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Siddhartha Gautama was born in 563 BCE in

Lumbini, in the southern part of Nepal.
2. His father was a king and his mother passed away
when he was young.
3. He lived a sheltered life and was shielded from the
world's suffering until he was a young adult.
4. At the age of 29, he decided to leave his
comfortable life in search of spiritual enlightenment.
5. He spent six years studying under different
teachers and practiced meditation, but still didn't
find what he was searching for.
6. One day, while sitting under a bodhi tree in Bodh
Gaya, he achieved awakening (also known as
enlightenment or nirvana) at the age of 35.
7. He became the Buddha, which means "the
awakened one" or "the enlightened one."
8. After his enlightenment, he spent the rest of his
life traveling around India, teaching and spreading
his newfound wisdom.
9. He taught Four Noble Truths: that there is
suffering, that suffering arises from craving and
attachment, that suffering can be overcome, and that
the path to the end of suffering is the Eightfold Path.
10. The Eightfold Path includes right understanding,
right intent, right speech, right action, right
livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right
11. Buddha's teachings were focused on putting an
end to suffering and attaining inner peace by
following the Eightfold Path.
12. Buddha's teachings became the foundation of
Buddhism, one of the world's major religions.
13. After his death at the age of 80, Buddha's
followers preserved his teachings and built stupas
and monasteries in his honor.
14. Buddhism spread across Asia and eventually
reached other parts of the world.
15. Today, Buddha's teachings continue to inspire
millions of people around the world who practice
Buddhism and seek greater spiritual enlightenment.

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