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What is Kumar’s favourite day?

Find the value of each of

the following and write the letter in the box above/
below the answer to find out.
A 7 + (-3) B 19 – (-1) D -5 - (-5)
E 8 – (-8) H -14 + 6 I -2 – (-9)
L -1 + (-6) M3 + (-12) N 8 – (-2)
O -4 + 6 T -10 – (-5) Y -3 – 3

2 7 4

-8 -7 0 -6
Project for semester 1.
Subject : Mathematics
Given date : 12 August 2021
Due date : 31 August 2021
Topic : Addition and Subtraction of Negative Integers (Chapter 2)
File format : .docx
File name : yourname7-projectsem1.docx

You need to create a question like the example above (puzzle related to
the negative integers)
 You need to have at least 10 options.
 The answer should have more than 6 characters.
 You will use only two integer numbers for each option. You can
use positive integer and negative integer.
 Operations used for the option are either addition or subtraction.

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