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Q.1 How have the Government Approaches to prices of petrol and diesel impacted the passenger car
scenario in India in recent years?


The Indian government has used a number of strategies to control the price of gasoline and diesel,
which has had a big impact on the passenger automobile market recently. Following are a few ways
that the government's activities have impacted the sector:

Fuel price fluctuations: The Indian government controls the price of gasoline and diesel, which
affects the total cost of owning and operating an automobile. Many consumers have chosen more
fuel-efficient vehicles or alternative fuel sources as a result of the regular swings in fuel prices.

Bharat Stage VI (BS-VI) rules implementation: As a result of the Indian government's implementation
of BS-VI norms, a large number of older diesel passenger cars are no longer available on the market.
This has impacted the market for diesel vehicles.

Tax increase: The Indian government raised taxes on luxury vehicles, which had an impact on sales of
vehicles in the premium market. Some automakers have responded to this by releasing more
compact models with high-end equipment or more reasonably priced alternatives.

Overall, a shift towards more fuel-efficient or alternative fuel sources has occurred as a result of the
government's attitude to the pricing of gasoline and diesel. Government initiatives to encourage the
use of electric vehicles and lower emission levels have also had an impact on the market and altered
customer purchasing patterns.
Q.2 If Tata Motors were to reinvent the business model of Nano, What could be the contours of the
New Model? Explain in your own words.


Tata Motors had already declared that they would stop producing the Nano in 2018. However, if
they wanted to revamp the business strategy and bring the car back to life, they may concentrate on
the following features:

Target a new market:

The Nano was marketed as a cheap automobile for the middle class at first. However, due to quality
issues and a lack of features, it was unable to draw in enough customers. Tata Motors may appeal to
younger, urban customers seeking a small, fuel-efficient vehicle by revamping the car and
incorporating more features.

Align with government programmes:

To create an electric Nano model, Tata Motors might take advantage of government measures
supporting electric vehicles and better air. Such a move would demonstrate the company's
dedication to environmentally friendly transportation while also assisting it in meeting the new
emission standards.

Pay attention to the after-sales experience:

One of the primary causes of Nano's commercial failure was its subpar after-sales experience. By
expanding its dealership network and assuring top-notch after-sales care, including alluring service
packages and extended warranties, Tata Motors may resolve this issue.

Increase the sales channel:

Tata Motors might investigate cutting-edge sales methods in addition to conventional dealership
networks, like e-commerce websites, online automobile rental businesses, or ride-sharing services.
They could expand their audience and generate new sources of income by making such a shift.

Rebranding and marketing:

Tata Motors may decide to change Nano's branding and marketing tactics in order to develop a
distinctive offering that distinguishes it from the competition. They might generate interest in the
Nano's relaunch by emphasising its new features, enhanced quality, and reasonable price.

These contours could help Tata Motors reinvent Nano's business model and revive the car's fortunes
in the Indian market.
Q.3 Select any brand of your choice and apply the concept of Product Mix decision for the same.


choices regarding the product line, product width, product depth, and product consistency are
referred to as product mix choices. For women, Lakme as a brand provides a variety of cosmetic and
beauty products. Let's use Lakme as an example of how the product mix choice is used:

Product range: Lakme's product line consists of a number of different categories, including skincare,
cosmetics, and haircare items. Under each category, the company provides a broad selection of
products, such as moisturizers, toners, face washes, foundations, lipsticks, nail paints, shampoos,
and conditioners.

Product Variety: Lakme offers a wide range of products to meet the requirements of different
clients. The brand can appeal to a broad range of customer bases due to the variety of products and

Product Depth: Lakme has a wide range of products within each category, giving customers a variety
of choices. For instance, the company caters to a wide range of customer tastes by offering various
foundation shades, lipstick types, and eye-shadow palettes in the makeup category.

Lakme keeps consistency in the calibre of its goods, making sure they live up to consumer
expectations. In order to stay on top of the most recent trends and consumer demands, the brand
also innovates and occasionally introduces new products.

In conclusion, Lakme's product mix decision strikes a perfect balance between product line, product
width, product depth, and product consistency. The brand has something to offer for every
customer, catering to their diverse needs, and maintaining the consistency of the Lakme brand
Q.4 Select any brand of your choice and explain the repositioning strategies of that brand that is
currently on. Refer to and explain all the campaigns which are on and their effectiveness in
repositioning the brand.


Q.5 With the new age of media, advertising can go far beyond mere communications and add value
to the offer. Do you agree? Elaborate


Advertising has changed significantly since the days when it was limited to simply informing
prospective customers about the features and advantages of a good or service. By offering
consumers insights and experiences that go beyond the conventional transactional nature of buying
and selling, advertising has the ability to enhance the value of an offer today.

Offering customers educational materials that aid in their understanding of the product or service
being given is one way advertising can enhance the value of an offer. Advertisers can establish
themselves as a go-to resource for customers by offering useful hints, suggestions, and information.
This builds a feeling of loyalty and dependability among consumers that extends beyond the actual

Advertising can also bring value by developing immersive content that immerses users in distinctive
experiences. Advertisers can instill in their consumers a sense of excitement and anticipation
through interactive and immersive campaigns that make them feel as though they are a part of
something exceptional and one-of-a-kind.

Finally, advertising can provide value by providing clients with special deals and discounts that let
them save money and receive more for their money. Advertisers may foster a strong sense of client
loyalty and promote repeat business by creating offers and discounts that are specifically targeted to
the demands of their customers.

In conclusion, advertising has the power to add value to an offer by providing customers with
educational content, creating experiential campaigns, and offering promotions and discounts. By
doing so, advertisers can create a sense of loyalty and trustworthiness that goes beyond the product
or service itself, helping them stand out in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Please Note-

 Individual Assignment carries 15 marks

 All the questions are expected to be solved, handwritten, and submitted
 Copy in the assignment submission calls for zero marks in the assessment. No excuses will be
taken from any of the students in this regard.
 None of the students should select the same brand for the applied questions – Q.3 and Q.4
 Date of Submission – 25th March 2023, 6.00 pm

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