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Commonly Used SAP HCM Features

I would like to share a few quite useful SAP HCM features with you,

In this blog post, we will be focusing on the subject of defaulting values of certain infotype fields by using
HCM features.

Please use PE03 transaction to reach features initial screen. See below figure :

Features: initial screen

By just writing the name of feature you can easily find the related documentation about particular feature.

So, after short introduction lets get start. I am going to share 5 commonly used HCM feature’s
functionality today

This feature allows you to obtain the default value for the payroll
area. Payroll area is one of the standart field in the infotype 0001 ( Organizational Assignment).
Organizational Assignmet Infotype

Let’s first take a look “ABKRS” attributes, by checking this we will be able to know which parameters can
be used for decision. According your customer requirement with the help of valid decision parameters you
will be structuring “ABKRS” feature.

Feature Attributes

After click on “display” button you wil encounter with following screen;
Then we will click on ” Struct” button;

ABKRS Structure

Finally we have found the valid fields for decisions. It basically means that you are able to use those
parameters to structuring your decision tree of ” ABKRS” feature for your enterprise.

Let’s take a look some of the examples to understand full functionality of “ABKRS” feature.

Let’s choose the decision tree radio button and click on display to see some examples;

Country Grouping

Imagine you are customizing payroll for a multinational global corporation, there for it’s located in so
many different countries in the world. So the best thing to do is using the “MOLGA” field for decision
operation at beginning of structuring “ABKRS” feauture.

Creating Nodes Under Decision Field

Then please select the related decision field and click on “create” to define nodes which are countries
under “MOLGA” grouping.

Let’s dive into details, Now it is time to define second decision field for our corporation which  is located
in Germany.

Please select “Germany” node then click “create” button on the next screen ” field for decision operations”
has to be selected.

In case of you have more than one “Company Code” in related country I would always suggest you to
choose “BUKRS” field for your next decision (after MOLGA). It is always good idea to start structuring
SAP HCM feature with “BUKRS” because company code is the initial point of enterprises structures in
SAP HCM System.

Company Codes

So two different company code has been defined. Now it’s time to structure the “ABKRS” tree according
to needs of companies.
Structiring ABKRS

Starting with this point you can structure ABKRS feature according to your customer needs. As an
example. “PERSK” has been defined as a next decision field.

Predefined/Customized employee groups has been defined under “PERSK” field like we did in country
grouping step.

Related Employee Subgroups are ;

DN “Monthly wage earner”

DZ “Sales personnel”

ON “Industrial civ. serv.

Now let’s see how to define what arrows are showing (Return values)
Return Value

Please select the related employee subgroup node ( for ex: DN Monthly wage earner) and click on “create”
then the above screen will appear. Then “return value” should be typed.

In this case our return value is going to be predefined payroll area codes. Please see the view V_T549A for
defined payroll areas for your enterprise.

Typing Return Value

So the last version of our “ABKRS” tree structure for the company IS-B Masterbank Deutschl. in Germany
is going to look like below;

Let’s explain what does it mean basically

Example; If you hire an employee in “Germany” for the company “IS-B Musterbank Deutschl.” and the
choose “Monthl wage earner” as employee subgroup for this particular employee, his payrol area will be
defaulted as D1.

Example 2 : If you hire an employee in “Germany” for the company “IS-B Musterbank Deutschl.” and the
choose employee subgroup for this particular employee except “DN, DZ, ON” ( it means otherwise), his
payrol area will be defaulted as D2

So, let’s continue with second useful feature:

With the advantage of PINCH feature  you can determine the default value for the Administrator group in
the Infotype 0001 (Organizational Assignment Infotype 0001)
Administrator Group

What does administrator group means ? It basically means a group that combines all administrators who
are responsible for one organizational area.

In the infotype Organizational assignment, three

different personnel administrators can be entered;

o administrator for PA

o administrator for TM

o administrator for PY

Three administrator groups are shown above can be defaulted into a single group using PINCH feature.

So let’s start to configure;

  IMG Display

You can find the related step from “SPRO” transaction, on the other hand like the other features directly
find the “PINCH” feature via “PE03” transaction:

PINCH Feature

You can follow the same way like shown in “ABKRS” section for “PINCH” to find valid fields for
decision. See the table below;

TCLAS Transaction Class for Data
MOLGA Country Grouping
BUKRS Company Code
WERKS Personnel Area
BTRTL Personnel Subarea
PERSG Employee Group
PERSK Employee Subgroup
ABKRS Payroll Area
KOSTL Cost Center
JUPER Legal Person
VDSK1 Organizational Key
GSBER Business Area
OFFID Advertisement
VACID Vacancy
APACT Applicant activity type
SPAPL Unsolicited application group

So let’s take a look a few example about how to structure decision tree of “PINCH” feature:

Define Administrator Groups

In this step we will determine the  return value of this feature, and it is going to be 4 – character
administrator group.

This return value (Administrator group) will be defaulted in the Organizational Assignment infotype
(Infotype 0001).


We can see from the image that if the personnel area is “1000”  administrator group will be defaulted as
“Z001”, but if the personnel area is anything other than “1000” administrator group will be defaulted as
“0001” in the Organizational Assignment Infotype (0001).

First step is completed. In other blog, I will be explaining full functionality of “Administrator Groups” and
following customizing steps. See below figure;

So let’s continue the next feature;

SCHKZ allows us to determine the default value for the WS rule in the Planned Working Time infotype

Please see the valid decision fields below;

PERSK Employee Subgroup
MOLGA Country Grouping
BUKRS Company Code
WERKS Personnel Area
BTRTL Personnel Subarea
PERSG Employee Group
According to fields above return value can be defined. This return value is the Work schedule rule that is
going to be defaulted in the Planned Working Time infotype (0007).

Let’s check some examples;

SCHKZ Decision Tree Sample

It means that, if you hire an employee for personnel area “T200” and, employee subgroup is “white collar”
then the work schedule rule will be defaulted as “BYP2” on the other hand in case of “blue collar” is
choosed as an employee subgroup the work schedule rule will be defaulted as “MYP2”

Let’s verify this by assuming an employee from Personal area T200 and his/her Employe Subgroup is 01 .
Next picture, you can see that the Work schedule rule is defaulted to “BYP2”.

So let’s move on the next feature,

TMSTA allows you to determine the default value for the Time management status in the Planned
Working Time infotype (0007).

Please see the valid decision fields for the feature below;

BUKR Company Code
WERK Personnel Area
BTRT Personnel Subarea
PERS Employee Group
PERS Employee Subgroup
MOLG Country Grouping

According to fields above you can  specify a return value. This return value is going to be the “time
management status” that will be defaulted in the Planned Working Time infotype (Infotype 0007).

For example you can specify different different time management status based on “Personnel Area”, and
go deeper differantiation by determening an additional decision field “Employee Group”. See the figure

Let’s verify the figure above;


As you can see Pers. area has been defined as RU10, and the employee group different than “T” in this
case “Time Management Status” has been defaulted as “9” for this particular employee (Otherwise node

Let’s continue with last feature of this blog,

DATAR helps us to determine default day dypes in Date Specifications Info type ( IT0041). Please see the
below figure for valid decision fields of this feature.

BUKRS Company Code
WERKS Personnel Area
PERSG Employee Group
PERSK Employee Subgroup
MOLGA Country Grouping

The return value of the feature is a date type from table T548Y. Please see the examples for day types

You can determine different date types based on Country Grouping as shown in the below figure.


Let’s have a look more deeply to understand full functionality of the feature. Next figure you will see how
the default values has been defined for the employees with country grouping 47 “Turkey”.

It is seen from the image that if the country grouping 47 (Turkey.) day dypes 01,02,03…. 08 will be
defaulted in the Date specifications info type (IT 41)

Let’s demonstrate this with an employee belonging to country grouping “47”.


We can see from the figure that date types from 01 “Techn. date of entry”  to 08 “Technical entry SPF” are
defaulted according to feature “DATAR”

This feature was the last one for now !

As a result, you can effectively speed up business processes and prevent user errors  by using the features.
I hope this blog helps you to solve a problem during your SAP HCM implementation project, please do not
hesitate to ask your further questions and fix my errors, additional knowledge is always a plus !

*-- Declaration
TABLES: PERNR,                         "Structure for GET
        T001P,                         "Personnel Areas/Subareas
        PME04.                         "Field String for Feature
INFOTYPES: 0001.                       "Organizational Assignment

DATA: RET_VALUE LIKE T549A-ABKRS.      "Value returned by feature

*-- Processing

*-- Filling feature decision fields
  PME04-PERSK = P0001-PERSK.

            FEATURE                     = 'ABKRS'
            STRUC_CONTENT               = PME04
*         KIND_OF_ERROR               =
            BACK                        = RET_VALUE
*         STATUS                      =
            DUMMY                       = 1
            ERROR_OPERATION             = 2
            NO_BACKVALUE                = 3
            FEATURE_NOT_GENERATED       = 4
            INVALID_SIGN_IN_FUNID       = 5
            FIELD_IN_REPORT_TAB_IN_PE03 = 6
            OTHERS                      = 7.
           10 T001P-MOLGA,             "Country grouping
           20 P0001-PERSK,             "Employee subgroup
           30 RET_VALUE,               "Value for payroll subunit
           40 P0001-ENAME.
    WRITE: /'Returncode:'(001), SY-SUBRC.

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