina nodded in agreement and the group went down.
The dining area looked different in the day than it was last night. Adina could now see the wear
and tear suffered by the antique narra chairs that surrounded the long rectangular table that
could seat fourteen people.
The walls from both sides were lined with china cabinets that contained incomplete sets or
pieces of glassware, chinaware and silverware. A few trinkets and statuettes littered the shelves
here and there.

Breakfast was uneventful except that it was during this time that they met the other group who
were staying at the larger room. They were, as they introduced themselves, new lawyers and
will also undergo training in litigation at the SVA Law Firm.
Adina made a mental note of their names as Kristine led the pleasantries and introductions.
There was Gerry - who had a jolly sense of humor - similar to Arpee.
He usually butted into the conversation with jokes he picked up here and there which was
usually met with laughter from the group. Aside from having an infectious laugh and happy
disposition, he was also the artist of the group. Art was his passion in any form - drawing, music,
Beside him was Mark who had a well-defined physique and was a batchmate of Gerry's. They
went way back since college although from different campuses.
Peter and Harry were twins - born mere seconds apart and had this knack of countermanding
each other's statements. It

was fun to see one of them saying the exact opposite of what the other was saying.
Finally there was George.
He was different, Adina thought as she observed him throughout the breakfast conversation.
He was quiet yet congenial.
Like Arpee, he had a ready smile that hinted of mischief. She was intrigued with George. He
didn't say much and merely smiled at the converstation being tossed back and forth at the
breakfast table.
Yet throughout the boisterous banter of the group Adina's mind was somewhere else.
It was on the letter she just read.
Kristine, who sat beside her, obviously felt this too and she whispered to Adina to just wait for
breakfast to be over.

Later after breakfast - While the rest of the group opted to wander outside in the garden after
breakfast, Adina and Kristine retired to their room and again read the letter.
Adina wanted to simply return the letter back from where she found it but Kristine prevailed
upon her to at least write a response.

Chapter 3 The Response

I can never truly discern what you're thinking, I relish in the mystery, in the uncertainty..."
December 9, early Monday morning - Adina quietly mulled what she was about to do.
As she made herself comfortable on her chair by the study table in her room, she tried to
imagine in her mind what she
would write.
She looked through the window of her room. The morning air was soothing to her. She opened
the yellowed letter and read again its contents. She tried to imagine the state of mind of the
person who wrote it.
Must be a depressing guy - She thought.

She tried to think on what to write and how to explain to him that she had his letter. Her thoughts
raced as she tried to think of an excuse as to how she got his letter.
Dear Sir,
May this missive not surprise you coming from someone who seems not to be the intended
beneficary of your letter. I
happened to chance upon your letter and was moved by the
emotions your words carried.
Although I consider
you a stranger
the words
convey are not. I am familiar with the passion that drives
words and the tenacity of the meaning they convey.
It's been a while that I have come across a letter written
as you have written it
somewhat of an old-school style.
Antiquated by today's standards but refreshing in the sense that
you seem to write from the heart. No one does that anymore.
Everyone seems to
in a hurry and do not take the time to craft
words that would convey what they truly mean.
I end with the hope that your melancholy s
I remain.
soon end.
She quietly went down the stairs and sure that she was alone slid the letter into the now empty
wooden box.
She let out a sigh and suddenly felt foolish at what she had just done. Taking a final look at the
unassuming wooden box she turned around and went outside to the waiting silver Avanza that
would bring her and the others to San Fernando for the start of their internship.
The trip to San Fernando took a little less than an hour but the long commute was softened by
the banter coming from Arpee and with jokes counter-pointed by Gerry.
Upon reaching San Fernando town proper the vehicle made a left towards the direction of the
provincial capitol but

before reaching it made a stop on a new five-story all-white building that was cradled between
two corner streets.
This was the principal office of the SVA Law Office occupying the entire four top floors of the
buidling which it also owned. It occupied one block thus allowing for adequate parking from both
They entered the main doors of the buidling and was greeted by a reception clerk who guided
them towards the main conference room located at the second floor where an elderly gentleman
was waiting for them with a smile.
Good morning-he began - I hope the trip was not too much of a bore for you.
Not at all sir-quipped Arpee as he returned the smile.
That's good to hear. My name is Atty. Gregorio Campos. I'm one of the Senior Partners of this
firm and will be your supervisor for the duration of your internship. - He introduced himself.
This was followed by individual introductions all around with Arpee and Gerry dominating the
conversation for the group to which Atty. Campos seemed to enjoy.

They were also informed that although Atty: Campos

would be the over-all supervisor, they would be assigned by groups to associates and would be
rotated per week so as to provide them with an over-all view of how the law office operates.
As they seated themselves on the large comfortable conference chairs, Atty. Campos- aided by
an overhead projector -began an sort of orientation talk to familiarize them with the procedure
and the people they will be working with.
Adina's mind breezed through the somewhat lengthy orientation and travelled somewhere else -
to the letter she had made and left within the confines of that unassuming box back at the
She wondered if anyone would discover it- considering most of the interns including the new
lawyers are now in San Fernando. She made a faint smile as she felt foolish for having made
the letter-knowing that it might not be opened at all.
The rest of the day was uneventful-filled as it was with the routine that was to be expected of a
law office. Adina was surprised, though, to see that the office had state of the art

Chapter 8
often dream of a place where our love would find a home- where the concept of an us would
relocate from dream to reality...

Christmas break, 2013 Adina had been having strange

dreams lately attributable perhaps to the mystery surrounding
the correspondence she's been participating in or perhaps the house itself which she felt held
on to the past.
Imagine her surprise when she received a letter from Robert which spoke on that subject -

Dreams, to me are creatures of mystery. They are

harbingers of things that have been and things that could be.
Some would say that they ate the embodiment of our subconcious -out deepest desires as well
as hidden fears.
Dreams are often looked at as forerunners of an event still waiting to take shape. A result still
waiting to happen. A mystery still waiting to reveal itself.
As we look at dreams as ethereal manifestations of the future - we often embrace them with
trepidation. For we can never know what the future brings - we can hope and hope is all we can
Last night I dreamt of you.
Though most of the dream now eludes recall, I distinctly
remember it to be a dream about you.
It was a strange dream because we were on a yacht having dinner. Throughout the dinner we
took in the sight of

Manila Bay while listening to the music sung by the entertainer on stage. The yacht we were on
took us on a tour of the wondrous sights the Manila night had to offer from the perspective of the
Manila bay.
I distinctly remember quoting to you a phrase I picked up
somewhere there can never be perfect people, only perfect
That phrase aptly illustrated my dream with you.
Though it was only a dream it was magical and I
really thought we were together. But as the night grew.
darker in
dream the sandman leta
me go
and that was the time I woke
Every night I close
my eyes
your name
across my lips.. With the faint hope that you might on the oft

chance think of me... Alas.. I only have

dreams to comfort
In response, Adina wrote back delving on the subject-
I too have been having dreams lately, perhaps this is one way for my mind to accept what is
happening. You have to understand that our exchanges defy normal explanation.
a see a man
hidden in the
shadows. While this
may seem scary.
believe me in my dream it
was not. The man in the dream was not terrifying
think he wanted to remain hidden from me. I felt in
that he wanted to reach out but couldn't- or wouldn't.
rather I
I tried to approach but somehow the shadows grew. engulfed him away from my grasp. I tried to
reach him but this
was the point that I woke up.

What could this dream mean? I'm sorry, this is foolish talk but somehow I feel comfortable telling
you this. It seems it's true people tend to be more comfortable telling strangers their secrets like
what I'm doing right. now. Although this dream of mine is hardly worth keeping as a secret. It
was just a dream, nothing more. A product perhaps of my subconcious, and a now. Till the next
product the incredible thing that is happening
Robert read and re-read Adina's letter until it seemed he had it all memorized in his head.
Though it was well into the night, he couldn't sleep. How could he for in his hands was a letter
that spanned the vast chasm of time itself. In his hands was a miracle- and much more - the
promise of love was literally within his grasp.
He surrendered the letter from his grasp and allowed it to rest on his desk. He spied the clear
night sky through his open
The air's cool tonight - He thought to himself surveying the quiet and dimly street outside
through his window.

Though it was usually dark at this time he noticed something different about this night. The
surroundings outside- the trees, shrubs and the empty street seemed to be bathed in
an eerie light.
He stood up and went outside of the house and viewed his surroundings.
The light did not come from the old streetlights that glistened in a yellowish glow but from
somewhere else. Somewhere more celestial in origin. He looked up and gasped in awe at the
full moon above.
The moon, though reflecting the usual shine, was encircled by a round line of light. It's as if a
heavenly hand drew a white line around the moon. It glowed in an eerie fashion that cast its light
upon the streets below.
He first felt awe.
Then from this feeling of awe he felt how small he was in the grand scheme of things. How
insignificant he was amid the
celestial bodies that adorned the dark sky.

The moon was beautiful regaling the stars with its celestial beauty and grace.
It took centerstage in a backdrop of glittering stars as it performed its dance of light that elicited
nothing but
wonderment and awe.
It lifted his spirit.
Yet Robert realized that the feelings the moon stirred in him paled in comparison with the
passion that warmed his heart whenever the memory of Adina touched his mind.
He let out a quiet smile - I am truly in love - he thought.
I think it's time to write a reply to her letter - His mind told him.
He complied -
you for sharing with me that dream. In all
honesty, I don't know how to interpret your dream although I
you call a superstituous person in the sense that I try to
look for meaning in dreams.

Dreams for me are like bridges - they allow us to cross the threshhold from the here to there. It
allows us to transcend
mortal coil and venture to places where our bodies could never go.
It also allows us to visit the past and peek at the future. Dreams, aside from being products of
our mind's eye are also like
letters they deliver messages from the past and possibly, perhaps from the future.
Take tonight for instance, there is a phenomenon
occuring in the night sky the moon is drawn in a circle of light.
That is what experts call a Lunar Halo a
reflection and
dispersion of light through ice particles suspended within thin,
wispy, high altitude citrus or cirrostratus clouds.
Despite the scientific explanation for this phenomenon,
e mere sight of it evokes feeling of awe, wonder and for some

even mystery. I even dabbled in a short poem as i

of how I felt whenever I remember you..
It goes!
A radiant moon enclosed in halo'd light
it reminded
like this.
Draped along the stars what a wondrous sight
Inside of me my heart your love aspires
Never ending awe your face inspires
Amongst these stars and moon - our love begins, it might
Also, my dear Adina, inspired as I am of the thought
of you I was able to write some more poetry. In this regard I beg
your indulgence as I
am not really an expert in this subject-
merely a dabbler, a rank amateur of sorts in the world of metered
prose. Here is the other poem-
Tonight we see the moon above resplendent in its
haloed ring...
A sight to see, the moon taking center stage the
night rarely brings...

Yet all this beauty, all this awe...

Fails in comparison to the exquisite beauty that is
No moon, no star, no night will ever come close-
to the radiance that your being enclose...
Though the moon tonight evokes a sentiment and feeling that transcends definition...
The mere thought of you simply lifts my soul beyond my mortal imagination...
As you can see, I still have a long
way to go
when it
comes to writing poetry but I believe
my attempt - limited as it
may be drives home the point of how much I care,
for you.
care for you deeply and I love you immensely.
A faint smile lined Adina's lips as she read the poem under the haze from a lunar halo that crept
through her room's

The poem resonated with more meaning since the very same phenomenon that it spoke of was
now visible in her night sky, in her time.

Chapter 9 Adina...
"Your name alone evokes in me the purest of intentions... My soul is lifted to the heavens at the
mere sight of you..."
January 7, 2014, Afternoon - Several pages of white paper littered Adina's desk as her eyes
trawled through Robert's missive which she obtained again from the wooden box.
This is intense - she whispered to herself then began to read the letter again -
If it were only physically possible to be with
you every
second of the day, I would consider myself the luckiest man in this
world. The most, therefore, that I could do under the

January 25, 2004- In the silence of the night, Robert paced around his desk, his heart troubled.
The night usually had this effect on him, as with all creatures of the night. Yet tonight he was
restless than usual. A number of things ran through his mind that he somehow found hard to
keep inside.
Valentine's day was near.
He feels it coming. But unlike others who would welcome its coming, Robert dreads it. For this
day would herald the end of it all.

circumstances is to think of you always - I have plenty of time to

do that but that will not even suffice,
so what do I do? The
practical thing is to write to you.
This revelation may mislead you into thinking that I am
merely infatuated, and therefore my present attitude may soon
wear off because it is not real love.
To such a possible conception I say
that I
am not so-
the only truth being that I am sincerely and deeply in love with
alone. I am too matured for such emotional instability - I
only love with a real feeling and honest intentions.
Although deep inside me I feel you doubt the verity of my
If it were only possible I would take
open my
heart for you to see for yourself what is inside your image lovingly
my own warm caressing it and in measured
tempo proclaiming joyfully to the entire world. I love you,.
I love
you sincerely- ad infinitum.
And what am I loving you for?
Believe me, not for your beauty alone, not for your character alone, but for your own self- your
virtues and faults
together, your entire being-alone.
Please listen to my ardent pleas. Have a heart and please give careful thought and
consideration to this humble love tempered by silent devotion.
I close with the fervent prayer that my fondest hopes would not be in vain. Time will prove I am
what I profess to be
sincere and devoted.
Adina folded the letter.

She sat quietly at her desk and looked out through the window overlooking the now busy street.
Children were playing on one side while a group of men were trying to fix the engine of a truck
at the other side.
I've never met you in person, though I would gladly give eveything to see this happen Part of
Robert's letter reverberated in her mind.
January 8, 2004, Near midnight - Robert played with the ivory keys of the grand piano at the hall
He had forgotten to play ever since he entered law school but was taking the time to refresh old
songs he had in his mind.
He took great care to tap the keys softly so as not to make too much of a noise considering
everyone was asleep.

His hands drifted along making a gentle glissando and toyed with some notes until he found one
tune he liked and pursued it.
As he played he attempted to put words into the melody and after several tries completed a
stanza. He played around with variations of words and phrases until he was satisfied with the
lyrics he wrote.
Smiling to himself he reviewed what he just made.
Dreaming into forever - he whispered accompanied with a faint smile. The melody still playing in
his mind.
He tried several variations of the tune and mixing it with words and phrases that his mind
brought up.
As the night slowly marched into the dawn so did Robert stayed on at the keys. He was so
engrossed with what he was doing that he forgot all about time.
Perhaps one should forget time in order to defy it - he mused.
And in allowing ourselves to be wrapped up in what we like doing-we - we are in effect creating
our own time. - He thought.

Playing the score he just made one last time, he stood up

and went up to his room.
His spirits lifted at what he had just done, he looked forward to the sandman being kind to him
when he finally succumb to sleep.

Chapter 10
Your Smile Sustains Me..
Please believe that my proffer of unending love and devotion is not a mere play of words and
they come from deep inside me it is something more than life itself.
January 10, 2014, Dusk - Adina opened the wooden box as was her regular ritual at this time of
day and secured a letter
from within.
From our conversations although made far apart, I somehow sense that a smile shines on some
of the words you write. Oh how I wish I could see just a glimpse of your smile even for just a
brief moment. I am somehow jealous of the pen and paper
write with for somehow they are lucky witnesses to your

to that heavenly grace that bless every word that you put on
Alas, the heavens have somehow denied me this little
blessing. That somehow I am to be content with simply envisioning your smile within the realm
of my imagination. Although it is and never can be enough it will have to suffice-
if I am denied the vision of your sweet smile, I at least
comforted in the thought that you have at one point in time
during our correspondence have smiled. This somehow warms my
heart in knowing that in
my own
way I have brought a bit of
that is reward enough. I may never
happiness your way..
see you smile in person but my heart rejoices in the memory of the
happiness that brought a smile to your lips.
But if 9 a
am to give myself this little bit of indulgence, then
me to imagine how your smile would be like.

For me, it would be like the exact moment when the sun rises in the morning to greet you with
its warmth. Like its gentle light at the break of day that warms the very fiber of your being.
Your smile, for me, would envelop me and warm the embers of my
Like the gentle caress of the waves of the
sea upon
shore, your smile would swell and cover me with a lighthearted
feeling that triggers the most noble of sentiments inside me.
January 10, 2004 - Robert stopped his hand from writing.
He read his unfinished letter.
A certain sadness swelled within him.
He just realized that he would never see Adina's smile in person. While he may relegate to the
realm of his imagination how her smile would feel like when seen in person - he can only

Yet, he also wonders as to why whenever he thinks of her smile - it makes him smile as well.
Then he realized that it was not only the smile that makes his heart light - but what the smile
represents, what it brings,
what it reveals.
With this revelation the sadness within him slowly subsides. He slowly picks up his pen and
continued to write-
Your smile for me represents the promise of a love that is
beyond the power of time. Its effects trancends distance and moves through any obstacle. It is
like a powerful wave that sweeps over everything in its path.
Despite our distance despite the quirk of time that we are subjected to I feel your smile and it
warms my heart. In
fact, there are times in the day that I quietly smile when I
imagine your face and your smile.
Yet it is not only your smile that sustains me t
through the
day but
your eyes. The eloquence of your eyes deafens the very

silence that I am subjected to. I see, through my mind's

how your eyes convey the deepest meaning to any thought.
s eyes-
Despite your silence, your eyes speaks volumes - perhaps
your eyes are more eleoquent, more expressive than any words invented by man.
Thus, I am helpless against this onslought of expression
from your eyes.
They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul - then
through your eyes I've have seen eternity. I have seen bliss that surpasses forever.
Through your eyes in their silent eloquence - I have felt
what true love is all about beyond time and space.
and defying

I end with a prayer that in the last days of my journey- I would be granted the privilege of
carrying the memory of your
smile and be accompanied by the harmony of the eleoqunce of your eyes- a silent and fitting
witness to my journey alone in this life.
Robert tapered his letter with his name and put the pen down. His heart felt heavier than usual.
He had not felt this for a long time and he was surprised he was feeling it again - this is how true
love felt.
Poems he read from Chaucer, Gibran, Cummings, Rilke, Byron and Frost flooded his mind and
he now saw with clarity and a deeper meaning what the ancient bards were talking about. For
him, their poems now attained a higher level of meaning and intensity that now mirrored how he
He quietly smiled - despite his difficulty in breathing - if this love would be the instrument of his
ultimate destruction - then he had decided to whole heartedly embrace it.

He knew that to follow this path would lead to paths that

would ruin him.
But he had decided long ago to turn his back on his old life - for in becoming a better man - he
would have to start all over again - at all cost.

Chapter 11 Robert...
Yet I know that a day certain will definitely come where my world will crumble all around me I
hope that day is far away
just so I can have a few moments to see you to think of what ifs.
Flashback, October 17, 2003, Near dusk - Robert arrived at the house exhausted from his
training. He wanted nothing more than to surrender his body to his bed and sleep off into
As he was about to enter the doorway he heard hammering from the back of the house. His
interest piqued, he hurriedly went to the source of the noise.
Karing was standing over a middle-aged man who was doing some repairs to the rear part of
the house. Karing nodded in acknowledgment as Robert approached.

Would you like to have dinner? - she asked as Robert came to stand beside her.
No, not yet. Thank you - Robert replied. I would like to rest a bit. It's been a long day.
Ok - Karing said.
What's this? - Robert inquired pointing to the repair being
Oh, we're replacing a part of the wall of the house that has been rotted away as well as part of
the foundation. - Karing answered.
She explained that this section of the house had been rotting away and had to be replaced with
new wood. They had to take out one of the wooden foundations of the house and replace it.
She, however, expressed her desire to reuse the wood that was taken out - noting that it was
still good wood and being part of the original material used for the construction of the house.

The carpenter suggested that it can be used as an ornament or for the culture of orchids. Karing
instead opted that the wood be cut into several pieces and one of them be made
into a box.
Robert agreed.
Some of the wood may be made into little boxes or useful desk items such as ashtrays, boxes
or cradles.
Karing looked at Robert with approval.
She also added that this was a good way to re-use the wood, since it came from the mountain -
cut at the turn of the century when the house was being constructed.
A lot of people avoid going up to that mountain today - disclosed Karing to them.
Why? - asked Robert.
For one thing, the people living there are wary of lowlanders like you - Karing explained. They
have a different way of life, a different culture than what you have.

The mountain is said to be the dwelling place of spirits - Karing added - And the people living
there are their mortal guardians, tasked with the protection of the forest and the mountain itself.
That's an interesting folk tale - observed Robert.
Well, it may be a folk tale but note that tales have to come from somewhere - Karing countered.
True Robert agreed. But in this day and age, there are no such things as spirits.
Anyway Karing continued If you want, I can have a wooden box made for you so you can have
a container for all your documents you have on your desk.
That would be great-exclaimed Robert - Thank you so much.
No worries - Karing smiled - I'll just place it on your desk once it's finished.
January 17, 2004, near dusk - Robert sat on his desk as he usually does and began putting his
thoughts to paper-

Let me greet you again with the oft-repeated but still the sweetest words I love you with all my
heart and soul.
may seem superfluous, although I still consider it
insufficient, to write to you in a rather frequent manner - everyday-in a most unconventional
manner to say the least.
Yet, ever mindful of the rising frequency of such correspondence I cannot help it because
notwithstanding the fact that there are so many things yet remaining unsaid which under
the circumstances are better expressed in writing.
Though I cannot see any other
way to expressi them-I
currently denied by time and distance from utilizing any other
means to express my love for you.

Besides, my thoughts are better expressed under the contemplative mood that writing a letter
Adina, dearest,
may say at this
that the
happiest moments are those that I spend reading and re-reading
letters. This activity has become for
me- a somewhat sacred
practice before I retire for the night.
I cannot describe that sublime feeling that engulfs
whenever I am engulfed by the words you write back and when I express my feelings for you
basking under the sunshine which you alone could exclude.
Oh Adina, let me hope-against all hope- and fervently
and I will be given the chance to be together
through life's journey.
Adina, beloved, let me reiterate my sincere affection for
you, let me,
this day, pledge again my undying devotion and care

you, the lady who rules
heart, the
one woman
I could
every truly love.
Adina, dearest, I
pray that
you may not doubt
sincere protestations, I pray, that you please believe me - am I worthy of your love? I plead with
a loving heart, a heart that is
yours to do whatever you please - I give to you my soul that you
may scrutinize my innermost thoughts and dreams - only the most noble and honorable feeling
that a man could ever entertain or have for a lady.
Adina, believe me, can you still not believe me? Do you still doubt the honesty and sincerity of
my pledged affection?
If you only knew how my heart cries pitifully and longingly for your trust and love.. if only it would
not look ridiculous (these days) to pray on my knees to you,

I would do so and cry to the high heavens to help me, if

only to convince you of the sincerity of my affection.
a woman,
matured, cultured and educated - has your
whether I am just a pretender or
intuition not yet revealed to you
a man honest in his intentions? Let me say you are too good a
lady to be betrayed by any man.
While it is true that as mortals we do not know what may
happen in the next sigma, yet. I am confident to promise that I
will always love you.
May I say that as a humble man
full of faults and
imperfections I have only my loving heart, eternal fidelity and
care to offer you before the altar of God, but I vow to do !! I can
within my power to make you the happiest
woman on earth, if I
am- in your wise judgment worthy of your trust and affection, if I
am not I will strive to be one- just so
I have the rare
privilege of serving you through life.

Adina, ever dearest one, I implore you, please hearken

to my pleas and let me love you as
God has ordained how a man
should love a woman- now and always, till death do us part.
May my prayer be heard and granted by the Almighty. May our Lady, bless, guide and protect
you from harm.
I shall always be praying for you - beyond the chasm that separates us, from beyond the
distance that time has placed
between us ever dearest one.
I close with my prayer-I love you, heart and soul.

Chapter 12
A Day
Though I am gladden if I see you happy, though that happiness is not with me but with others.
January 20, 2004, sunset - Robert silently watched the day slowly turn to dusk.
The rays of the sun swept over the entire periphery of his vision enveloping the picturesque
landscape in darkness. Streetlights turned on as if on cue.
Night has arrived.
Robert felt his heart quicken.

The last time he felt like this was a long time ago in another time, another place - he was a
different person then. With a different set of dreams and different priorities in life.
Though he had loved before he never felt like this all his
This was different, it was something he was not familiar
Though he was no stranger to pain and in being alone - here he faced the possibility of being in
a happy place. He realized that in happiness truly did not come in the form of material things -
but rather in sharing your life with one person.
Had he realized this too late? Was this time's cruel joke on him to make him realize the foly of
his ways?
He shook his head.
He couldn't begin to understand the ramifications of what he was thinking.
This was crazy.

Not to mention impossible.

He glanced at the setting sun. He figured it would be some five more minutes before the sun
sets in its cradle beyond the horizon.
He felt his heart quicken again. Rather, it was palpitating.
Touching his chest his mind raced through the past week's events and retrieved memories of
Adina's words as it flew across the pages of her letters.
He smiled at the words that encouraged him to go on.
As his mind scoured through these memories his smile gradually faded - replaced by a look of
He remembered the words Adina used that seemed to rebuff him. Words that seemed to say
that his professions of love would fall on deaf ears and that it would be impossible to love him
He felt a pang of pain streaking through his heart.
Bully - he thought, his smile slowly returning.

He sat down and took his pen.

As his crouching figure cut a solitary pose with a solitary desk lamp as his witness - he began to
In this letter he poured out things he wanted to say for so long- to bare what he truly was.
As was his writing style - he borrowed first poems from his favorite poets. Interweaving them
with what he wanted to say.
He was surer this way, he simply did not want to say what he wanted straight out - he wanted it
to be accompanied with words from the masters of poetry and prose.
Perhaps he was unsure if he could convey it correctly or the peoms themselves state it better.
Regardless, he continued to write well into the night - often revising some parts of the letter
while enhancing other parts.
Though he was desperately trying to organize his thoughts on paper he took great care that
what he wrote was the truth.

In this letter he bared his true self- what he was including his forgotten reckless youth, his
mistakes, his failures, trials and what drove him to become who he is today.
In this letter he entrusted his true face - who he really is and hoped against hope that the reader
- Adina understand.
Every word he wrote down was like a silent prayer - a supplication that he be understood.
That though the words would illustrate his frailty as a person, it might on the oft-chance highlight
his humanity and his search for redemption.
As he finished his letter, he gave out a deep sigh. contained before his hands was his life his
true face his dreams, failures, triumphs and prayers.
Yet he can never send her this.
He was afraid of the consequences content as he is to maintain the idealized version of himself
to Adina.

Yet he must-but how?

Deciding to hold off on sending the letter Robert slid it into the secret compartment of the
wooden box.
As the letter gently rested in its wooden cradle, Robert let out a silent prayer that it be safe.

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