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In the year 2087, the government created a serum that would bring everyone's intelligence down to
the same level. People from all over the world were forced to take it, and it was mandatory for all.

At first, people were resistant to the idea. They didn't want to give up their intelligence, but over
time, they began to see the benefits of being equal.

One of those people was a man named Randy. Randy had always been smart, but he knew that it
had come with its own set of problems. He had been bullied for being too smart, and people had
always expected too much of him.

When the serum was introduced, Randy was hesitant at first. But after seeing the effects it had on
other people, he decided to take it.

The serum made him feel different. It was like a fog had lifted from his mind, and he was able to
think more clearly. He no longer felt the need to be the best or to outsmart others.

As Randy walked through the streets, he saw people who were once his intellectual equals. They
were now just like him, and it was a strange feeling. They talked about the weather, sports, and
other mundane topics, but there was no deeper discussion.

Randy went to work and found that everyone was working together much better than before. They
were able to understand each other better and work as a team.

Over time, Randy began to see the benefits of the serum. He was no longer stressed out by his work,
and he no longer felt the need to be the smartest person in the room.

Others felt the same way. They were happy to be on the same level as everyone else, and they no
longer felt the need to compete with others.

As Randy walked through the streets, he heard a voice behind him.

"Randy! How are you doing?" It was his old friend, Linda.

"I'm doing well," Randy said. "How about you?"

"I'm doing great," Linda said. "I took the serum, and it's been amazing. I no longer feel the need to
be the smartest person in the room. It's like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders."

Randy smiled. He was happy that his friend was doing well. He realized that the serum had brought
people together in a way that he never thought possible.

As he walked away, Randy couldn't help but think about the benefits of being equal. It had made life
simpler, and he was happy to be a part of it.

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